The Limited Times

Amir Peretz, will start leading

3/14/2020, 11:10:26 PM

Dr. Uri Cohen

Amir Peretz's party, based on the magnificent labor movement, is disappearing. Incredible, but the party led by Yitzhak Herzog in 2015 managed to secure 24 seats. Today, in 2020, Peretz has led his party to the achievement of three seats. 21 seats have faded. These mandates did not move towards the post-Zionist left party led by Nitzan Horowitz and Tamar Zandberg. The situation is also a bad cry and its mandates have only reached three. The union between them in the last election, which led to the power of the Gantz Torch Party, led to a decline from 11 seats to six.

The tragic sting in the political cooperation between the left, the Labor and Meretz parties, demanding above all a close cooperation with the joint list, becomes especially clear in light of the fact that the "joint" consistently prefers some elections to throw tens of thousands of votes in the trash can and lose a mandate just so as not to abide Cooperation in a surplus agreement with the Left Party which has some Zionist aroma. Crazy, a move that seems to be politically unreasonable but in practice with loads of ideological, national and loathing meaning to the left parties, who say loudly and clearly that they don't care about what they see in the face of it. As for the energy of things, it is clear. This is their way of seeing this conduct as a blessing rain, a kind of compensation for the sins of the State of Israel for generations. Why do you, Peretz, have to cooperate with that?

But the more serious problem than the poor affiliation with the joint list is what happened to the dozens of labor movement mandates that were evaporated and fled. It turns out that these have moved to the Gantz Torch Party, which has become the official burial ground of the historic Labor Party. The goal of blue-and-white heads, which they do not hide, is to eliminate as quickly as possible the Labor Party as a party of independent existence and political value.

On the one hand, Gantz-Torch strived to trap Peretz in the last union elections, the ones who initiated and pushed with all their might, so as not to lose seats, fearing Meretz would fade away completely and lose those captive votes. However, once the union creamed skin and tendons, they worked tremendously successfully to lower it to the minimum possible. Three mandates for each of the Union parts. That is, they both became meaningless political parties.

Peretz, what happened in a few months that you had to lose three seats? Nothing but a failed union with a failed party led by Gantz Torch. These do not seek to hold your party in any way. They want to have a final killing assurance in the next election. Your voter recruitment sources will be those of Meretz - and those are disappearing. You will not enter the development towns with the requirement of an Arab minister and to partner with the joint list.

All you have to do is return, Amir Peretz, to be what you were best at before, when you led the Histadrut. Go back to being the leader of the workers who protect the periphery - and stop protecting sectors that do not seek your protection and have other representatives who do not want to partner with you.

Contact Benjamin Netanyahu, Prime Minister, and present him with a list of requirements that will help Kiryat Shmona and Kiryat Malachi, Sderot and Netivot, and build the foundation for a significant Social Democratic Party, one that Nissencorn forgot what it looked like. At a time when the Corona epidemic is raging to its fullest, you can be the voice of the weak whom you have fiercely defended by raising the minimum wage. You will find a listening ear at the Likud.

After all the vows that were said to be eternally told by Gantz Torch, after the election dust sank and the slogans on the big plates on the roadside were replaced with slogans on a new car or the wonders of the Lottery cards, you will see that Gantz Torch find the path and enter Netanyahu's government and will not remember Your political existence. Why should you play into their hands? Why ruin the party that happens to you and stay in the opposition, and then come to the next election where you will be eliminated? Take the initiative and lead your party towards a new political base, where you will lead rehabilitation. Stop being drawn to your loss, start leading.

Dr. Uri Cohen is a senior lecturer in the School of Education at Tel Aviv University

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