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2020 municipal election in Regensburg: City Council candidates - all lists

3/15/2020, 9:04:39 AM

Local elections 2020 in Regensburg: Which parties are running with which candidates for the city council? Our overview of the top candidates.

Local elections 2020 in Regensburg: Which parties are running with which candidates for the city council? Our overview of the top candidates.

  • Regensburg will elect the 50 new representatives on the city ​​council on March 15, 2020.
  • The former mayor comes up with a new city ​​council list .
  • * provides you with the results from Regensburg * and other results from the national election * on the evening of the election.

+++ Mayor election results +++

+++ Results city and local council elections +++

Regensburg - The 2020 local elections in Bavaria should be exciting: For the OB election in Regensburg, the suspended mayor Joachim Wolbergs (formerly SPD) is running again - with his own list "Die Brücke". The balance of power in the city council of Regensburg could also change significantly. Unlike in Munich, Nuremberg, Augsburg or Passau, the AfD Regensburg does not run in the 2020 local elections. Eleven parties and groups of voters are fighting to move into the town hall.

Poll values ​​in Regensburg also provide information * about who can count on the most votes. * spoke to the top candidates on the lists. Elsewhere, we will also keep you up to date with the latest news on local elections in Bavaria in the ticker *.

Local election Regenburg: First city council candidate on the FDP list - Gabriele Opitz


Gabriele Opitz (FDP Regensburg)

© Petra Homeier

FDP top candidate for the city council of Regensburg is Gabriele Opitz in the 2020 local elections. The 72-year-old dentist has a daughter and has been a member of the committee since 2008. One of Opitz's main topics is that inclusion "with self-determination and a sense of proportion" is developed further. She also advocates the introduction of a classification system (similar to the star system in hotels) in order to better compare outpatient and inpatient care, and Opitz also calls for comprehensive hospice care in the Upper Palatinate. As an active cyclist, Gabriele Opitz wants to work for "equal rights for all road users in public space".

City Council election in Regensburg: candidates on the FDP list

  • Opitz, Gabriele, dentist
  • Meierhofer, Horst, Dipl.-Kfm. Univ., Managing director
  • Vo, Loi, M. Sc., Chemist
  • Dr. Enger, Ilka, self-employed doctor
  • Carls-Littwin, Tarek, B. Sc., Psychologist
  • Local election Regenburg: First candidate for the city council of The Party - Ingo Frank


    Ingo Frank (The Regensburg Party)

    © The Regensburg Party

    The party was founded by editors of the satirical magazine Titanic , and its members say they stand for "very good politics". Ingo Frank is the first candidate for the city council election in Regensburg on the party list. In the third person, he informed * about his OB candidacy that he and his party had "worked out detailed and high-quality concepts in hour-long and violent debates, in minute, minute work". For example, the traffic problem in Regensburg. "As a simple father, Mr. Frank knows how to do it. After all, the paths between home, day care center and workplace have to be organized, and a well-thought-out concept at Grießer Spitz has to be agreed."

    He continued: "A shuttle service from Gondoliere is supposed to provide the much needed connection for pedestrians, to manifest the flair of the northernmost city in Italy and at the same time this clever solution creates jobs." Frank wrote in turn to * on economic policy: "The party friends were able to push through , so that the OB candidate Ingo Frank is committed to pushing the campaign 'More women into business' and regularly checking their progress on site. ”

    City Council election in Regensburg: Candidates on the list of The Party

  • Frank, Ingo, employee
  • Hartl, Maximilian, businessman for office management
  • Bayer, Melody, actress
  • Neubauer, Michael, technician
  • Seidl, Anton, student
  • Local election Regenburg: First city council candidate of the Ribisl party - Jakob Friedl


    Jakob Friedl (Ribisl game, Regensburg)

    © Carmen Loch

    Twelve men and seven women between the ages of 21 and 50 are on the list of city councils in Regensburg's “ Ribisl ” party “for miscellaneous, other and other”. Party candidate Jakob Friedl is the top candidate for the city council and also a candidate for OB in the 2020 local election. "" We want to make art more political and politics more artistic. Every inhabitant of this city should be able to get involved in self-chosen places, ”Friedl told * .

    “In the past few years, the harassment of the city administration has persistently destroyed every little plant. For example, the maypole was sawn to me, ”continued the graduate artist, born in 1979. Friedl, among other things, started public campaigns with the satire party “Die Party” Augsburg.

    City Council election in Regensburg: candidates on the Ribisl list

  • Friedl, Jakob, Dipl. Postgrad. KuöR, artist
  • Stecher, Marlene, BA, social worker
  • Feßmann, Dominik, carpenter
  • Kowoll, Sabine, Dipl.-Soz.päd. (FH), student counselor
  • Böhm, Ernst-Peter, software developer
  • Video: What are the tasks of the city council and municipal council?

    Local election Regenburg: First city council candidate of the CSU - Astrid Freudenstein


    Astrid Freudenstein (CSU Regensburg)

    © Julia Knorr

    Astrid Freudenstein is not only the top candidate, but also the city council's top candidate from the CSU Regenburg. The trained editor and graduate historian joined the CSU in 2004; She has been a member of the Regensburg City Council since 2008 and moved to the German Bundestag in 2013. She has also been a member of the CSU Presidium since October 2019. Freudenstein lives with her family in Passau.

    The 45-year-old wants to get a grip on traffic problems in Regensburg. "I want to take care of bus transport in particular," she said to * before the local elections in Bavaria. Local public transport should be "more attractive, cheaper and less complicated". The development of the old town of Regensburg would also make Freudenstein a top priority in the coming term of office: "Our city entrance at the train station has run down completely." Environmental and climate protection are also on the agenda of their local CSU association: "Because it is also with us becomes warmer and drier in Regensburg, we have to bring more shade, more greenery and more water into the city.

    City Council election in Regensburg: candidates on the CSU list

  • Dr. Freudenstein, Astrid, Ministerial Director
  • Lehner, Michael, insurance agent
  • Dr. Zimmermann, Josef, entrepreneur
  • Dechant, Bernadette, clerk in church service
  • Helmes, Tim, student
  • Local election in Regenburg: First city council candidate from Alliance 90 / The Greens - Stefan Christoph


    Stefan Christoph (Bündnis 90 / Die Grünen Regensburg)

    © Martin Meyer

    From 2007 to 2009 Stefan Christoph was the state chairman of the Bavarian Green Youth. Since 2015 he has been the city chairman of Bündnis 90 / Die Grünen in Regensburg. The 31-year-old studied political science and law in Leipzig and Regensburg, worked as a journalist, in the Bavarian state parliament and at the University of Regensburg.

    Since 2018, he has also been a member of the Upper Palatinate District Council, including the main committee and the culture committee. The Regensburg Greens voted him 79 percent as their OB candidate in 2020. He also tops the list of candidates for the city council in Regensburg. * learned from the 31-year-old: "I would like to bring new ideas to the Old Town Hall! For our city, it is important to us that we get a city head who has the courage to tackle the central questions - the turnaround in traffic, the fight against the climate crisis and more social justice for our city. I will work as mayor for this. "

    City Council election in Regensburg: candidates on the Greens list

  • Simon, Maria, graduate social worker (FH)
  • Christoph, Stefan, BA, MA, office manager
  • Hopfe, Anna, student
  • Gaittet, Daniel, office manager
  • Eberlein, Theresa, B. Eng., Civil engineer
  • Local election Regenburg: First candidate for the city council of free voters - Ludwig Artinger


    Ludwig Artinger (Free Voters Regensburg)

    © Alex Vogt

    Ludwig Artinger , born in Neustadt an der Donau in 1956, is the director of the Kelheim District Court. In 2008 he was first elected to the Regensburg City Council. Artinger has been the chairman of the Free Voter City Council faction since then. He is married and has three children.

    Asked by * about his OB candidacy and first place on the list of city council candidates for the free voters , he replied: "After the well-known turbulence of the past three years, Regensburg needs a competent, experienced and independent personality at its top , which brings calm to the administration and dynamism in the city and urban society. "

    City Council election in Regensburg: candidates on the free voters list

  • Artinger, Ludwig, director of the local court
  • Radler, Kerstin, lawyer
  • Riepl, Günther, graduate engineer (FH)
  • Dr. Schießl, Christoph, judge at the administrative court
  • Gross, Silvia, graduate theologian
  • Local elections in Regenburg: First SPD city council candidate - Gertrud Maltz-Schwarzfischer


    Gertrud Maltz-Schwarzfischer (SPD Regensburg)

    © Petra Hohmeier

    Gertrud Maltz-Schwarzfischer has been the interim OB at the head of Regensburg for a good three years. Born in Münchberg in 1960, married, the archaeologist has two adult sons. The SPD politician has been the city councilor in Regensburg since 2008, and mayor since 2014 - and has been temporarily managing the city administration of Regensburg since January 27, 2017 after Joachim Wolbergs was suspended from the office. Before Wolbergs' arrest, she was Mayor of Regensburg. In 2020 she is also the top SPD candidate for the city council.

    "I am committed to a social, fair, ecological, safe and progressive city!", She said to * "'Smart City Regensburg', that means lively districts with more greenery, places of encounter and culture, affordable apartments , Trade and commerce and good bus, train and bike connections. New impulses for work and economy, promotion of science and innovation and social cohesion are important for this. "

    City Council election in Regensburg: candidates on the SPD list

  • Maltz-Schwarzfischer, Gertrud, MA, Mayor
  • Dr. Burger, Thomas, Dipl.-Phys. Univ., Development engineer
  • Kick, Dagmar, head of government
  • Dr. Rappert, Klaus, presiding judge at the regional court
  • Kolbe-Stockert, Evelyn, bankruptcy worker
  • Local election Regenburg: First candidate for the city council of the ÖDP - Benedikt Suttner


    Benedikt Suttner (ÖDP Regensburg)

    © Klaus Kurz

    The Ecological-Democratic Party ( ÖDP ) has created Benedikt Suttner . The 38-year-old comes from Lower Bavaria, works full-time as a primary school teacher, is married and has three sons. He has been a member of the Regensburg City Council for more than ten years (including the Urban Planning, Transport and Housing Committee) and has been Chairman of the ÖDP Group since May 2014.

    On the subject of housing, he explained * his standpoint as a candidate for the city council and mayor's office: "Instead of further large commercial areas and even more commuter traffic, Regensburg needs affordable housing." The ÖDP Regensburg therefore wants to promote car-free living and leasehold for urban development and cooperatives. "

    Regensburg needs "grandchild-friendly traffic planning" - but you could save "the millions for the Sallerner rain bridge and other tunnel tubes, new roads and parking lots". As a co-initiator of the cycling decision, the bicycle must be the number one means of transport for the ÖDP. "Weaker road users have priority: foot and bike over car traffic!" Suttner emphasized.

    City Council election in Regensburg: candidates on the ÖDP list

  • Suttner, Benedikt, primary school teacher
  • Lamby, Astrid, speech therapist
  • Graf, Joachim, former study director
  • Schuller, Nadine, cultural scientist
  • Eberhardt, Hannes, MA, faction assistant
  • Local election Regenburg: First candidate for the city council of the electorate CBS - Christian Janele


    Christian Janele (CBS Regensburg)

    © Christian Janele (CBS Regensburg)

    Christian Janele is a native of Regensburg, married, has two daughters and is the number 1 list candidate for the city council for his party. He has worked as a merchant for over 30 years and runs a real estate company. Christian Janele has been chairman of the Christian Social Community ( CSB ) in Regensburg since May 2014. He has been a member of the Regensburg City Council since June 2015.

    Janele was already a CBS OB candidate in the 2014 municipal election, and now he said to *: “We need a massive change, a fresh start. Now! There must be an end to corruption and cousin management! ”His criticism of the current city leadership is sharp:“ The parties that have ruled for six years always promise to create affordable housing. ”But nothing had happened. As a real estate specialist, he can create living space as an OB, which is also affordable for low and medium incomes. In addition, investments must be made in schools and daycare centers.

    He was very fond of Albertstrasse in the area of ​​the central bus station: "It is high time that this entrance area of ​​the city is safe and clean for guests who come from the station but also for the commuters from Regensburg." He also promised a "speedy" Mobility change, including with an electric tram.

    City Council election in Regensburg: candidates on the CBS list

  • Janele, Christian, businessman in the property and housing industry (IHK)
  • Schneider, Peter, paramedic
  • Schöpperl, Bettina, employees
  • Janele, Andrea, assistant to the management
  • Prösl, Rudi, graduate engineer (FH)
  • Local election in Regenburg: First candidate for the city council of the electoral association "Die Brücke" - Joachim Wolbergs


    Joachim Wolbergs (The Regensburg Bridge)

    © Uwe Moosburger

    A lawsuit is currently underway against Joachim Wolbergs , a native of Regensburg, on suspicion of corruption. After the 2014 OB election, Wolbergs was initially the SPD's OB - until he was suspended. He also competes in the 2020 municipal election in Regensburg, as a candidate for the city council and city council for his voters' association " Die Brücke ", which was founded in April 2019.

    Wolbergs said to * : "The problems arise in people's everyday lives and only those who have an open ear and the courage to approach solutions pragmatically can also make decisions in the interests of people" - for his association "Die Brücke "There would be" no alternative to a decisive policy that tackles and motivates people so that we can achieve satisfaction for our fellow human beings together ".

    Wolbergs was formerly in the socialist youth of Germany, joined the SPD in 1988 and was already a member of the regional executive of the Bayern-SPD. In 1993 he dropped out of college to become managing director of Speicher-Events GmbH. The 48-year-old is married and has two children.

    City Council Election in Regensburg: Candidates on the List of "Die Brücke"

  • Wolbergs, Joachim, Mayor
  • Simon, Bettina, lawyer
  • Mayr, Thomas, Senior Study Council
  • Rottke, Florian, designer
  • Panzer, Markus, commercial employee
  • Regenburg local elections: first candidate for the city council of Die Linke - Irmgard Freihoffer


    Irmgard Freihoffer (The Left Regensburg)

    © Irmgard Freihoffer

    The Left Regensburg not only sends Irmgard Freihoffer as candidate for the OB, but also in first place on the list of city councils. The teacher has been a member of the city council since 2008. Her main focus is on traffic and sustainability. Here Freihoffer speaks in favor of the photovoltaic expansion and against the four-lane road expansion and the Sallerner rain bridge.

    2020 also big in Regensburg: the “rent madness”. Freihoffer and her party advocate that the city of Regensburg should no longer sell “an inseparable commodity like the land” to investors, but cultivate it itself. In addition, only comrades and building owners' associations should initially be approved as private investors. The reason: there was still "no housing association law at the federal level". That was abolished in 1989 - unfortunately, because it limited investors' profits and only allowed cost-covering rents, judges the left-wing politician.

    City Council election in Regensburg: candidates on the left party list

  • Freihoffer, Irmgard, MA, teacher
  • Harbauer, Lukas, craftsmen
  • Hundt, Sarah, student
  • Wischki, Kevin, train driver
  • Albrecht, Janina, train attendant
  • 2020 local election: cheat sheet for correctly filling out the ballot paper

    For election day, we recommend you download and print out our cheat sheet for the Bavaria 2020 local elections as a PDF file. All information and dates for the 2020 local elections in Bavaria can be found here. Results of the 2020 local elections will be available on Sunday, March 15, 2020 , from *. A separate local election ticker from Munich * keeps you up to date with what's happening in the state capital. In advance you will find detailed reports on candidates, lists and all current developments.

    2020 local elections: exciting races also expected in other cities

    The parties are fighting not only in Regensburg for the favor of the voters. All over Bavaria, new city councils and district councils are appointed on the day of the local elections. shows who is in the following cities:

    • Munich
    • Nuremberg
    • augsburg
    • Ingolstadt
    • Passau

    * is part of the nationwide Ippen-Digital editors network.


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