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OB Election 2020 in Passau: Candidate portraits for local elections

3/15/2020, 8:49:33 AM

Mayor election 2020 in Passau: when is the date? Which candidates are running in the local elections?

Mayor election 2020 in Passau: when is the date? Which candidates are running in the local elections?

  • On March 15, 2020 , a mayor of Passau will also be appointed in the local elections in Bavaria.
  • The Lower Bavarian city has had a head of the SPD for more than ten years.
  • The three-river city is fighting among other things with the increasing traffic .
  • The preliminary results from Passau * will be published on the evening of the ballot. Here you will also find the most important results of the national election *.

+++ Mayor election results +++

+++ Results city and local council elections +++

Passau - The independent university town of Passau is a tourist magnet. One reason for this: St. Stephen's Cathedral, which houses the world's largest church organ. It is currently to be renovated for six and a half million euros. Passau lies at the end of the extended Balkan route, which is why many refugees arrive here in Germany. The Lower Bavarian city, in which the Danube, Inn and Ilz meet, is also called the "Three Rivers City". The level of the Danube reached a historic mark here in 2013 - the result was the worst flooding in five hundred years.

Passau has been headed by Jürgen Dupper (SPD) as Mayor (OB) since 2008, who was confirmed in office in 2014 and will resume in 2020. In the past OB election in Passau , the SPD won 28.5 percent of the votes cast, closely followed by the CSU with 27.6 percent. The ÖDP received 13.9, the Greens 10.7 and the Passauer List (PaL) 6.4 percent approval.

The Free Voter Community Passau (FWG) landed 5.9 percent ahead of the FPD with 5.6 percent and sent its candidate Siegfried Kapfer into the race in the 2020 OB election. In the following, we would like to introduce you to the candidate for the OB, who * has already asked about your candidacy. Elsewhere you will find the municipal election ticker for all of Bavaria *.

In addition, a new city council for Passau * will be elected in the 2020 national municipal elections. has summarized for you how to fill out the ballot *, apply for postal voting * and what you actually need the election notification * for. Current news from all cities and municipalities can be found on the topic page on local elections.

Passau local election - The SPD's OB candidate: Jürgen Dupper


Jürgen Dupper (SPD Passau)

© Toni Scholz Ortenburg 2014

"Together with the people in Passau, I would like to continue the successful development of our city," said Jürgen Dupper to * . The 59-year-old SPD politician has been the head of the city of Passau for more than ten years. He is married and has five children. He is also the list leader for the City Council of Passau.

Passau local election - The CSU candidate for the mayor: Georg Steiner


Georg Steiner (CSU Passau)

© CSU Passau

“Passau is one of the most beautiful cities and I am grateful to be able to live here. But a lot has been left behind in our hometown in recent years, for example when it comes to transport, environmental protection and affordable housing, ”said Georg Steiner to * about his candidacy for the CSU Passau. The 61-year-old has been involved in local politics in his hometown for more than 40 years. In 1977 he founded the Union Passau students again. From 1982 on he was director of the Passau tourism association . He has been the tourism director of the city of Linz since 2007. Georg Steiner has a degree in business administration, is married and has two children.

Passau no longer defined itself as the “regional script”, but isolated. "A medical campus can only be created if the health infrastructure of the entire region is integrated," said the CSU politician. "And the traffic problems can only be solved if we work more closely together in public transport or at Park & ​​Ride and jointly develop traffic axes with bridges and tunnels." Steiner: "I want to quickly make up for what I have missed. In addition to ideas, this also requires courage and action. "

Passau local election - The OB candidate of the ÖDP: Urban Mangold


Urban Swiss Chard (ÖDP Passau)

© ÖDP Passau

Urban Mangold was originally a radio editor and from 1991 to 2013 managing director of the ÖDP Bayern . The 57-year-old is married and has two daughters. He has been the second mayor of Passau since 2008. He informed * of his topics for the Passau OB election by email - and also sounded energetic in writing: “No disfiguring flood walls on the Inn promenade ! This special place must be preserved, ”he wrote, among other things.

Mangold (ÖDP) promises to work for affordable housing, sustainable urban development and an improved infrastructure. “Something must finally happen in traffic: act instead of constantly having to give new reports! For Park & ​​Ride and a city-rural public transport network! ”Wrote Mangold. He also wants to preserve historic Passau: "No to the demolition policy and return-shoe-box architecture!"

Video: What tasks does the mayor have?

Passau local election - The candidate for Alliance 90 / The Greens: Stefanie Auer


Stefanie Auer (Green Passau)

© Simona Kehl

Stefanie Auer , born in 1986, is sent into the race for the OB office by the Greens Passau. The trained editor works as an independent lawyer and for the member of the state parliament, Rosi Steinberger. Stefanie Auer joined the Green Passau in 2006, and has been on its board since 2018. Auer, who is married, runs the "Ladies' circle Passau" and is involved in the "Solidarity Agriculture" initiative.

As an OB candidate for the Greens, Stefanie Auer promotes climate protection , affordable living - but also for a younger and more female city council. " Transport is also a big issue for the citizens of Passau," said Auer. Her motto is "Right of way for bike and bus". The issue of flooding has not been forgotten since the Danube crossing in 2013. Born in Passau, she is responsible for maintaining the Inn promenade and for more technical flood protection on buildings.

Passau local election - The OB candidate of the Passauer List (PaL): Matthias Koopmann


Matthias Koopmann (Passauer list)

© Passau light box

Matthias Koopmann was born in Gelsenkirchen and came to Passau in 1995 for private reasons. He studied cultural history and has been a lecturer at the University of Passau since 2018. He has been running the Stadtfuchs tours in Passau since 2001. He also works as a construction researcher, non-fiction author and cabaret artist. Since 2002 he had been a party free for the ÖDP in the city council of Passau, until 2009 he switched to the Free Democratic Party / Passau List faction. In the 2014 city council election, he successfully ran for the Passauer Liste (PaL) . In 2020 he is now your OB candidate .

"First of all, Passau is characterized by its rich architectural heritage and its natural landscape," said the 55-year-old to * . The current loss of historical substance and the urban sprawl of the intact landscape areas should therefore not continue. Koopmann promises "orderly, ecological and decades-long" urban planning. "The city must not continue to act in affect and as a compliant investor's game ball!" In times of climate change, Passau had to push ahead with "greening". He wants to tackle the city's traffic problems by strengthening local public transport and cycling. "The reduction of through traffic in Passau's city center is of the utmost urgency in terms of urban policy!"

Passau local election - The FDP's OB candidate: Christa Tausch


Christa Tausch (FDP Passau)

© FDP Passau

Christa Tausch is the OB candidate of the FDP Passau. She was employed by the city of Passau for more than 24 years, most recently as long-time head of city ​​marketing and event management . Since 2013 she has been an executive officer and treasurer. She became a member of the Passau city council in 2014. She is involved in many local associations, "because without the volunteer work, the Passau world would be a lot poorer," said Tausch zu * .

"With me as Mayor, Passau is getting a committed, life-affirming, cosmopolitan, attentive Passauer who listens to people," said the FDP politician. Direct contact with all Passau residents is important to her. “I will intensify meetings and discussions with business, medium-sized companies, handicrafts, trade and the youth. I want to create a central meeting place for children, families and seniors. My goal is to take those who are affected by local political decisions. "

Passau local election - Die Linke's candidate for the mayor: Josef Ilsanker


Josef Ilsanker (Left Passau)

© Susannah Davis

The Left Passau sends Josef Ilsanker , born in 1975, into the race for the executive chair in the town hall. After middle school, Ilsanker completed an apprenticeship as an occupational therapist . His political career started early: in 1999 he was a founding member of the PDS Passau and also in 2006 at the WASG Passau . Since 2009 he has been on the executive board of Die Linke Passau. "One of the most pressing problems in Passau is the rapid rise in rents, " explained Ilsanker * .

Residential construction in the city was left almost entirely to private investors, he continued. The housing stock of the property and housing company (WGP) has stagnated, even though the city subsidiary had retained earnings in the millions. The WGP partially reminded of a "real estate shark". In 2019 it became known that the WGP rented apartments without heating to ALG II recipients. Among other things, he and his party wanted the WGP to invest in the construction of affordable housing and the energy-efficient renovation of existing apartments.

Ilsanker - like almost all OB candidates - also cited the high volume of traffic as a major problem. Commuter traffic must be contained by mobility centers on the outskirts. There, commuters should switch to a well-timed city bus or other ecological means of transportation, such as e-bikes . "And:" Local public transport must gradually become free. "


Cheat sheet municipal election Bavaria 2020

© Munich Mercury

To take to the polling station: Our cheat sheet for the local election in Bavaria 2020 as a PDF file for download and printing .

2020 local elections: Mayors are elected throughout Bavaria

A new mayor is not only sought in Passau. The local elections take place all over Bavaria. * has compiled the candidates for the following cities:

  • Munich
  • Nuremberg
  • augsburg
  • regensburg
  • Ingolstadt

We also report for you in the news ticker from Munich *.

Preliminary reports and results of the local election at *

Results of the 2020 local elections will be available on Sunday, March 15, 2020 from *. In advance you will find detailed reports on candidates, lists and all current developments. We will keep you up to date if there are current forecasts and surveys on the local elections in Passau *.

* is part of the nationwide Ippen-Digital editors network.


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