The Limited Times

Several systems make it possible to maintain employee compensation

3/13/2020, 6:46:37 PM

Telework, whether or not framed by a collective agreement, amounts to working from home, and not at your office. Only the modality of execution of the contract changes, not its compensation.

At least three systems exist to prevent employees from losing a penny of wages and suffering from the current crisis. First, the remuneration of those who have already started or are about to start teleworking, to follow the government's recommendation, is paid by the companies. Telework, whether or not framed by a collective agreement, amounts to working from home, and not at your office. Only the modality of execution of the contract changes, not its compensation.

Read also: Coronavirus: telework, a valuable solution in times of crisis

Second, employees who cannot telecommute for any reason (because they have to babysit or do not have the equipment to do so - and in the latter case the company must justify it) can benefit from a “compensated work stoppage”. It is the employer who is responsible for making the declaration on the health insurance website (; only one parent can benefit. The procedure is automatic, without waiting period, and does not require

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