The Limited Times

District election 2020 in Fürstenfeldbruck: seven candidates are in the race

3/13/2020, 9:34:49 AM

Seven candidates apply for the office of district administrator in the local elections - including the incumbent. And he wants to remain ruler of the Brucker Lands - not only, but also with the help of irony.

Seven candidates apply for the office of district administrator in the local elections - including the incumbent. And he wants to remain ruler of the Brucker Lands - not only, but also with the help of irony.

+++ Results of the district elections +++

+++ Results of the district elections +++

Fürstenfeldbruck - District Administrator Thomas Karmasin appeared disguised as Caesar in the carnival. Without question, that was an allusion to an SPD poster. It spoke against monarchical conditions in the office of district administrator, which in turn was an allusion to the fact that Karmasin has been in office since 1996. However, unlike kings or emperors, the district administrator has had to stand for re-election every six years since then. On March 15th he does it again. This date in connection with the carnival costume led to well-meaning jokes on Facebook. March 15th coincides with the Ides of March in ancient Rome, where historic Caesar fell victim to his opponents.


In carnival, District Administrator Karmasin reacted with irony and wit to a SPD poster that had criticized monarchical conditions.

In 2020, six candidates are now preparing to get Caesar Karmasin out of the way, at least politically. Observers rate the chances of the challengers to become district administrators quite different. So who is sharpening the knives sharpened with which arguments?

The committed


SPD candidate Maier (left) at a young age. In 1990 he was presented with the goalscorer cannon of the daily newspaper by sports editor Peter Loder.

A committed election campaign must be attested to by Christoph Maier (50). The SPD politician used to sit in the Puchheim town council, works as a lawyer and lives in Türkenfeld. The youth soccer coach was once a top scorer, which even earned him the now only historic Tagblatt goal scoring cannon. Maie's central campaign motto is "Common good instead of greed".

Maier is concerned with social housing construction based on the Viennese model (3000 new apartments over the next six years), equal opportunities in education for everyone, the "mega-issue of care", but also increasingly with the demand for a turnaround in traffic and more climate protection - including the construction of wind turbines. Maier: "It is time for joint action in common challenges."

The one with the tail wind

With a certain force, supported by the current political weather, meanwhile the Greens are going into the election campaign. Jan Halbauer competes for the eco party. "Be brave. Making the future ”is one of Halbauer's slogans, which was born in 1984 as a youngster among the candidates. The political scientist is a member of the Brucker city council, the district council and the district council.

He named the changeover to 100 percent renewable energies and species protection as the primary goal. Halbauer is also about, among other things, more trees, more green spaces, more photovoltaic systems and more facade greening - in short, originally green topics.

The boss


Sandra Meissner

Sandra Meissner from Kottgeisering is one of two women among the applicants. The lawyer and mayor campaigns for the Free Voters (FW). The top priority for the mother of four school-age children is dialogue between politicians, administrators and volunteers.

In terms of content, however, climate protection is particularly important to her. "The energy transition must be a boss thing." In view of the high number of commuters, Sandra Meissner also envisages a "new welcome culture for companies in the district".

The IT expert

So it should be pretty much on the same wavelength as Ulrich Bode. The Eichenauer competes again for the FDP and never tires of demanding more economic friendliness. Ulrich Bode is a graduate computer scientist. He has been a district councilor and IT and media officer for the district council since 2002. Since 2016 he has been a municipal councilor in Eichenau and a consultant for IT and IT at the municipal council. In addition to more economic friendliness, he envisages a concrete implementation of the envisaged energy self-sufficiency and the creation of a district office 2.0 through more digitalization.

The repeater


Jan Halbauer

Christian Holdt, who is also a member of the district council, is again applying for the district office post. Like his party, the ÖDP, the father of two children from Emmering, who works in market research, is primarily concerned with ecology.

The premiere woman

For the first time ever, Ernestine Martin-Köppl, a candidate from the left, throws her hat in the ring for the office of district administrator. The central topic of the office clerk from Emmering is social justice.

The problem solver


Ernestine Martin-Köppl

And what exactly does Caesar, i.e. the incumbent, want to achieve in the next legislative period if he is re-elected? The CSU led by District Administrator Thomas Karmasin may have presented the most extensive introduction program to date. What fascinates him about his job is finding solutions to small and large problems, says Thomas Karmasin himself.


Christian Holdt


Sometimes he therefore has little patience with politicians who lose sight of the problem solving and instead make endless ideological statements, writes Thomas Karmasin in his election application. "I'm afraid you'll notice that then." He is concerned with the question of how we have to act today so that the district is still worth living in tomorrow - the CSU politician wants six more years of his strength, his commitment and his Dedicate experience.

You can find the latest news about the election in the news ticker for the Fürstenfeldbruck district. Information on all candidates for the mayor, city and municipal council and district elections at

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