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Immediate Live: Prime Minister Netanyahu Announces Restoration of the Economy | Israel today

3/14/2020, 6:58:26 PM

In the country

After hectic discussions and the desire to find the right formula to hit the economy as little as possible, Netanyahu is expected to announce the new measures to prevent the spread of the Corona • Meaning: All places will be closed - except for vital places such as pharmacies and supermarkets • The number of patients rose to 193

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu will make a special statement this Saturday, in which he is expected to announce the almost complete Israeli economy. Meanwhile, the Ministry of Health has updated the number of patients in the country to 193.

Photo: Connect

Throughout the past weekend, feverish discussions took place between Prime Minister Netanyahu and various government ministries, professionals and senior figures in the Israeli economy in an attempt to find the right formula to prevent the spread of the Corona epidemic in Israel and to minimize the damage and damage to the economy.

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Opinions were divided, but those who led the hard line and worked toward a general economic downturn are Prime Minister Netanyahu and Health Ministry officials. However, other parties taking part in the deliberations have tried to reduce the restrictions on the economy to the minimum required in order not to cause irreparable damage in the future.

The main significance of the general return of the economy is the closure of all businesses and services in which public transport, shopping malls, private business and of course the education system, apart from essential services including pharmacies, containers and emergency service providers.

Recall last Friday, Defense Minister Naftali Bennett announced that as part of dealing with the Corona crisis in Israel, it was decided to set up three cooperative recovery centers for patients carrying the virus. Bennett's plan is actually the next step in the fight against the spread of the virus, and stems from the realization that it is spreading at a very rapid rate. As part of the program, Bennett instructed to locate a possible location and prepare to receive patients within a week to sites that will be called Joint Venture Centers - which will initially contain 1,000 people with a growth capacity of 3,000.

"We are preparing so that we do not reach the state of Italy ... Currently in Israel we are with less than 130 known carriers. The problem is that we do not know how many there are. Their numbers can range from a hundred, five hundred and a thousand," the minister said. Of broad-based infection. The national goal is to flatten the infection graph. "

According to Bennett, establishing the centers will increase the isolation provider and prevent adhesion. "80 of the carriers are in easy condition and do not need to be hospitalized. It is expensive and ineffective," Bennett said, noting that he is opposed to home hospitalization mainly because of the danger of infection and the need for medical monitoring. "On the seventh to the 12th the disease can get worse and the patient needs help," he added.

Now the Ministry of Defense is looking for a site that will contain the centers in question, these may be hotels, hostels or the Association of Soldiers' Association - which will host patients and medical staff. Bennett further noted that his office has purchased appropriate equipment for tens of millions of shekels including respiratory systems and more.

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