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OB election 2020 in Augsburg: These candidates want to be at the top

3/13/2020, 10:52:26 AM

Mayor Election 2020 in Augsburg: Which candidates are available and when is the date for it? The most important information about local elections.

Mayor Election 2020 in Augsburg: Which candidates are available and when is the date for it? The most important information about local elections.

  • On March 15, 2020 , Augsburgers will elect a new head of town.
  • Mayor Kurt Gribl (CSU ) , who has been in office since 2008, is no longer running.
  • The results from Augsburg and the results of the national elections * are expected on the evening of the election.

+++ Results of the mayoral elections +++

+++ Results of the city and local council elections +++

Augsburg - The “big three” ( CSU, SPD, Greens ) have had the largest number of votes in Augsburg for 30 years - which is why there have often been runoff elections in the Swabian metropolis. Kurt Gribl (CSU) did not have to be in the runoff election in the 2014 municipal election - but he does not want to become mayor of Augsburg for a third time. It is quite possible, however, that the city remains in CSU hands. Gribl was last elected with 51.9 percent of the vote - and far outpaced the SPD Augsburg with Stefan Kiefer and their 28 percent. Voter turnout in Augsburg has been falling since 1978 - in 2014 it was 41.2 percent lower than ever.

Find out what's happening all over Bavaria in the news ticker for the 2020 municipal election *.

It will be exciting to see how the electoral groups are doing in Augsburg this time. A total of five are running their own OB candidate for the 2020 local election - and are apparently of interest: Because parties and list associations that want to go to the Bavarian town halls for the first time this year must have a certain number of supporter signatures. In Augsburg there are at least 470 signatures.

The Augsburg election committee approved 15 election proposals for the city in the 2020 municipal election . In the following the OB candidates and their statements to *. We also offer you an overview of polls on local elections in Augsburg * as soon as reliable figures are available.

However, the parties do not only list candidates for mayor. In addition, a new city council for Augsburg * is also elected in the national municipal elections *. * has summarized for you how to fill out the ballot paper correctly *, how to vote by postal vote * and what the voting notification is actually required for * .

The CSU Augsburg OB candidate for the 2020 local elections: Eva Weber


Eva Weber (CSU Augsburg)

© Nikky Meyer

Eva Weber is treated as a favorite for the OB office - she has been active in the city's politics since 2009. Since 2014 she has been finance and business consultant from Augsburg . The 42-year-old is sent into the race by the CSU with 97 percent of the valid votes. Weber grew up in the Allgäu and then studied law in Augsburg and Bayreuth. At the Chamber of Commerce and Industry (IHK), she worked in the legal department before moving into administration. Weber is married; her father is the former State Secretary Alfons Zeller.

Weber said about * about her candidacy as a OB: “The most important topic for me is the future of work in our city. Nothing is more important than good jobs and a thriving economy to advance our city's prosperity. Only then can we afford all the things we want to keep the common good at the top standard. We must not again, like the textile industry, lose industrial change. ”

Weber has the following ideas on how to do this: “Augsburg today has a broad corporate landscape and technological profiles. Computer and data-based technologies will create jobs for the coming decades. A new middle class is emerging. Top companies develop at the location or settle or are founded in Augsburg. Augsburg should be one of the winners of change this time. "

The OB candidate of Bündnis 90 / Die Grünen Augsburg: Martina Wild


Martina Wild (Alliance 90 / The Greens Augsburg)

Martina Wild was born in Augsburg and lives in Inningen with her husband and three children . In 1996 the 42-year-old joined the Greens ; She has been a member of the city ​​council in Augsburg for the party since 2003 and has also been the group leader since 2014. The historian is primarily responsible for the topics of education, women's policy, climate protection and sport. She studied history, Italian and political science in Augsburg; in 1997 she founded the green university group and was a representative in the student parliament.

The Greens Augsburg now want to see them on the city hall executive chair. "My goal is to create an Augsburg for us and our children in which we will continue to live well together in the future," said Wild to * . Her party therefore wanted to make the city "completely climate-neutral as quickly as possible". Intended steps towards this goal: unseal, plant and create a car-free city center. Strengthen bicycles, trams and buses and create affordable living space. Wild wants the same opportunities for all 300,000 residents of the city - and adds: “I know that you need perseverance for sustainable changes. I bring that with me as a long-time tennis player. "

Video: What tasks does the mayor have?

The OB candidate of the Free Voters Augsburg in the local election: Peter Hummel


Peter Hummel (Free Voters Augsburg)

Peter Hummel , OB candidate 2020 of the Free Voters Augsburg , is an office clerk, paramedic and journalist. The 51-year-old was born in Unterallgäu and has been in Augsburg since 1992 . He is married and has two children.

Hummel said to * : “My main focus is on school and indoor pool renovation . There are considerable deficits here in Augsburg . When it comes to public transport, I demand that buses and trams can be used free of charge on Saturdays in order to offer visitors to our city an attractive opportunity to leave their car at a P&R car park and still get to the city center conveniently for shopping. ”

The OB candidate of the AfD Augsburg in the 2020 local election: Andreas Jurca


Andreas Jurca (AfD Augsburg)

The 32-year-old chemist, parliamentary speaker of the AfD parliamentary group in the Bavarian state parliament and OB candidate of the AfD Augsburg . Andreas Jurca is also number one on the AfD list for the city council election . At the same time, investigations are currently underway against him: The police are investigating possible content that may be inciting the people on his computer, as * reported.

Jurca now explained his central topics to * as follows: “Work, traffic, housing and security . Augsburg companies suffer from one of the highest lifting rates in Bavaria. Against the backdrop of an emerging recession, we are calling for a 25 percent reduction in trade tax. We would still be above the Bavarian average in Augsburg , but would noticeably relieve our companies and secure jobs. "

Jurca went on to say that the AfD wanted to "fight clearly against any harassment of drivers" and the preservation of four-lane roads. A separate bed for trams is "wasted traffic space". When it comes to housing, AfD Augsburg regards post-consolidation as a "real solution". Urban apartments should preferably go to people who have their jobs in Augsburg. “With regard to security, we recognize video surveillance in public places when investigating crimes. Prevention of crime must be the focus, however. Therefore, the most sensible municipal solution is to increase the presence of the regulatory office at hot spots, ”added another point from Jurca .

Local election 2020: Dirk Wurm is a candidate for the SPD Augsburg


Dirk Wurm (SPD Augsburg)

© Gerhard Guffler

The SPD Augsburg has created Dirk Wurm , born in 1979, a diploma in political science as a candidate for OB . Born in Augsburg, he is married and has three children. After studying in Munich and Berlin, he was first managing director of the SPD city council group in Augsburg and has been the city's regulatory and sports officer since 2014. In terms of function of all, he started the local election campaign by advertising too early. Wurm is a member of the legal and constitutional committee of the Bavarian City Council .

"We will have a lot of work to do," he said to * . “Less car traffic means more quality of life in our city. This requires high-performance and affordable local transport. ” Augsburg has a strong medium-sized business and a strong industry, but to keep it that way, research, teaching and companies would have to network“ as in the technology park ”:“ I want an alliance for qualification for existing jobs to make it future-proof. "

In addition to affordable living space , Wurm is also committed to this: “Education should be fun. We need modern and contemporary schools . This requires a master plan for educational institutions. "

The OB candidate of the FDP Augsburg: Lars Vollmar is running in the 2020 local election


Lars Vollmar (FDP Augsburg)

© Roman Tarasenko

Growing up in Hof, Augsburg is Lars Vollmar's adopted home - partly because of his wife, with whom he has three children. After working in public administration , the 45-year-old has been working in the IT industry for 14 years. The FDP Augsburg nominated him as their OB candidate, and Vollmar said to * about his ideas for the office: “Augsburg has grown by 40,000 inhabitants since 1998, but the city has not yet adjusted sufficiently. Traffic planning is based on an overall traffic plan from 1998 (!). "

How is Vollmar going to help? Like many Augsburg parties, he wants to make cycling and local public transport a "real alternative to the car", "without demonizing driving" - and get through traffic from the historic old town.

"In Augsburg only 60 percent of the required apartments are completed every year," Vollmar also explained, and therefore suggested that old building plans be worked on so that owners could add and expand houses.

He also wants a new secondary school in the east of Augsburg - but there is no money for it: "Every Augsburg citizen is in debt with 1400 euros", Vollmar declares and recommends: "We have to save window projects (city zone, bike night), sell off investments (airport) and cut voluntary benefits by a flat rate of 10 percent. ”The 7 million saved in this way would be invested by the FDP Augsburg in the digitalization of the administration and the modernization of street lighting .

Pro Augsburg's candidate for OB: Claudia Eberle


Claudia Eberle (Pro Augsburg)

© Guido Köninger

In 1996 Claudia Eberle was elected as the youngest city councilor in Augsburg at the age of 26. The IT trainer used to be in the Christian Social Center (CSM) , which split off from the CSU in 2011 and is no longer represented on the committee. The 50-year-old is a native of Augsburg , lives with her husband in Göggingen and has two adult daughters. Since autumn 2018 she has been the group leader of the Pro Augsburg citizens' association .

"If the economy is flourishing, the citizens are also doing well," said Eberle , who stands for a "bourgeois-liberal" policy, now to * . Therefore, entrepreneurship and retail in the city need to be strengthened. "Vacancies, such as in Karolinenstrasse, affect the magnetic force of the entire pedestrian zone." For her, the lifting rate is an issue that she wants to reduce to a "competitive level" in order to avoid further painful emigration from important companies. In addition, the administration must develop "new attractive commercial areas".

Die Linke Augsburg's OB candidate: Frederik Hintermayr


Frederik Hintermayr (Die Linke Augsburg)

© The Left Augsburg

In the OB election , the Left Augsburg relies on Frederik Hintermayr , who is already a political advisor to a member of the Bundestag . The 27-year-old is married with one child and works as a nurse. He described his way into politics and his outlook to * like this: "Six years ago I was first elected to the district council of Swabia , where I mainly deal with health and care policies." Now he is applying for mayor and city council.

“Augsburg is the poorest city in Bavaria. I am fighting for a social Augsburg because I cannot accept that children in our city go to school without a break and that senior citizens have to look for a deposit in the trash can. We need a start for social justice. I am competing for this! ” Says Hintermayr .

Ob election 2020: Christian Pettinger is OB-candidate of the ÖDP Augsburg


Christian Pettinger (ÖDP Augsburg)

© Photo Behrbohm Augsburg

Christian Pettinger , born in 1963, is a software engineer and started in 2014 as a candidate for the Ecological Democratic Party (ÖDP) Augsburg . The city council says:

"Climate change is advancing and the first effects are immediately noticeable. Here we have to take countermeasures at all political levels and that means in Augsburg, above all, to reduce motorized private transport by means of efficient and therefore attractive offers of local public transport and the expansion of cycle paths convert the buildings in the city from energy guzzlers to energy suppliers. "

“The city and its properties must set a good example. The trees in the urban area, which can absorb the gases that are harmful to the climate to a certain extent and also provide shade and cooling in the summer, must be given greater protection. The replanting of trees must be accelerated: car parking spaces are becoming new tree locations. All these measures not only help with the climate, but also improve the quality of stay in the city. "

The candidate for “Augsburg in Bürgerhand” (AIB): Bruno Marcon


Bruno Marcon (Augsburg in civil hands)

© photoresque GmbH

The voters group "Augsburg in Bürgerhand" (AIB) with front man Bruno Marcon will be in 2020 for the first time in a local election . Marcon, 66, has been active in urban politics for the past 15 years. The graduate psychologist has never been in a party, but has volunteered in various areas. For example, he organized the citizens' petitions against the sale of the drinking water plots to the municipal utilities and against the fusion of the municipal utilities energy division with natural gas Swabia.

Marcon explained his candidacy to become a citizen of Augsburg in this way: "More and more people are experiencing that the will of the citizens is being traded and governed," he told *. Therefore, "extensive participation" is necessary for the citizens. "The Augsburg city government of CSU, SPD and Greens is responsible for record indebtedness and for incalculable cost increases in schools, theaters and train stations," he criticized. He argues for a participatory budget , the purchase of land by the city (housing construction) and is firmly against the privatization of "water, energy and the general public". In addition, Augsburg pursues meeting places in the city districts, a diverse cultural life and a “traffic turnaround”.

The party candidate from Die Augsburg party: Lisa McQueen


Lisa McQueen (The Augsburg Party)

© The Augsburg party

In the 2019 European elections, the party founded by editors of the satirical magazine Titanic , “The Party”, achieved a respectable success in Augsburg with 3.4 percent. Now Lisa McQueen is Ob candidate for "The Party" in Augsburg . She introduces herself as a qualified captain , claims to have been cotton picker at the Söder company and now runs the small Café Kätchen's in downtown Augsburg. Born in Augsburg, she is 30 years old, 29 years old today and 30 already tomorrow! Aquarius, born in Augsburg.

Lisa McQueen informed * about her candidacy: “Our main topics are the anti-social housing market . That is why we are calling for the city ​​of Augsburg to be renamed 'Fuggerstadt Augsburg' . This means that the area of ​​the Fuggerei will be expanded to cover the whole of Augsburg , resulting in a maximum annual rent of 0.88 cents . ”

Traffic also had to be regulated. “The Greens, the SPD and the CSU have to move further apart again. This "political coexistence" harms our city! "The worst grievance in Augsburg is that her" very good "party has not yet been represented on the city council."

The OB candidate of the V party³ Augsburg: Roland Wegner


Roland Wegner (V party Augsburg)

© Roland Wegner

Roland Wegner was born in Wertingen in 1975 and studied administrative science and administration of justice in Hof an der Saale and graduated with a diploma. Since 2009 he has been managing director of the Gablingen municipal administration in the Augsburg district . Wegner became Federal Chairman of the V-Party³ in 2016, short for: Party for Change, Vegetarians and Vegans r. The former athlete has also set some world records in backwards running.

"Climate change is a question of existence and the previous city government of Augsburg, the partners CSU, SPD and Greens, have not taken this threat seriously in the past six years because they would have to question their own political system," believes Wegner . In order not to endanger the water good, he suggests a remunicipalisation of the Augsburg municipal works. "All municipal decisions - from eating in public facilities to housing construction to local public transport - must aim to be as climate-neutral and sustainable as possible." And: Berthold Brecht's birthplace has long had no critical lateral thinkers. The V-Party³ doesn't just stand for change, vegetarians and vegans. "

Local election 2020: The candidate for “Wir sind Augsburg” (WSA) is Anna Tabak


Anna Tobak (WSA Augsburg)

© Hypnophotography

Before Anna Tabak left the Pro Augsburg electoral association in November 2014, she successfully built up the Young Augsburg for this association and ran for the city council on the Pro Augsburg list in 2014. Today, the 32-year-old is the OB candidate of the citizens' association "We are Augsburg" (WSA) . Tobacco has been committed to the WSA formed in 2014, of which it is a founding member and chair. Together with Peter Grab she is still the WSA Presidium. Tobacco works in a company as head of human resources and law .

"I would like to campaign for more citizen participation and thus more democracy in the Augsburg city hall ," she said * . She wanted to prevent another GroKo in Augsburg ("the most expensive and worst solution" for the city). Her goals with the WSA in the coming legislative period are "real transparency, more affordable rents , solid financial policies, more security, better site management, more investments for school renovations, a parking space concept for the city center, implementation of a traffic light-free east tangent and better support for sports clubs".

Local election 2020: Cheat sheet for the polling station


Cheat sheet municipal election Bavaria 2020

© Munich Mercury

To take to the polling station: Our cheat sheet for the local election in Bavaria 2020 as a PDF file for download and printing .

Results of the 2020 municipal election will be available on Sunday, March 15, 2020, from *. In advance you will find detailed reports on candidates, lists and all current developments, including the ticker for the local elections in Munich *.

2020 local elections: fight for the highest office in cities and municipalities

A new head of the city is not only elected in Augsburg. As part of the local elections, the highest office is fought for throughout Bavaria. In these five cities * listed the candidates for you:

  • Munich
  • Nuremberg
  • regensburg
  • Ingolstadt
  • Passau

* is part of the nationwide Ippen-Digital editors network.


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