The Limited Times

Israelis will win this time too

3/14/2020, 11:10:32 PM

Jacob Ahimeir

In the coming days, we will know who President Rivlin will entrust the government with. Before the decision, the President and his advisers will review the relevant wording, review the precedents, and count the quorum. This is a fateful decision, of course, because it will fall in the midst of emergencies.

Yes, for the first time, the decision on the identity of the next government component must fall during times of crisis we have not experienced. Not a security crisis, but an unprecedented civilian crisis. We are in the midst of further experience in the obstacle race that the state must pass, and successfully skip the hurdles. Wonderful behavior of the public: with restraint, calmness and wisdom. So at least as you write these words. It is very likely that the situation will get worse, as the state is doomed to experience all the blows that hit it, and not just the ones we experienced. But in exchange for heavy prices, unfortunately in many human lives, the Israeli spirit that guarantees its continued existence is growing. A country that succeeded in turning almost defeat and the danger of the destruction of the Third House into a bloody victory will surely overcome a virus, however deadly.

After the string of difficult tests we have experienced over the years, it seems that expressions of panic and hysteria will be preserved for other events, perhaps for generations to come. At present, the ruling leadership seems to be absorbing the echoes of citizens' behavior: coldly and firmly, as Jabotinsky said in distant times.

Netanyahu reveals the double facet that characterizes his current term: There is Netanyahu who is eloquent to Congress, or who engages the Likud public. And there is the other Netanyahu, who is interested in the welfare of the family and who demands the peace of the people. The other Netanyahu shows up in the living room tonight and talks to the people in tension. The content of the discourse is difficult: alarming data, decrees and other decrees, even cruelty, paralysis of everyday life.

It is possible that President Rivlin shared the feeling that the rudder of the ship was in good hands and not shaking during sailing waves, despite his complex relationship with Netanyahu. The media are also practicing restraint, and are attentive to the public's wishes, wishing for substantive reports, without making a narrow political account.

It would seem that the call to an emergency government may invoke the atmosphere and flood bargains between camps as we have become accustomed to them. Are known white scientists or retired chiefs in the blue and white party, and can retired chiefs be able to prescribe the flu vaccine? This time it is not a war that is moving on us. Therefore, this time President Rivlin is advised to behave differently in deciding who will entrust the government. He must consider further consideration, in addition to his reliance on the law and the precedent. The president must also ponder the question of who is experienced, who the captain is and should be navigating the state ship these days.

Next week, the president must adopt the "affirmative action" rule and decide: Netanyahu, the experienced, will continue the fight in Corona. It is inevitable that waves of protests will be thrown at the president. And who will count the number of petitions to be submitted to the High Court if Netanyahu's job is to be imposed. .

For further opinions of Jacob Ahimair