The Limited Times

Corona Talk at Anne Will - Virologist raises the alarm: "15 people die because of an undiscovered child"

3/15/2020, 10:16:21 PM

The effects of the corona virus on the German population concern people. "How drastic must the measures be?" This question asked Anne Will in her political talk on Sunday evening,

The effects of the corona virus on the German population concern people. "How drastic must the measures be?" This question asked Anne Will in her political talk on Sunday evening,

  • Germany has the corona virus under control.
  • In the meantime, the consequences of Covid-19 for social life are clearly noticeable.
  • “How drastic do these measures have to be?” This is the question that Anne Will is dealing with in her ARD political talk on Sunday evening.

10:53 pm: Finally, Anne Will said that the discussion after the show would be continued “at a distance of two meters”. The actual seating arrangement provided for something to the contrary ( see update at 10.30 p.m. ).

10:50 pm: The corona virus has a massive impact on the economy . Federal Finance Minister Olaf Scholz therefore called for an additional measure to "help those who continue to have their burden but no longer have any income." His current considerations include a special fund that is intended to compensate companies in this way. This is currently being worked on.

10:43 pm: The virologist demands that more people be tested. "We don't even know how many people are infected."

Anne Will: Simultaneous Corona Talk in Austria - ARD blunders with seating

10.30pm: ORF2 is currently also running a talk show on Austrian television dealing with the coronavirus pandemic. Striking: The studio guests keep the specified distance of two meters, while "Anne Will" discusses in the usual seating arrangement.

I find it almost frightening that nobody noticed anything during the preparation of the show

- Sabrih (@ausdemblickfeld) March 15, 2020

On Twitter, a user described the parallels between Germany and Austria as follows: "I find it almost frightening that nobody noticed anything during the preparation of the show."

22:23: Meanwhile, Kekulé sees a veritable " communication meltdown " coming to the population. If, after the next two weeks, no decisive results regarding the containment of the disease can be seen, it seems clear to the virologist: One should not "lock up the citizens". The expert agreed with the Chancellor to limit social contacts to the minimum , stressed, however, that people " should not and should not be prohibited from contact with fresh air ."

10:12 p.m .: North Rhine-Westphalia's Prime Minister Armin Laschet has meanwhile defended the decision to leave the border with Belgium and the Netherlands open so far. The CDU politician justified this with the close exchange with the health authorities of the countries and with the fact that to date there have not been any hamster purchases by Belgian or Dutch citizens in border areas.

22:08: In addition, Kekulé confirmed his statements from last week that Germany currently had "three times as many infected people as officially reported". Because an infected person would infect two more people on average . In addition, it takes time for symptoms to appear and the virus to be discovered.

Corona virus talk at Anne Will / ARD: "15 people die because of an undiscovered child"

10:05 pm: The virologist Alexander Kekulé criticized the timing of the border closings, which came much too late because "up to now we have simply overslept a lot of time." The expert made clear what this meant by a dark calculation: "A child, that sits somewhere in the school and was not recognized as a corona case infected about 3000 people in eight weeks. You can easily calculate that. About 0.5 percent die, which means about 15 people die because of an undiscovered child. I think that says everything that has been missed here (...) We are in a phase, a minute to twelve or even a minute to twelve. "

9:54 p.m .: As Vice Chancellor Olaf Scholz affirmed, the new border regulations were made in close consultation with the respective neighboring countries.

9:50 pm: It is empty in the "Anne Will" studio in Berlin. In order to slow the spread of the corona virus, the political talk takes place without spectators.

Update 20.02: As Interior Minister Horst Seehofer (CSU) announced in the evening, the borders to Luxembourg and Denmark will be closed in addition to France, Austria and Switzerland.

Corona virus talk at Anne Will / ARD: "How drastic must measures be?"

First report: Berlin - The coronavirus pandemic affects Germany. Chancellor Angela Merkel * sent her word to the population in a video message on Saturday and demanded that social contacts be restricted - "to contain the virus and thus relieve the health system."

Corona virus in Germany: Federal Republic is closing borders

At the same time, events throughout the country are canceled * and schools are closed - social life seems to be standing still almost these days and the population could soon feel this even more. Germany closes its borders with neighboring countries France, Austria and Switzerland on Monday afternoon. Interior Minister Horst Seehofer explained what this means at a press conference.

The closure of the borders in neighboring countries of the Federal Republic has meanwhile also had an impact on Germany. For example, there may be supply bottlenecks in supermarkets if trucks are not allowed to drive across the Polish border. In general, it is already clear that the corona crisis is causing massive damage to the economy.

Corona crisis in Germany / Anne Will: "How drastic must the measure be?"

However, the question of how Germany's health system copes with the corona pandemic is much more important. How well are Germany's hospitals positioned? Are we soon threatened by Italian conditions?

The ARD political talk "Anne Will" deals with these questions on Sunday evening from 9.45 p.m. Under the title " The Corona Crisis - How Drastic Must the Measures Be?" “Anne Will discusses in her program, for example, with Vice-Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD), North Rhine-Westphalia's Prime Minister Armin Laschet (CDU) and the virologist Alexander Kekulé, who most recently raised the coronavirus alarm with Markus Lanz.

Coronavirus Anne Will / ARD: An overview of the guests of the talk show

  • Olaf Scholz (SPD): Vice Chancellor and Federal Minister of Finance
  • Armin Laschet (CDU): Prime Minister of North Rhine-Westphalia
  • Claudia Spies: Medical Director of the CharitéCenter for Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care Medicine
  • Alexander Kekulé: Director of the Institute for Medical Microbiology at the Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg
  • Angela Inselkammer: President of the Bavarian Hotel and Restaurant Association DEHOGA Bayern
  • Cerstin Gammelin: Deputy Head of the Parliamentary Office of the “Süddeutsche Zeitung”


Rubric list image: © Screenshot ARD

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