The Limited Times

After the suspension of the working hours for the next April 2 ... Education announces the plan for compensation of educational losses for students

3/14/2020, 4:34:20 PM

Damascus-SANA The Ministry of Education announced its plan of action during and after the suspension period for public and private schools, etc.


The Ministry of Education announced its work plan during and after the period of suspension of working hours in public and private schools and the like that extended from 14/3-2020 until Thursday 2-4-2020, which includes taking the necessary measures to compensate the educational losses of students and sterilize health facilities in schools, based on the principle of protecting health Students on the one hand, and ensuring that they continue to learn on the other hand.

The Minister of Education, Imad Mowaffaq Al-Azab, stated during a press conference held today in the Ministry’s building that the lessons will be intensified for the transitional classes through the educational satellite and the educational sites of the ministry during the period of suspension of work. After the students return to the study seats, there will be a week remaining for the end of the second semester and the start of the exams. Lessons during this week, and the exams will remain on time so that they will end before the blessed month of Ramadan, especially since the study plan in general has become implemented from them 90 percent before the suspension period.

Minister Al-Azab indicated that immediately after the end of the suspension period, which starts after the second of next April, the curriculum will be followed from the point where the students reached before the interruption extensively, so that the duration of the lessons for each day will be shortened from 45 to 40 minutes per session and add a new daily session For the subjects (Arabic language, mathematics, general sciences and English language) to complete the required lessons according to the curriculum in the specified time and so that no educational losses will result from the suspension period.

Educational lessons will also be recorded for all the basic subjects and broadcast on educational platforms and educational sites of the educational space at a rate of 7 hours of education per day, to be broadcasted a second time distributed over 5 hours for transitional classes and two hours for general certificate classes.

The Minister Al-Azab indicated that the Ministry will allocate an hour and a half hour in the morning for specialists on various educational satellite sites and its Facebook page to receive student communications and answer their questions in addition to an hour and a half hour for educational seminars, including 45 minutes for the ninth grade and 45 minutes for the third grade of secondary through which dialogue between specialists and students On the topics of the lessons that were scheduled during the period of suspension.

Also, educational educational platforms in their various locations will be allocated to the ranks of public certificates from 9:00 a.m. until 6:00 p.m. to compensate for the entire educational loss and provide an interactive platform for students.

Minister Al-Azab indicated that the School Health Directorate will follow the safety and security procedures in schools during the suspension period, so that education directorates are assigned to supervise the cleaning of schools and sterilize health facilities in them by the available means, add chlorine to sterilize water courses, activate the work of school dispensaries to follow up on cases of students and teachers, and provide protection. And prevention for workers in school dispensaries (gloves, cleaning materials, sterilization and masks).

On the other hand, working hours in vocational schools will be increased by two hours per day to compensate for the educational loss resulting from the suspension period with an increase in practical training in the afternoon and the intensification of review sessions for exams on educational space and educational platforms and the allocation of educational seminars to explain the topics of educational loss and display exams and scales models Correction.

Minister Al-Azab indicated that the ministry will develop an alternative action plan in the event that the suspension is extended and announced in a timely manner, pointing out that the health of students is at the forefront and any vacation in schools will not be at the expense of their educational right and the precautionary measures taken to tackle the virus.

Minister El-Ezab announced that the experimental exams for this year for basic and secondary education certificates will be canceled as a result of the current circumstances, stressing that the examinations of the two certificates will be on schedule and there will be no postponement unless there are other developments then it is possible that the exams will be postponed.

With regard to the administrative time for the employees of the central administration and the institutions affiliated with the Ministry of Education, its directorates and complexes, the Minister Al-Ezab explained that the working hours are at a rate of 40 percent of the workers in the ministry.

The Syrian government had taken a series of precautionary measures to tackle the Corona virus, with the relevant health authorities affirming that no case of the virus had been registered in Syria until the moment.

Rehab Ali

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