The Limited Times

Coronavirus: workers on strike over Italy plant closure decision

3/13/2020, 7:25:32 PM

From mechanics to logistics, workers suspect that their health is not a priority for anyone.

Would the life of a worker have less value than that of an employee? Because, in the battle that Italy is waging against the virus, there is a major difference between the treatment reserved for employees, those of stores on statutory leave or those of offices in telework. And that reserved for workers, responsible for ensuring " productive continuity " in the industry. A gap that deeply worries them.

Taken to task Friday during a meeting with the unions, the president of the council Giuseppe Conte was satisfied to affirm: " We must be aware that all those who are at work are not only making a living. Their effort is an act of responsibility towards the community. We therefore have a moral and legal duty to guarantee them maximum security. Except that no strong decision was made, as expected.

Read also: Coronavirus: Italians accept drastic measures imposed on the whole country

Since Wednesday, strikes have broken out everywhere. The discovery of infected people in factories, the wait

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