The Limited Times

Coronavirus: "in doubt", supermarket customers "prepare for the worst"

3/14/2020, 10:55:21 PM

In a supermarket in Clichy-la-Garenne (Hauts-de-Seine), this Saturday evening, anxious customers rubbed shoulders with more philosophical consumers

Shu was sent this Friday evening on a mission to the supermarket by her roommates. This 26-year-old Chinese student shares an apartment in the 17th arrondissement of Paris, near the ring road, with a compatriot and a Taiwanese woman. Sensitized for several weeks about the coronavirus, the trio decided to accentuate their efforts on the cleaning and disinfection of the common areas.

"I just bought bleach and wipes to clean the bathroom, toilet or doorknobs," she says, noting that she doesn't want to wear a mask, "unlike to many Chinese who live in Paris ”. In his bag, Shu also slipped a tray of strawberries and whipped cream. Obviously, the idea of ​​a possible food rationing does not cross his mind.

Conversely, Margaux, 31, a resident of Clichy-la-Garenne (Hauts-de-Seine), seems to have taken her precautions. “My in-laws live in Sardinia, she tells us. There, people have to line up outside supermarkets and are only allowed to shop in groups of three or five. Before this is also the case with us or people go crazy, I hurried to go do two or three races: toilet paper, sparkling water, a few bottles of wine and aperitif cakes… ”

"When in doubt, we prepare for the worst ..."

Lucien, an easygoing thirty-something, refuses to panic. "It is true that the latest announcements are sobering and clearly show the extent of the problem," he explains with a group of five friends. But we're not going to starve overnight. Do not give in to panic by rushing into the stores. "

Inside the two Clichy supermarkets that we were able to visit this Saturday evening, the observation is clear: the pasta, flour and canned departments have been robbed. Sarah and her husband have just rebuilt their stock of oil, flour, pasta and tomato sauces. "We don't know where we're going in the next few days," she says. So, when in doubt, we are preparing for the worst… ”Frank, a salesman in a fruit and vegetable store near the Clichy-Levallois train station, anticipates a first change this Sunday. "Self-service is over," he sighs. Customers will no longer have the right to touch the products or to get too close ”. An additional precaution.

VIDEO. Coronavirus: Edouard Philippe announces the closure of "non-essential public places"