The Limited Times

In Paris, Galeries Lafayette victims of the coronavirus

3/14/2020, 6:37:33 PM

For fear of the epidemic, customers deserted the department store on Boulevard Haussmann (IXe). On the shelves, some sellers wear

"At least we are not rushed!" exclaims Sandrine who has a sense of understatement, in the middle of the almost deserted alleys of the Galeries Lafayette (IXth). Coming from Valenciennes (North) to go shopping with her daughter this Saturday, this quadra confides: “Me, I'm not afraid of the epidemic. I just have a little hydroalcoholic gel in my purse. ”

"It's like after the attacks in 2015"

In the ready-to-wear department of the department store, sellers with folded arms outnumber customers! "It's like after the attacks in 2015," observes this thirty-something looking for sneakers.

"It is worse than during the December strike. Wednesday was post-apocalyptic: for half an hour there was no one upstairs! ” says Marie (the first names have been changed), saleswoman in the Gift Decoration department. "The cleaning is done, the reserve put away, we are just waiting for the client," says the young woman. Hoping that "the 3 J promotional campaign which begins next week will bring the barge back." For the time being, a free bottle of hydroalcoholic gel stands on the counter next to the cash register.

Americans, Chinese and Saudis left

At the risk of frightening the rare customers who still point their noses, some sellers wear protective masks. "It is the employer who provides them to protect staff in contact with the public," said one of them at the Dolce Gabbana stand.

Employed by a brand of men's clothing, Marc observes: “This morning, I made no transactions. The Americans, Chinese, Saudis left ... For four months, it has been very calm but now with the coronavirus, no one dares to come ”.

Parisians continue to spend on food

Installed in front of the entrance to the department store on Boulevard Haussmann, the kioskier who wears latex gloves, is desperate: "As I only sold two" Parisians "this Saturday from 9 am to 2 pm, I will close at 3 pm. And on Friday, I sold out for only € 20 worth of souvenirs ”.

At the Galeries Gourmet, a few customers wander in peace. “Parisians no longer have the head to buy clothes. Nevertheless, they continue to spend on food. But we suffer from the absence of foreigners, especially Asians. Result: in one week, our turnover was divided by five. And it's even worse at the department store under the dome (perfumery, fashion ...), ”announces this saleswoman who works for a big name in pastry. Contacted, the management of Galeries Lafayette did not wish to speak on the subject.

In Auchan, in the 12th century, the half-empty pasta department

If fashion and luxury are at a loss, the food markets are always a recipe. Like the Aligre market (12th century) where customers are in a hurry as usual, lining up under the hall to buy cheese without worrying about safety distances ...

At the Auchan supermarket on rue de Reuilly (12th), the pasta shelves are half empty. “On Friday, we sold 200% more pasta. Canned vegetables and rice also leave very quickly, ”says an employee. But nobody recognizes making stocks in case ... Not even this quadra taken by hand in the bag where he just slipped five packs of spaghetti: "No, I do my shopping as usual, it's not cause of the epidemic ... "