The Limited Times

Local elections in Corona times

3/14/2020, 5:07:38 PM

The corona crisis affects people's lives more and more every day. Does it also have an impact on the local elections taking place on Sunday? We interviewed top candidates and district leaders of the parties in the district.

The corona crisis affects people's lives more and more every day. Does it also have an impact on the local elections taking place on Sunday? We interviewed top candidates and district leaders of the parties in the district.

Erding - District Administrator Martin Bayerstorfer (CSU) does not want to speculate about the outcome of the election. Like many other local politicians, however, he emphasizes that there is the possibility of postal voting, even on election Sunday itself. "I also used postal voting for the first time," says Bayerstorfer.

It is also a premiere for Georg Els, top candidate of the Free Voters for the district council: "For the first time in my life, I made postal votes." The mayor of Forstern, who was still in office, was electoral assistant for 25 to 30 years, this year not at his own request. It is only available as a replacement in an emergency.

Does the virus keep voters on Sunday?

Els believes that some citizens who have not yet voted may be reluctant to vote on Sunday due to the Corona crisis. However, he could not assess whether more conservative people should now vote according to the "tried and true" motto. In general, it will be difficult for all parties and groups already represented in the committees, says Els: “The Greens have a lot of hype. The AfD gets its share, so you can stand as you like. And they take it from the middle. "

Green district spokeswoman Helga Stieglmeier sees the situation pragmatically. Your party can actually mobilize well in the final sprint and convince some undecided. This is not possible this time. The front door election campaign was canceled, the information stands were canceled. "It is what it is," she says: "We have a responsibility. In the crisis, one has to put aside partisan political calculations. "

Campaign finals on the Internet

Stieglmeier announces that it will move the election campaign with a view to possible run-off elections in the municipalities on March 29 and that it wants to do a lot online. She has not yet voted. "I am not a postal voter. I went to the polling station with my parents when I was a child. ”She has no worries. You can keep your distance, bring your own pen and wash your hands before and after. Stieglmeier himself is on duty.

SPD district chairman Martin Kern does not believe that the corona crisis will have a direct impact on the elections. “In the end it is a choice of personality. The citizens have already got an idea, ”says the booker. In his home community, as in the other municipalities, there are many postal voters. Kern himself will cast his vote in the polling station on Sunday and is involved as an election assistant.

AfD just keeps going

As a teacher, he will have to adjust in the next few weeks in view of the Bavaria-wide school closings. Kern teaches in a special educational institution. "There is a lot to prepare and to correct," he says. He already distributed a lot of work documents yesterday, he keeps in touch with the parents by email.

The AfD campaigns until the end. Information stands in Erding and Dorfen are also still planned today. "Of course you have to take precautions," says district chairman Wolfgang Kellermann about the corona crisis, but "many people allow themselves to be taken to absurdity". In view of the large number of postal voters who are good for the AfD, he expects a high turnout. Without Corona this would surely be even higher.

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