The Limited Times

Mattarella: 'Congratulations Brignone, Moioli and Wierer'

3/15/2020, 1:31:21 PM

On the phone with Malagò: 'when possible, they will come to the Quirinale' (ANSA)

The President of the Republic Sergio Mattarella had a telephone conversation this morning with the President of the Coni, Giovanni Malagò. "Please send my warmest congratulations to Federica Brignone, Michela Moioli and Dorothea Wierer for the brilliant achievements of the World Cups in the last few days, together with the technicians, the companies and the Federation - said Mattarella to Malagò -. I have a lot appreciated their emotional participation with the affectionate dedications they wanted to send to Italy and to the people who are suffering. Soon I will want to have the pleasure of meeting them at the Quirinale, obviously as soon as the general situation will allow it ". (HANDLE).