The Limited Times

Coronavirus, Slovenia blocks the entry of trucks from Italy

3/13/2020, 9:58:55 AM

Since this morning, the Slovenian authorities have blocked access to all vehicles over 3.5 tons that do not have a Slovenian license plate along the Italian border. (HANDLE)

Since this morning, the Slovenian authorities have blocked access to all vehicles over 3.5 tons that do not have a Slovenian license plate along the Italian border. On the other hand, those with Italian plates can pass only if they are going to Slovenia and with perishable goods, therefore not in transit.

Basically Slovenia has prohibited the transit of vehicles over 3.5 tons on its territory. The traffic of vehicles, trucks and trucks is therefore diverted by the border police of Trieste, and of the other cities along the border line, and by the road police towards Austria, from where then the vehicles can continue to the various destinations. In fact, to a large extent, vehicles going to Eastern European countries cross Slovenia.

The measure is causing inconvenience with queues that have formed near the open crossings. On the other hand, the provisions regarding the transit of motor vehicles with Italian plates have remained unchanged: motorists are only allowed to enter Slovenia after their body temperature has been measured.

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