The Limited Times

Economic crisis: Germany opens the floodgates of credit to 550 billion euros

3/13/2020, 7:25:38 PM

Unlimited state-guaranteed loans will be made available to businesses facing falling order books

For the first time since the post-war period, when the American allies had given the West German federal economy afloat, public money would flow to Germany. This unprecedented movement was started on Friday by the government of Angela Merkel in the face of the coronavirus crisis. In concrete terms, limitless loans guaranteed by the State will be granted to companies facing a fall in their order books, to the tune of 550 billion euros. And that's just the beginning.

" There is no upper limit, this is the most important message ," said Minister of Finance and Vice-Chancellor Olaf Scholz, detailing this program, which is larger than the one put in place. place during the financial crisis of 2008. It is also the public bank kFW which, just as ten years ago, will play the role of bridge establishment. If necessary, the State could even take temporary stakes in companies in difficulty, deemed important

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