The Limited Times

"Urgence vitale", Alexis Brézet's editorial

3/15/2020, 9:49:21 PM

The editorial of the editorial director of Le Figaro.

But how did we do it? How, when France has to face not only its "most serious health crisis in a century", but also the greatest historical tragedy it has had to experience since the war in Algeria, how did we take the risk to continue doing so long as if nothing had happened?

Let us say it: the holding of the first round of these municipal elections was absolute nonsense. Thursday evening, the presidential decision to maintain it, while the elderly were strongly recommended to stay at home, was already lunar. Friday evening, his confirmation by the Prime Minister, when the gatherings of more than 100 people were prohibited, was incomprehensible. Since Saturday evening, phase 3 and recommended confinement, the case has become tragically absurd: altered by fear, struck by unprecedented abstention, mortgaged by the rampant march of the epidemic, this dead municipal election -born will remain as a

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