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Coming soon in Israel: Kit to triple the amount of corona virus testing | Israel today

3/15/2020, 10:28:21 PM


Advanced kit to detect the virus is expected to arrive in Israel this week • Advantage: Increase the number of subjects by three - up to 4,000 a day • The Ministry of Health's director said last night: "Recognize that quite a few people will die in Israel"

  • Disinfecting a public space in a shopping complex near Ashkelon on Sunday \\ Photo: Reuters

This Wednesday, a new advanced test for the corona virus is expected to arrive in Israel. It can increase the number of subjects three times - up to 4,000 daily - compared to the number of subjects today. That's how "Israel Today" became known.

The test was approved by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) last weekend, in light of the US emergency. The test kit is a development of Thermo Fisher and will be marketed in Israel by Israeli Israeli, one of Israel's largest medical equipment and medical equipment companies.

Corona virus Q&A Photo: Ministry of Health

The Ministry of Health will quickly examine the possibility of its use once you arrive, but it will not be possible to purchase and use it privately, but only subject to the approval of the Ministry.

Laboratory testing is actually the main factor that can help make decisions and provide information on the spread and coronary virus prevalence in the population.

The method used today is to test three different sections of the DNA of the virus, using three test tubes per patient. The existing instrumentation contains 96 test tubes, meaning only 32 patients at a time.

The great advantage of the new kit is that it is capable of providing a result based on just one test. So you can basically increase the number of subjects that can get an answer in the same amount of time in the test kits that are available today.

Another significant advantage of the race against time lies in the fact that the new kit is compatible with existing equipment in laboratories in Israel, so there is no need to purchase new equipment. The estimated cost per subject is less than nine dollars.

Ministry of Health Director General Moshe Bar Seaman Good, reported in News 12, said last night that his office "recognizes that quite a few people will die in Israel," as a result of the epidemic. "We understand the severe blow we are inflicting on the public, but it is for protection."

As of yesterday, 7,740 laboratory tests have been performed so far.

The number of patients in Israel reached 213 yesterday, but it is estimated that there are another 2,500 undiagnosed. Two in serious condition and 12 in moderate condition. 167 are hospitalized, 33 are hospitalized and four are recovering. Yesterday, another 4,000 people went into solitary confinement, with a total of 46,149 people staying in solitary confinement. In the patients: a family of seven persons - a couple and five children, from the settlement of Kiryat Yearim in the foothills of Jerusalem and a department manager at Ichilov Hospital in Shabtai.

Another patient spent three Purim parties with thousands of participants, the center of which is the IDC Herzliya. Following that, 1,500 people will go into isolation. He then spent a party in the Port of Tel Aviv and the day before spent at the Sura-Mara club in the city with 700 hangovers.

One of the patients in the center of the country is the Central Laboratory of the Ministry of Health's virus laboratory. Her condition is mild and she is in isolation.

The Laboratory Labor Federation estimated that the same patient was infected during her work.

"We've been working around the clock for a month and it's unlikely she was abroad. Under the conditions we work with, without good enough protection and without special insulation, I wouldn't be surprised if she sticks to work, "said Esther Edmon, chair of the Laboratory of Labor.

Noam (Dabul) Dvir and Yuri Yelon participated in the preparation

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