The Limited Times

Municipal: how Agnes Buzyn called 500,000 voters in one day

3/13/2020, 8:19:32 PM

Three days before the municipal elections, the candidate of La République En Marche made 500,000 calls this Friday, thanks to a recorded message. An unusual and disputed operation.

Many Parisians have received a phone call this Friday from Agnes Buzyn, LREM candidate for mayor of Paris. In a prerecorded message of about a minute, she first evokes the allocation of Emmanuel Macron on Thursday evening, confirming the continuation of the municipal elections before reaffirming her desire to "turn the page" on the policy currently conducted in Paris, and to conclude "Sunday, vote Agnès Buzyn!".

Interested in the process, many internet users have openly complained about it on the social network Twitter: "How did they get my number", wonders Hélène.

Twitter screenshot @HeleneCorbie

Twitter screenshot @flpichard

Contacted by Le Figaro, the campaign management of Agnès Buzyn confirms that the company "Self Contact" made 500,000 calls, this Friday, on behalf of the candidate. "It costs the price of a big meeting", or a few tens of thousands of euros, indicates the entourage of the former Minister of Health, who had just given up organizing a public meeting. "The feedback is generally excellent, the listening rates beat all records, the service provider had never seen such good listening rates", we are pleased to campaign HQ.

"I did not think it would make such waves," concedes another internal source, while the opposition, including the team of outgoing mayor Anne Hidalgo, strongly contested this operation. In addition to calls, SMS were also sent massively. An approach that is legal in France: in 2017, during the presidential election, Emmanuel Macron had already used the same process.