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Coronavirus: Europe is the new "epicenter" of the pandemic, warns WHO

3/13/2020, 6:07:26 PM

For the World Health Organization, the front for the fight against Covid-19 has moved from Asia to continental Europe.

"Europe is the new China". So spoke on Thursday the American director of the Centers for Disease Detection and Prevention (CDC), a few hours before Donald Trump's decision to close the United States to Europeans.

"The real threat to us is now Europe," said Robert Redfield. That's where the cases come from. To put it plainly, Europe is the new China. ” The American president then gave him reason, just like this Friday the World Health Organization (WHO), which affirms that from now on, the "epicenter" of the pandemic of the new coronavirus is in Europe and no longer in Asia .

Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, the head of the international body which is on the front line in the global crisis management linked to the coronavirus, thus called on the countries concerned to "detect, isolate, test and treat each case".

More cases every day in Europe than in China, at the height of its epidemic

And for a few days all over Europe, unprecedented measures are multiplying: all of Italy, one of the countries most affected by the new planet, is placed in quarantine, Spain declared this Friday a state of emergency, while 'in France, crèches and educational establishments are closed' until further notice '. Likewise, gatherings of more than 100 people are now prohibited.

VIDEO. Édouard Philippe announces ban on gatherings of more than 100 people

Very spectacular decisions, which have a huge impact on the daily lives of tens of millions of people and on the European economy, but which are explained by a worrying acceleration of the spread of the virus observed in recent weeks. While China, from which the Covid-19 left at the end of the year, seems to stick its head out of the water and sees its number of cases decreasing every day, in continental Europe, it is the opposite phenomenon which is found.

Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus also stressed this Friday that the daily number of new cases identified in Europe was higher than those reported by China at the height of its epidemic. Likewise, the head of the WHO admitted that it was “impossible” to say when the peak of the pandemic would take place.

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