The Limited Times

Local election in Regensburg: survey gives scandal OB chances

3/14/2020, 10:52:38 AM

A poll from Regensburg on local elections in Bavaria makes the outcome of the election seem unpredictable. The OB election has two interesting main competitors.

A poll from Regensburg on local elections in Bavaria makes the outcome of the election seem unpredictable. The OB election has two interesting main competitors.

  • Here you can find the current poll from Regensburg on the 2020 local elections.
  • Ex-Mayor Joachim Wolbergs is up for election again, despite the legal dispute.
  • The first projections in Regensburg *, like those from all over Bavaria *, are still expected on election evening.

+++ Results of the mayoral elections +++

+++ Results of the city and local council elections +++

Regensburg - The balance of power in Regensburg's local politics has not been clarified before the election. This is also shown by a poll on the local elections in Regensburg, which takes place on Sunday, March 15th. In the city, not only that 50 members of the city council newly appointed *, the mayor must also be newly elected . Mayor Joachim Wolbergs, who was elected in 2014, is suspended. For the transition phase, Wolberg's former party colleague Gertrud Maltz-Schwarzfischer is the mayor of the city.

Poll on local elections in Regensburg - election result completely open

The number of undecided voters in Regensburg is large, as a survey by the Regensburger Nachrichten shows. As of March 5, 593 of 1438 participants in the poll on the local elections in Regensburg are undecided. Around 10 percent of those entitled to vote have described themselves as non-voters.

Of the 705 voters surveyed who had already chosen a candidate, 24 percent favored the interim mayor Gertrud Maltz-Schwarzfischer . Joachim Wolbergs also received 24 percent of the polls . So the former colleagues are on par. The Greens are also growing in popularity . In the municipal election poll from Regensburg, 19 percent of the participants voted for their candidate Stefan Christoph. Closely followed by Dr. Astrid Freudenstein (18 percent), who is racing for the CSU.

Poll on local elections in Regensburg shows a clear shift to the last election

In the last local elections in Regensburg in 2014, the SPD won with 33.7 percent in the city council before the CSU, which was just behind with a result of 32.8 percent. The other parties followed at a greater distance. The Greens were in third place with 10.5 percent, followed by the free voters (6.9 percent) and the ÖDP (6.4 percent). The Left Party (3.1 percent) and the FDP (3.0 percent) were also close together. The AfD has not yet been represented on the city council.

Thus, the SPD received 17 seats in the city council from a total of 50 seats, closely followed by the CSU, which received 16 seats in the city council.

Joachim Wolbergs emerged as the clear winner of the mayor election . The SPD candidate won over 70 percent of the vote . His competitor from the CSU, Christian Schlegl, only got 29.8 percent. The poll on the OB election in Regensburg therefore means a much tighter race than expected at the time.

Initial situation before the 2020 local elections

The fact that, according to the latest poll from Regensburg, many voters are still undecided could be mainly due to the corruption process * in which Joachim Wolbergs is involved. The suspended mayor denies the allegations.

Despite everything, Joachim Wolbergs would like to run again for the office of mayor , this time for the newly founded party "Die Brücke". However, it remains questionable whether he will win voters' trust a second time with the same success as in the 2014 election and, above all, whether he should be able to take office at all. We give you an overview of which candidates are available for the OB office in Regensburg *.

You can find out how the race for the town hall is developing and what else is going on around the elections on our topic page on local elections in Regensburg *. Find out what else is going on in the Free State in the run-up to the local elections in the Bayern ticker *.

#Wolbergs' lawyer Peter #Witting takes a stand. #Regensburg

- Mittelbayerische R (@mz_regensburg) July 27, 2017

More information and surveys on the 2020 local elections in Bavaria

The poll on local elections in Bavaria * shows which criteria are particularly important for many voters in this election. It remains exciting, not only in Regensburg. CSU parliamentary group leader Manuel Pretzl comments on the survey results from Munich *: "There is a real risk that a red-red-green left-wing alliance will form after March 15 - that would be catastrophic for Munich." There is currently no other danger from one party, but from the corona virus. The virus is already having an impact on the election campaign *.

* is part of the nationwide Ippen editorial network.


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