The Limited Times

White senior official: "In an emergency government - we sit under Netanyahu" | Israel today

3/14/2020, 9:46:27 PM


Benny Gantz and his partners are approaching Netanyahu's government • However, the senior added in white and blue: "Netanyahu still does not trust, demands that his term be short"

  • Blue and white heads // Photo: Coco

On the way to government? A senior official in White Blue told Israel Today on Saturday that: "In the emergency government we will sit under Netanyahu. We have our agreement. But demand that his term be short."

However, the senior added: "Still, we don't trust him." Recall, yesterday, in Israel Today, members of the political system estimate that the blue-and-white position does not include the insistence that Benny Gantz will serve first, but rather that they sit under Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu for one year.


Prime Minister Netanyahu earlier made a statement in which he declared a part of the economy, and also referred to the establishment of the emergency delegation.
"The State of Israel needs to be stabilized with a national emergency government. Calls on them to join it, Lieberman, Gantz to Amir Peretz," Netanyahu said.

"Addressing with full openness - it is not a question of political spin or whim, you see what is happening in the world. Asking for your cooperation can be resolved this evening. Discover the responsibility that needs to be discovered. You have to shed cynicism and go along."

Yisrael Beiteinu chairman Avigdor Lieberman called for the establishment of a unity government with the participation of the Likud party and a blue-and-white list only, in order to deal with the Corona disease crisis in Israel.

"At this time, Israel our home will stand alongside the government when it comes to combating Corona," Lieberman wrote in his Twitter account, in response to a call from Prime Minister Netanyahu and the need for the establishment of a national emergency government.

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