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2020 municipal election in Nuremberg: City Council candidates on all lists

3/15/2020, 8:55:27 AM

Local election 2020 in Nuremberg: The SPD stronghold elects a new city council. Candidates from all parties compete for the votes of the voters.

Local election 2020 in Nuremberg: The SPD stronghold elects a new city council. Candidates from all parties compete for the votes of the voters.

  • A new city ​​council will be elected in Nuremberg on March 15, 2020 .
  • Will the SPD Nuremberg remain the largest town hall faction?
  • Numerous groups of voters take part in the city ​​council election , the results from Nuremberg * * still deliver on election evening, as well as the preliminary results from Bavaria *.
  • +++ Mayor election results +++

    +++ Results city and local council elections +++

    Nuremberg - Who can sit on the Nuremberg City Council in the next six years? With 70 seats, the city has the second largest city council in Bavaria. There is no blocking clause, so you can get a city council seat from about 0.75 percent of the votes cast.

    Parties or groups of voters who want to join the Nuremberg City Council required 610 supporters' signatures before the 2020 local elections in Bavaria .

    In the past elections to the city council in Nuremberg in 2014, the SPD received 44.1 percent of the votes cast and 31 seats. The CSU got 29.4 percent and 21 seats. Six seats were held by the Greens, three seats on the Left List and two seats each on the Free Voters (who this time compete with Jürgen Dörfler as OB candidate), the ÖDP and the Citizens' Initiative Foreigner Stop (BIA). The FDP, the voter group "Die Guten" and the Pirate Party were given a seat. The forecasts for the 2020 local elections in Nuremberg * suggest a different outcome this time. The focus of the election campaign is on the topics of renting, mobility and building.

    In addition, a new mayor is elected in the local elections. So that you do not lose the overview, has written instructions for filling out the voting slip. Also summarized for you: what you need the election notification for.

    Local elections in Nuremberg: candidate for the city council in 1st place from Bündnis 90 / Die Grünen - Andrea Friedel


    Andrea Friedel (Bündnis 90 / Die Grünen Nürnberg)

    © Rudi Ott

    Andrea Friedel was born in Baden-Württemberg and has lived in Nuremberg since 2003. Bündnis 90 / Die Grünen's candidate is married, has four children and has been a midwife for 22 years. Politically, the issues of inclusion, the expansion of day-care centers, all-day schools and inclusive day care centers, an improvement in the care situation and good health care are important to her. Since 2014, the 54-year-old has been a member of the Nuremberg City Council on the social and health committees, the “NürnbergStift” works committee and the hospital's administrative board.

    +++ Local elections in Nuremberg: These issues move the people of Nuremberg the most

    "Climate and traffic will be the topic of the next few years," said Friedel to * . Local public transport must be expanded and ticket prices reduced. The new 365 euro ticket should apply to students and trainees. Pedestrians and cyclists should be given more space on the street. Further all-day offers should be created for all types of school.

    The Nuremberg Greens have presented an "Action Plan for Implementing the UN Disability Rights Convention". The demographic change is also important to Friedel: “We need good nursing homes in the neighborhood so that people's fear of the nursing home is taken away. For me, that is part of local public services. "

    City council election in Nuremberg: Greens candidates on the top of the list

  • Friedel, Andrea, midwife
  • Doctors, Paul, educators
  • Bielmeier, Andrea, nurse
  • Schüller, Marc, organic beekeeper
  • Yiyit, Lemia, patient representative
  • Local elections in Nuremberg: City Council candidate in first place in the Pirate Party - Florian Betz


    Florian Betz (Pirate Party and The Nuremberg Party)

    © Florian Betz

    Florian Betz is currently doing everything twice: He is also a member of The Nuremberg Party and the Nuremberg Pirate Party - and he is both OB candidate and top candidate for the city council. "Our goal is to go with Nuremberg in a way that preserves the beauty of the city and at the same time prepares the way for the future," he said to * . That is why he and his party want to increase interest in local politics - firstly through more transparency, for example by streaming the city council meetings. On the other hand, through more opportunities for participation, for example with the help of apps for citizens. The city council candidates of the Nuremberg pirates are committed to "ticket-free local transport" and a lowering of the rent level according to the "Vienna model". The newly emerging district of Lichtenreuth should become a “role model” for the whole of Germany: “Instead of little fancy concepts from the 1970s, we rely on green facades, decentralized energy supply, replacement of private transport with autonomous pods and close cooperation with the newly emerging technical university.”

    City Council election in Nuremberg: Pirate Party candidates on top of the list

  • Betz, Florian, application developer
  • Scold, Simon, optician
  • Küffner, Lukas, pupils
  • Knapp, Jörg, action artist
  • Helmreich, Robert, managing director
  • Local elections in Nuremberg: City Council candidate in first place in the ÖDP - Jan Gehrke


    Jan Gehrke (ÖDP Nuremberg)

    © Simone Bierlein

    Jan Gehrke is the top city council candidate of the ÖDP Nuremberg. The 49-year-old originally comes from Lübeck, is married and works as a rehab instructor. He explained to * why he is running for the Nuremberg City Council: "I am committed to promoting environmentally friendly means of transportation and giving pedestrians and cyclists more space in public spaces."

    It was also very important to him that the measures developed at the inclusion conference in Nuremberg were implemented “courageously and consistently”. For the future of the city, it is also important to him to counter the resurgent anti-Semitism "with civil courage and to resist". Gehrke also promised to insist that the referendum "Biodiversity - Save the Bees!" is consistently implemented in Nuremberg.

    City Council election in Nuremberg: Candidates of the ÖDP on top list places

  • Gehrke, Jan, rehab instructor
  • Hager, Inga, physiotherapist
  • Anschütz, Hans, computer scientist
  • Rechholz, Christian, teacher for vocational schools
  • Bengl, Stefan, teacher for secondary and middle school
  • Local elections in Nuremberg: City Council candidate in first place of “Die Guten” - Alexandra Thiele


    Alexandra Thiele (The Good Nuremberg)

    © Rudi Ott

    Alexandra Thiele would like to move to the city council of Nuremberg for the local elections in Bavaria 2020 for the electoral group " Die Guten ". The candidate is a graduate social pedagogue and was an education officer at the Bavarian national association of "NaturFreundeJugend" for 13 years. She has been working as a career counselor at the employment agency since 2018. The 51-year-old has lived in Nuremberg for 30 years, and praises the city for "living basic democracy in the communication center" and "socio-culture in the cultural shops".

    As a municipal representative, she wanted to advocate values ​​such as "solidary and socially just city, green forest and meadow city, fresh air and optimal cycle path system", she said * . The free cultural scene is also very important to her: "Nuremberg has an active and creative subculture, which makes it difficult to survive, but it cannot be stopped and luckily its beauty blooms again and again."

    The interests of boys are also very important at Thiele - it demands "much more freely definable space and more participation for children and young people". Therefore, she advocates the right to vote from the age of 14, "in view of the many serious decisions that young people have to make for their lives before they reach the age of majority".

    City Council election in Nuremberg: Candidates of "The Good" in the top list places

  • Thiele, Alexandra, career counselor
  • Reichel, Willi, lawyer
  • Brandt, Kerstin, graduate psychologist
  • Dietrich, Helmuth, career counselor
  • Schleindl, Christiane, filmmaker
  • Local elections in Nuremberg: City Council candidate at number 1 of the "Politbande" Nürnberg - Ernesto Buholzer Sepúlveda


    Ernesto Buholzer Sepúlveda (Politbande Nürnberg)

    © Elisabeth Thoma

    The " Politbande " is a new group of voters in Nuremberg, which sends the candidate Ernesto Buholzer Sepúlveda at the top for the city council election. The 27-year-old works as a consultant for public service and administration, and is involved in several local initiatives such as the "Bridge Festival".

    The politbande describes Sepúlveda as follows: "We are a group of young committed people who are all involved in a wide range of initiatives (over 60) who are already involved in shaping and developing the city on a voluntary basis." Use a free cultural scene, because "at the moment none of the classic parties and groups have their concerns, interests and input" on their screens.

    Sustainable urban development is also a top priority for its group of voters. It therefore calls for free local public transport, stronger cycle path expansion, bicycle right-of-way regulations and a car-free city center. Free public transport is not a "crazy utopia": "Advances in Denmark, Luxembourg and also in some cities in Germany show that it is feasible and ultimately depends only on the political will," said Sepúlveda to * .

    He also felt it was important to have a "clear knowledge of racism, sexism, homophobia and other forms of discrimination". The political gang wants to "with all its might" oppose the fact that "racists are entering masses of German parliaments" because they are convinced that socio-cultural participation is an integrative factor and prevents hatred and agitation.


    Mirjam Hufnagel (Politbande Nürnberg)

    © Elisabeth Thoma

    The city council candidate Mirjam Hufnagel is in second place on the Politbande list for Nuremberg. With the new list, the 23-year-old student wants to bring a “bridge function” into the town hall. She has a concrete example: "When I cycle through the city and use bicycle pumps here and there, have built the initiatives and made them available to the public space, I think to myself: 'Thank you and keep it up'." The political gang wanted the " use great creative and thus innovative potential ”from Nuremberg and its city society to implement ideas, wishes and needs“ together in a sustainable and social way ”. "And there will be more lateis!"

    City Council election in Nuremberg: Candidates of the "Politbande" in the top list places

  • Buholzer Sepúlveda, Ernesto, Sozial- u. Development economist
  • Hufnagel, Mirjam, student
  • Geyermann, Julia, cultural agent
  • Dr. Fuchs, Theobald, graduate physicist
  • Barnett, Karsten, freelance cultural lobbyist
  • Local elections in Nuremberg: City Council candidate in 1st place at the BIA Nuremberg - Ralf Ollert


    Ralf Ollert (BIA Nuremberg)

    Ralf Ollert has been a member of the Nuremberg City Council since 2002. The logistician is the top candidate of the " Citizens' Initiative A - Nuremberg Home List (BIA) " in the 2020 municipal election in Nuremberg. The voters' association is classified as extreme right. When asked what he wanted to advocate politically, Ollert Merkur replied . de * : "My main topics are stopping and reducing debt, enforcing security and order, establishing social justice, reducing land use, stopping illegal immigration and better organizing inner-city traffic."

    City Council election in Nuremberg: BIA candidates on top list positions

  • Ollert, Ralf, logistician
  • Air, Fridrich, tram and bus drivers
  • Janik, Jens, warehouse clerk
  • Reason, Nadja, retail clerk
  • Reason, Bobby, office worker
  • Local elections in Nuremberg: City Council candidate in 1st place in the SPD - Thorsten Brehm


    Thorsten Brehm (SPD Nuremberg)

    © Ludwig Olah

    Thorsten Brehm , OB candidate of the SPD Nuremberg in the 2020 local elections, would be one of the youngest mayors of a German city at the age of 35. His party also placed him in first place on the city council list. Born in Nuremberg, he has been in the SPD since 1999. Brehm has been a member of the Nuremberg City Council since 2008 and in 2015 also became chairman of the SPD there. With 31 seats, it is currently the largest town hall faction in Nuremberg.

    “Nuremberg impresses with its quality of life and has a magnetic effect. The associated city growth also poses great challenges for us, ”Brehm told * about his candidacy. In order to be able to cope with the volume of traffic, bicycle traffic and local public transport had to be strengthened in Nuremberg. For the latter, his parliamentary group wants to introduce a 30-euro monthly ticket and expand the underground and tram network. In addition, his party wants to put 1.6 billion euros in the care and school infrastructure in the coming term.

    City Council election in Nuremberg: SPD candidates on top list positions

  • Brehm, Thorsten, managing director
  • Dr. Prölß-Kammerer, Anja, Research Associate
  • Vogel, Christian, Mayor
  • Arabackyj, Claudia, advertising clerk
  • Ahmed, Nasser, political scientist
  • Local elections in Nuremberg: City Council candidate in first place of the CSU - Marcus König


    Marcus König (CSU Nuremberg)

    © CSU Nuremberg

    "With the Mayor Election 2020, my hometown has a pioneering new beginning," said CSU top candidate Marcus König to * . It sends the 39-year-old to number 1 on the Nuremberg list in the 2020 municipal election in Bavaria. He is also the CSU's OB candidate. König has been a member of the Nuremberg City Council for more than eleven years. The trained banker is also the executive chairman of the local animal welfare association.

    He describes mobility, building and living, the environment and the family and security as his core topics. “Nuremberg is a great metropolis. “Other municipalities envy us the high quality of life in our city. It should stay that way, even in times of change! ”Says König.

    City Council election in Nuremberg: CSU candidates on top list positions

  • King, Marcus, banker
  • Prof. Dr. Lehner, Julia, cultural officer
  • Krieglstein, Andreas, Chief Executive Officer
  • Böhm, Kerstin, lawyer
  • Sendner, Kilian, retired businessman
  • Local elections in Nuremberg: City Council candidate in 1st place from Die Linke - Titus Schüller


    Titus Schüller (The Left Nuremberg)

    © Titus Schüller

    Titus Schüller is a top candidate for both the City Council and the City Council of Die Linke Nürnberg. The 33-year-old has been involved in municipal politics in Nuremberg for more than ten years and has been a member of the city council since 2014. In 2015 he became co-chair of the Left in Nuremberg. In addition, he has been working for Bundestag member Harald Weinberg (Die Linke) since 2016.

    The trained orthopedic technician once co-designed the alternative work and social justice WASG in Nuremberg and Fürth. His main concerns are a 365-euro annual ticket for local public transport and lower rental prices in Nuremberg. Unlike in the 2014 local elections, his party is running for a separate list for the Nuremberg City Council this time.

    City Council election in Nuremberg: DIE LINKE candidates in the top list positions

  • Schüller, Titus, orthopedic technician, member of the city council
  • Demir, Özlem, geriatric nurse
  • Flach Gomez, Kathrin, cultural geographer
  • Heym, Felix, graphic designer
  • Krapf, Christa, retired teacher
  • Local elections in Nuremberg: City Council candidate at number 1 of the FDP Nuremberg - Ümit Sormaz


    Ümit Sormaz (FDP Nuremberg)

    © FDP Nuremberg

    The FDP Nuremberg wants to run for the OB election in the local election in the candidate Ümit Sormaz . The party also sends him as a top candidate for the Nuremberg City Council. By the way, Sormaz was also Bavaria's first CSU local association chairman with Turkish roots: Before he moved to the FDP in 2017, the son of guest workers had also been in this party for several years. The 40-year-old business IT specialist runs an educational company - and in 2011 he was even awarded the Federal Integration Medal for "outstanding personal commitment" for integration.

    Sormaz, who describes himself as a political “lateral entrant”, wants city council meetings to be streamed live on the Internet in future and the authorities in Nuremberg to adjust their opening hours to meet demand. If "bureaucratic hurdles" are removed, the shortage of skilled workers, the energy transition and digitalization can be mastered better, said Sormaz zu * . Sormaz advocates a “balanced relationship” between rented and owner-occupied flats, cooperative and community housing forms and wants to strengthen voluntary work and local public transport.

    City Council election in Nuremberg: FDP candidates on top list positions

  • Sormaz, Ümit, headmaster
  • Wegner, Birgit, authorized officer
  • Liebel, Alexander, retired senior study director
  • Sydorova, Luiza, student
  • Dr. Dunker, Jan, ear nose doctor
  • Video: What are the tasks of the city council and municipal council?


    For election day, we recommend you download and print out our cheat sheet for the Bavaria 2020 local elections as a PDF file. All information and dates for the 2020 local elections in Bavaria can be found here. The results of the 2020 municipal election will be available on Sunday, March 15, 2020 from . * You will find detailed reports on candidates, lists and all current developments in advance.

    Local elections 2020: Elections are also taking place in other cities and municipalities

    In the municipal elections, it is not only the citizens of Nuremberg who are called upon to appoint a new city council. All of Bavaria is voted. * For this, * has put together an overview article for the candidates, there is also an election ticker from the city of Munich *:

    • Munich
    • augsburg
    • regensburg
    • Ingolstadt
    • Passau

    * is part of the nationwide Ippen-Digital editors network.


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