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Live ticker: 2020 local election in the Geretsried-Wolfratshausen region - 36 votes decide on runoff

3/16/2020, 12:22:56 AM

In the 2020 municipal election in the Geretsried-Wolfratshausen region, mayors, city councils, municipal councils, district administrators and district councils are elected. All news, results and statements here with us in the live ticker.

In the 2020 municipal election in the Geretsried-Wolfratshausen region, mayors, city councils, municipal councils, district administrators and district councils are elected. All news, results and statements here with us in the live ticker.

  • Many offices in the district of Bad Tölz-Wolfratshausen will be filled as part of the 2020 local elections in Bavaria. Mayors , councilors and the district council are also newly elected.
  • You can find all results on election evening here. Mayor Michael Müller wins the election in Geretsried . In Wolfratshausen there is a runoff election between Klaus Heilinglechner and Günther Eibl . Josef Hauser becomes mayor in Dietramszell and Rainer Kopnicky in Königsdorf. In Icking, Verena Reithmann and Laura von Beckerath-Leismüller compete in a runoff. Moritz Sappl remains mayor in Eurasburg and Michael Grasl in Münsing.
  • Here you can read all news about the 2020 local elections on election Sunday (March 15) . In addition, only on Monday after the election and every Friday we offer our Geretsried-Wolfratshausen newsletter with all local and local election news from the northern district. Click here for registration.

+++ Mayor election results +++

+++ Results district elections +++

+++ Results of local council elections +++

+++ Update +++

Wolfratshausen, 11:25 p.m .: That was the first turn of the 2020 local elections in the Nordlandkreis - but the tension continues: After the mayoral elections and the district election have been counted, it is now about the future composition of the municipal councils, the city councils and the district council. The election workers will have more strenuous hours tomorrow. With us you stay up to date.

District administrator: runoff election between Niedermaier and Demmel

Bad Tölz, 11:23 p.m .: In the election of the district administrator there is a runoff election. Incumbent Josef Niedermaier (free voters) came to 42.83 percent, followed by Anton Demmel (CSU) with 30.23 percent. Klaus Koch (Greens, 18.08 percent), Filiz Cetin (SPD, 6.86 percent) and Sebastian Englich (left, 2.00 percent) did not make it into the runoff.

Reactions to the election results in Geretsried and Wolfratshausen

Geretsried, 11:19 p.m .: Geretsried Mayor Michael Müller is re-elected. For him, the clear vote, which he had not counted on, represents "outstanding evidence of trust," said Müller. It confirmed him to continue on the course he had chosen: "The citizens want Geretsried to move forward." In an interview with our newspaper, Müller described the election campaign as fair on the whole. However, he would have liked “more content and less personal” from the other side.

Wolfratshausen, 10.45 p.m .: Günther Eibl (CSU) had to shake vigorously in Wolfratshausen whether he made it into the runoff. "I've rarely sweated so much," he admits with a smile. "Now it's time to extend," said Eibl with a view to March 29. "Now the forces have to be pooled again."

Geretsried, 10:33 p.m .: Geretsried's SPD candidate Wolfgang Werner, together with around 15 party members, followed the counting on the cell phone in a Geretsried café. He is "not satisfied" with his result of 11.83 percent, he told our newspaper. As a fair loser, Werner immediately congratulated incumbent Michael Müller by phone on his dream result.

Wolfratshausen, 10:27 p.m .: Wolfratshausen Mayor Klaus Heilinglechner is satisfied with the election evening. Almost 30 percent of the vote - "that's a very good result". One should not forget that a mayor can never please everyone, and "five very strong candidates" have also started, Heilinglechner told our newspaper. Both Heinloth and Eibl argue that his challenger for the runoff was only identified “in a photo finish”. "Now it's time for the second round," says Heilinglechner.

Bad Heilbrunn, 10:19 p.m .: The mayor of Bad Heilbrunn, Thomas Gründl (CSU), has a kiss from his wife Andrea on this election result: the incumbent was re-elected with 63.45 percent of the vote and thus clearly defeated his challenger Konrad Specker (free voters ) by.

Bad Tölz, 9:52 p.m .: A look into the southern district: We have a preliminary overall result of the mayor election from Bad Tölz. Ingo Mehner wins the absolute majority with 50.77 percent of the vote. He is the successor to Josef Janker. Franz Mayer-Schwendner came second with 27.82 percent.

Münsing: Grasl remains mayor

Münsing, 9:25 p.m .: As expected, Michael Grasl remains in command in the Münsingen town hall. He was the only candidate for mayor. In the election, he received 81.65 percent of the vote.

Bad Tölz-Wolfratshausen, 9:20 p.m .: Final spurt when counting the ballot papers for the district election. The incumbent Josef Niedermaier (free voters) is still leading with a good 41 percent. According to the current status, he has to be put into the run-off election against Anton Demmel (CSU), who has almost 31 percent of the vote.

Eurasburg, 9:17 p.m .: Peter Goepfert praised the re-elected mayor Moritz Sappl in Eurasburg. "The result was expected," says the representative of the Independent Voters' Association. "Moritz Sappl has proven in the past years that he can do it and has done a good job." Sappl pushed a lot of projects during this time, says Goepfert. "But they should now also be pulled through and carried on. I have nothing against Ms. Belloni, but the mayor already has it on his chest. ”

Wolfratshausen, 8:38 pm: Every vote counts - this has once again come true in Wolfratshausen. The two pursuers of incumbent Klaus Heilinglechner separated only a few votes. Günther Eibl (CSU, 1755 votes) achieved 36 votes more than Annette Heinloth (Greens, 1719 votes) - this means that Eibl can now compete against Heilinglechner in the runoff.


The runoff: Mayor Klaus Heilinglechner (right) and Günther Eibl.

© Sabine Hermsdorf-Hiss

Bad Tölz-Wolfratshausen, 8:27 p.m .: The counting of the district election continues. The first tendency is becoming more and more solid: The incumbent district administrator Josef Niedermaier will probably receive the most votes; according to 123 of 161 districts, he is currently 40.65 percent. He would have to be in the runoff. Anton Demmel (CSU) currently has the best chances with 30.81 percent. Klaus Koch (Greens) currently stands at 19.20 percent, Filiz Cetin (SPD) at 7.27 percent and Sebastian Englich (left) at 2.08 percent.

Geretsried: Müller remains the first mayor

Geretsried, 8:23 p.m .: Decision in Geretsried! Mayor Michael Müller (CSU) can start his second term. The town hall chief received 62.15 percent of the vote in the election on Sunday after the counting of the voting districts. He won the election confidently. The challengers Martina Raschke (Greens, 18.08 percent), Wolfgang Werner (SPD, 11.83 percent) and Larry Terwey (7.93 percent) came in clearly behind.


Geretsried's incumbent Michael Müller celebrated in a small group at the Old Wirth in Gelting. The first well-wishers included son Markus and wife Daniela.

© Tanja Lühr

Dietramszell: Hauser becomes the new mayor

Dietramszell, 8:16 p.m .: There was a clear choice in Dietramszell. Accordingly, Josef Hauser (Free Voter Community) becomes the new mayor. According to the municipality, he received 56.63 percent of the vote. Ludwig Groebmaier (CSU) won 24.72 percent of the vote, Fabian von Xylander (SPD / Greens / Party-Free) received 18.65 percent.


Shaking hands in Dietramszell: Josef Hauser (Mi.) accepts the congratulations from Fabian von Xylander (left) and Ludwig Gröbmaier.

© Clara Wildenrath

Königsdorf: Kopnicky wins with 86 percent

Königsdorf, 8.09 p.m .: Rainer Kopnicky (CSU) becomes the new mayor in Königsdorf. He was the only candidate on the ballot and, according to the count, received 86.13 percent of the vote in Königsdorf.

Königsdorf, 7:57 p.m .: The counting continues in Königsdorf. In the first vocal group, Rainer Kopnicky (CSU) received around 87 percent of the vote, with four more vocal groups to follow. The result will bring few surprises, that is already clear: Kopnicky is the only nominee in the mayoral election in Königsdorf.

Wolfratshausen: runoff between Heilinglechner and Eibl

Wolfratshausen, 7:54 p.m .: Phew! According to the count, Eibl received 39 votes more than Heinloth. So there was a thrilling election evening with a head-to-head race to watch. At first it looked a long time after a stage win for Annette Heinloth from the Greens, CSU man Günther Eibl caught up minute by minute. In the end, however, the Grefratshauser Greens' successful attention for their top candidate Heinloth remains, election observers say. She narrowly misses the runoff vote.

Wolfratshausen, 7:51 p.m .: That was a close race to enter the runoff! Mayor Klaus Heilinglechner (BVW) won the most votes in the election in Wolfratshausen with 29.05 percent of the vote. It was really close behind. According to the city administration, Günther Eibl (CSU) came in second place with 21.14 percent, closely followed by Annette Heinloth with 20.71 percent. This will result in a runoff election between Heilinglechner and Eibl in two weeks. Voter turnout: 56.24 percent.


Runoff election in Wolfratshausen between Klaus Heilinglechner (left) and Günther Eibl.

© red

Eurasburg: Moritz Sappl re-elected

Eurasburg, 7.41 p.m .: The result of the mayor election in Eurasburg is here. Incumbent Moritz Sappl (GWV) remains mayor. He received 77.92 percent of the vote. His challenger Carola Belloni (Greens) got 22.08 percent of the vote, according to the municipality.


Congratulations in Eurasburg: Challenger Carola Belloni (Greens) congratulates election winner Moritz Sappl.

© Doris Schmid

Geretsried, 7:38 pm: With around 61.5 percent of the vote, incumbent Michael Müller (CSU) is clearly ahead in the mayoral election in Geretsried. The SPD challenger Wolfgang Werner is thoughtful, but relaxed. He is currently in 3rd place with 12.55 percent. Werner told our newspaper, "Then it should be like this" that Mayor Müller will continue.

7:35 pm: It is exciting, we will keep you up to date here. As soon as results from Dietramszell, Eurasburg, Königsdorf and Münsing are available, we will report immediately. The counts are still running. Moritz Sappl has now arrived at the town hall in Eurasburg and is waiting for the result. In Dietramszell, 20 election workers are currently counting around 2,000 postal ballot papers.

Bad Tölz, 7:24 p.m .: A look into the district town - here too there is a runoff election when choosing the district administrator. Incumbent Josef Niedermaier (FW) has around half of the count with 43.9 percent of the vote. He is followed by Anton Demmel (CSU) with currently around 28 percent of the vote. In third place: Klaus Koch (Greens) with 19.2 percent. The counting continues here.

Wolfratshausen, 7:22 p.m .: High voltage continues in Wolfratshausen, the counting is still ongoing. Klaus Heilinglechner seems set for the runoff election, he is currently with almost 29 percent of the vote. Günther Eibl with 21.15 percent and Annette Heinloth with 21.08 percent of the votes are very close - 17 out of 22 districts are counted. Both have sweat on their foreheads. "It has never been so exciting in WOR," says Eibl.

Egling: Hubert Oberhauser wins

Egling, 7:05 p.m .: Egling has voted: Mayor Hubert Oberhauser (free voters) will remain head of the Eglingen town hall for six more years. According to the municipality, he won the election with 65.33 percent of the vote against Florian Sperl (CSU, 34.67 percent). Voter turnout: 68.21 percent.


After the election in Egling: Florian Sperl (right) congratulates the re-elected mayor Hubert Oberhauser.

© Volker Ufertinger

Icking: runoff between Reithmann and von Beckerath-Leismüller

Icking, 7:02 p.m .: In Icking there will be a runoff election in two weeks. According to the municipality, after the first counting of the voting districts Verena Reithmann (UBI) achieved 41.59 percent of the votes, Laura von Beckerath-Leismüller (Greens) came in second with 30.42 percent of the votes. Voter turnout: 72.58 percent.


In front of the town hall in Ickingen: Election director Stefan Fischer announces the election results, including Verena Reithmann (2nd from left), Cornelia Zechmeister (4th from right) and City Hall chief Margit Menrad (2nd from right).

© Hans Lippert

Icking, 6.55 p.m .: duel in Icking. After 5 out of 7 quick reports, according to the municipality, Verena Reithmann (UBI) currently leads with around 41.6 percent of the votes, ahead of Laura von Beckerath-Leismüller (Greens) with 32 percent.

Wolfratshausen, 6.47 p.m .: A runoff election is indicated in Wolfratshausen. Incumbent Klaus Heilinglechner is currently in the lead count (8 out of 22 quick reports) with 28.9 percent of the votes. Annette Heinloth (22.7 percent) and Günther Eibl (21.2 percent) follow. Clearly behind: Richard Kugler (15.3 percent) and Manfred Menke (11.9 percent). However, many voting districts have not yet been counted. A run-off election occurs when a candidate does not collect more than 50 percent of the votes.

Geretsried, 6:38 pm: Incumbent Michael Müller is on the way to re-election in Geretsried. According to the city council, 7 out of 21 voting districts are counted. Müller leads with 61.9 percent of the votes very clearly ahead of Martina Raschke (20.1 percent), Wolfgang Werner (11.5 percent) and Larry Terwey (6.5 percent). But these are only first snapshots at the moment, everything can change.

Egling, 6:31 p.m .: In Egling, an election victory of incumbent Hubert Oberhauser is indicated. After counting 6 out of 12 quick reports, Oberhauser is in the lead with 66.83 percent of the votes, according to the municipality; Challenger Florian Sperl therefore has 33.17 percent of the vote. But counting continues.

Icking, 6:25 p.m .: The counting continues. The mood is good but concentrated.

2020 local elections: polling stations have closed

Dietramszell, 6:02 p.m .: Before the counting begins, the postal voting boxes will of course also be emptied again so that all votes are recorded. In Dietramszell, this was done by election director Kurt Andorfer at exactly 6:00 p.m. Now it is counted.


Last emptying of the postal voting box in Dietramszell by election manager Kurt Andorfer.

© Clara Wildenrath

6:00 p.m .: And finally, the voters have decided: The polling stations for the local elections have closed. Now it gets exciting - the counting of the votes begins. The first expected results are the election of the mayor and the election of the district administrator. What are the distances? Will there be run-off elections? We probably know that from around 7 p.m. / 7.30 p.m.

5:32 p.m .: The polling stations in the Nordlandkreis are still open for almost half an hour, until 6 p.m. The counting of the election results then begins. We will keep you informed on this page as soon as the first results from the town halls are available.

Egling, 5:03 pm: The free voters Egling canceled their election party on Sunday evening in the Gasthaus zur Post. "That is not responsible at the moment," explains Eglingen Mayor Hubert Oberhauser, referring to the possible risk of infection. The CSU, on the other hand, stays with it, you meet at Gasthaus Hansch. "But I left it up to everyone whether he wanted to come," said Mayor candidate Florian Sperl.

Wolfratshausen, 4.15 p.m .: The town hall in the city of Wolfratshausen is open today. Mayor Klaus Heilinglechner just said this to our newspaper. "The election must remain public," said Heilinglechner. In the past, the mayor candidates, city councilors and interested citizens met in the conference room on election evening to follow the results from the individual constituencies arriving at the town hall. The mayor emphatically appeals to the citizens to think carefully about whether they want to come to the town hall, given the rampant corona virus that everyone is responsible for others, Heilingechner emphasizes.

Dietramszell, 3:29 pm: There are several stories to tell about Dietramszell election director Kurt Andorfer. He is probably the only foreign election manager far and wide, he comes from Upper Austria. In addition, the Way of St. James once went, which is a good thing, because as a returning officer you have a lot of walking. And: Andorfer has his birthday today, he is happy to accept his 54th congratulations. The municipality will report on the outcome of the election on a notice board around 7 p.m. / 7.30 p.m. (not on its homepage).

Egling, 2:25 p.m .: Florian Sperl, the candidate for CSU mayor in Eglingen, would have nothing against the press taking a photo of him throwing his ballot into the urn. But, but: He has already made a postal vote, so the popular motif is not coming about. "I'm sorry, it doesn't work," he says. On the other hand, quite a few have exercised their postal voting rights this year. Why not a candidate too?

Wolfratshausen, 12.44 p.m .: The Wolfratshausen parties and political groups have canceled all election parties planned for this evening because of the rampant corona virus . With Klaus Heilinglechner (BVW), Günther Eibl (CSU), Manfred Menke (SPD), Annette Heinloth (Greens) and Richard Kugler (Wolfratshauser List), there are five applicants for the mayor's office in Flößerstadt. For this reason, a runoff election with two candidates in two weeks (March 29) is very likely.

Geretsried, 11:26 am: The city of Geretsried announces that the city council is refraining from major meetings this evening due to the corona virus . All (preliminary) results of the local elections will only be published on the city's website.


Notice of the city of Geretsried

© sas

Wolfratshausen, 10.17 a.m .: The Wolfratshausers are slowly making their way to the polling stations on this sunny Sunday. The participation in postal votes is very high this year in Flößerstadt: a large number of voters have already done their civil duty in advance, over 5250 out of 15079 voters. That's a good third.

Sunday, March 15, 8:58 a.m .: The polling stations have been open for almost an hour. Voters can vote until 6 p.m. Due to the corona virus, the polling stations have taken security precautions. Dietramszell citizens will even find gloves in some of the five polling stations: there are still a few left over from the last Ramadama.

Thursday, March 12, 4:01 pm: In the cities of Geretsried and Wolfratshausen as well as in the surrounding communities, citizens are called to the ballot box on March 15 . In the 2020 local elections in the Bad Tölz-Wolfratshausen district, all types of local representatives are newly elected. Offices are assigned both at the level of cities and municipalities and at the level of counties . From the evening of the election, we will keep you up to date on all results of the 2020 local elections in Bavaria.

Click here for the election ticker for Tölzer Land.

Important issues for the 2020 local elections in the Bad Tölz-Wolfratshausen district

Traffic was one of the dominant topics in the district. Practically all of the candidates have committed themselves to the topic of traffic turnaround. Especially with a view to the planned expansion of the MVV network to the entire district and the creation of a new local transport plan, it is important to set the right course here. Another important issue at all municipal levels is the creation of affordable housing.

District election in Bad Tölz-Wolfratshausen - district has five applicants

The previous incumbent Josef Niedermaier (FW) is aiming for a third term in the 2020 municipal election in the Bad Tölz-Wolfratshausen district. Four opposing candidates challenge him: Anton Demmel (CSU), Filiz Cetin (SPD), Klaus Koch (Greens) and Sebastian Englich (Left).

Mayor election in the Geretsried-Wolfratshausen region - New city hall chiefs wanted

In the 2020 local elections in Bavaria , the mayors are elected across the Free State in most municipalities. In the municipal elections in the Geretsried-Wolfratshausen region, the voters in the mayoral election each have one vote for their favorite. If none of the candidates can win over 50 percent of the votes in the first ballot, the mayor will be finally elected in a runoff on March 29. In addition, the two candidates with the most votes from the first ballot will run. The same applies if the district council candidates do not immediately receive an absolute majority in the 2020 municipal election in the Bad Tölz-Wolfratshausen district.

Local council election and city council election in the region - Everywhere is elected

The municipal representations at the smallest level are determined by the municipal council election or city ​​council election . How many mandates are awarded depends on the respective municipality. In this election, voters have several votes that they can accumulate or vary. For easier understanding, we have summarized the most important information on the ballot papers for the local elections in Bavaria. The same principle applies to the crosses when choosing a district day.

District elections in Bad Tölz-Wolfratshausen - 2020 local elections decide over 60 seats

The district council consists of the district administrator and 60 elected district councilors. In the upcoming local elections in Bavaria, all seats in the Bad Tölz-Wolfratshausen district will also be newly elected. The district councils work on a voluntary basis and are responsible for overseeing the district administration.

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