The Limited Times

Criminal Security seizes several companies and offices in Damascus that deal with the non-lira

3/14/2020, 3:10:20 PM

Damascus-SANA The Criminal Security Department, in coordination with the Judicial Officer in the Central Bank of Syria, seized several companies and offices


The Criminal Security Department, in coordination with the judicial police of the Central Bank of Syria, seized several companies and offices in the city of Damascus whose owners deal in a currency other than the Syrian pound.

The Ministry of the Interior said in a statement that Sana received a copy of it that a company prepared for the trade of foodstuffs and thermal room claddings (a sauna) was found in which a set of undated documents confirming its transactions other than the lira and the financial obligations incurred with the merchants were estimated at hundreds of thousands of US dollars.

The Ministry pointed out that, by investigating the owner of the company, he confirmed that he bought and sold foodstuffs in the US dollar, and he presented the price of thermal room cladding, and paid for it in dollars, and the sum of six thousand nine hundred and fifty US dollars and the amount of sixteen million nine hundred thousand pounds was expropriated.

Also, a furniture company was seized in the street of Baghdad Street, in which documents were found proving its dealings in the US dollar, and it revealed accounts in amounts of thousands of dollars, including a laptop computer and the amount of eight million five hundred and fifty thousand Syrian pounds, and with the investigation of its owner, he admitted that he priced the furniture and sold it in the US dollar.

According to the Ministry, a real estate office was seized in the locality of Al-Hamra where a book of accounts was found containing the prices of apartments and farms in the town of Madaya in the US dollar and foreign currencies were confiscated from him and an investigation with his owner confirmed that he offered apartments and farms and industrial facilities and sold them in millions of dollars.

The ministry indicated that a company prepared for trade, contracting and freight transport in Mahalat Al Marjah was also seized, in which documents containing the movement of accounts between it and a group of persons in the American dollar were found and a laptop computer of two million five hundred and thirty seven thousand pounds was confiscated and by investigation with its manager he admitted that the company transported and sold Goods are in US dollars.

She drew attention to the seizure of an import and export office and general undertakings in the Mezzeh locality, in which documents and contracts indicating his dealings other than the Syrian pound were found, and a laptop computer and flashes were seized from it, files containing confirmation of the office importing and exporting all the materials permitted in foreign exchange.

The Ministry indicated that the confiscated financial sums were handed over to the Central Bank of Syria as assets, and legal measures were taken against those arrested, who will be presented with the seizures to the relevant judiciary.

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