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Live ticker: Local election 2020 in Tölzer Land: This is how the seats are distributed in the new Tölzer City Council

3/16/2020, 5:34:56 AM

In the 2020 municipal election in the Bad Tölz-Wolfratshausen district, the district administrator, mayor, councilors and district council are elected. All important news, results and statements here with us in the live ticker.

In the 2020 municipal election in the Bad Tölz-Wolfratshausen district, the district administrator, mayor, councilors and district council are elected. All important news, results and statements here with us in the live ticker.

  • Many offices in the district of Bad Tölz-Wolfratshausen will be filled as part of the 2020 local elections in Bavaria.
  • The mayors , the municipal councils and the district council are also newly elected. All results on election evening from the Bad Tölz-Wolfratshausen district can be found here.
  • Here you can read all news about the 2020 local elections on election Sunday (March 15) . In addition, only we offer our Bad Tölz newsletter with all local and local election news from Bad Tölz & Region directly on Monday after the election and every Friday. Click here for registration.

+++ Mayor election results +++

+++ Results district elections +++

+++ Results of local council elections +++

+++ Update +++

Update, March 16, 6:15 am: The results for the local council and district council are available today Monday (March 16). We will report them live here as soon as they are published.

2020 local election in Tölzer Land: This is how the seats are distributed in the new Tölzer City Council

10:56 p.m., Bad Tölz: The CSU has won nine seats in the Tölz city ​​council, the Greens seven, the FWG six and the SPD two.

10:53 p.m., Wackersberg: There is a correction to the result of the mayor election in Wackersberg. Here the only candidate Jan Göhzold received 90.0 percent of the vote, not as previously announced 83.

10:46 p.m., Lenggries: The four Lenggries mayor candidates gave a harmonious picture on the afternoon of the election day: They met at the "Altwirt" to head the sheep together.


© arp

10.30 p.m., Wolfratshausen: That was a close race to enter the runoff election in Wolfratshausen: Mayor Klaus Heilinglechner (BVW) won the most votes in the election in Wolfratshausen with 29.05 percent of the vote. It was really close behind. According to the city administration, Günther Eibl (CSU) came in second place with 21.14 percent, closely followed by Annette Heinloth with 20.71 percent. The difference was only 36 votes. This will result in a runoff election between Heilinglechner and Eibl in two weeks. Voter turnout: 56.24 percent.

10:01 p.m., Bad Tölz: The first tendencies in the city council election in Bad Tölz are foreseeable: after counting the first 7 out of 20 voting districts, it becomes apparent that the Free Voting Community (FWG) is losing, while the Greens have clearly gained. The current interim result: CSU: 36.7; Greens: 30.3; FWG: 23.3; SPD: 9.7.

9:46 p.m., district: This should no longer be shaken: When deciding on the post of district administrator in Bad Tölz-Wolfratshausen, there is obviously a runoff election in two weeks. There incumbents Josef Niedermaier (free voters) and Anton Demmel (CSU) face each other. After receiving 145 of 161 quick reports, Niedermaier received 41.5 percent of the vote, Demmel was 30.7 percent. As of now, Klaus Koch (Greens, 18.7 percent), Filiz Cetin (SPD, 7.1) and Sebastian Englich (Left, 2.1) are out of the race.

9:12 pm, Königsdorf: Rainer Kopnicky (CSU) becomes the new mayor in Königsdorf. He was the only candidate on the ballot and, according to the count, received 86.13 percent of the vote in Königsdorf.

9:04 pm, Wackersberg: In Wackersberg, Jan Göhzold was elected mayor with 83.8 percent of the vote. He was the only candidate.

20:54, Kochel am See: With the support of 80.3 percent of the voters, incumbent Thomas Holz (CSU) can go into the next term in Kochel am See. The turnout here was 60.3 percent. 63 percent of them cast their votes by postal vote.

8:48 pm, Dietramszell: There is a clear result in Dietramszell. Accordingly, Josef Hauser (Free Voter Community) becomes the new mayor. According to the municipality, he received 56.63 percent of the vote. Ludwig Groebmaier (CSU) won 24.72 percent of the vote, Fabian von Xylander (SPD / Greens / Party-Free) received 18.65 percent.

8:39 p.m., Bad Heilbrunn: Mayor Thomas Gründl (CSU), a mayor of Bad Heilbrunn, has a kiss from his wife Andrea on this election result: the incumbent was re-elected with 63.45 percent of the vote, clearly defeating his challenger Konrad Specker (free voters ) by.


© Felicitas Bogner

8:29 pm, Jachenau: In Jachenau the only candidate for mayor, Klaus Rauchberger, was elected with 80.25 percent of the vote. 61 of 537 voters cast an invalid ballot.

8:19 p.m., Sachsenkam / Greiling: The mayor candidates in Greiling and Sachsenkam achieved very good election results - but they were also the only candidates. Incumbent Anton Margreiter in Greiling can look forward to the backing of 88.71 percent of the voters. Andreas Rammler also got a convincing result. He is the new mayor of Sachsenkam with 88.39 percent of the vote.

8:00 p.m., Reichersbeuern: In Reichersbeuern there is a preliminary end result of the mayor election. Incumbent Ernst Dieckmann was re-elected with 78.13 percent of the vote. His challenger Georg Miederer, whom the Greens, ÖDP and UBR had sent into the race, achieved 21.87 percent.

7.49 p.m., Bad Tölz: In Bad Tölz too, there is now a preliminary overall result of the mayoral election: According to this, Ingo Mehner already achieved an absolute majority in the first ballot. He received 50.77 percent of the votes. So he becomes the new mayor of Tölz as successor to Josef Janker. Franz Mayer-Schwendner took second place (27.82 percent). Michael Lindmair (free voters) should be disappointed with his departure with only 15.14 percent. Michael Ernst (SPD) got 6.27 percent.


Ingo Mehner (left) can hardly believe his luck: he was elected to the new Tölz Mayor with an absolute majority in the first ballot.

© Arndt Pröhl

7.44 p.m., Greiling: In Greiling, the mayoral election has already been counted. Anton Margreiter expects a result between 85 and 90 percent. "I'm very happy about that," says Margreiter. "I was able to significantly increase my 2014 result." In 2014 Margreiter was able to collect 69.14 percent of the votes.

7.42 p.m., Benediktbeuern: Benediktbeuern has counted the district administrator, reports election manager Inge Ambrugger. The winner is Josef Niedermaier with 50.94 percent, followed by Anton Demmel with 24.56; Klaus Koch (15.53); Filiz Cetin (7.49) and Sebastian Englich (1.94). No mayor is elected in Benediktbeuern, which is why you are already in the counting for the municipal council. According to Ambrugger, progress is good.

19:36, Schlehdorf: Mayor Stefan Jocher has been re-elected in Schlehdorf. He received 81 percent of the vote. The turnout in the small Kochelsee community was 70 percent. The town hall manager is pleased with the confident result and the high level of participation: "Both are very gratifying."

19:26, Lenggries: There is a final result of the mayoral election in Lenggries. Because none of the four candidates has reached the 50 percent mark, a runoff election is necessary in two weeks. Moving into these: Markus Landthaler (Free Voter), who is 46.9 percent ahead; and Wolfgang Morlang (Bavarian party), who won 24.9 percent of the vote. Christine Rinner (CSU, 20.2 percent) and Tobias Raphelt (SPD, 8.0) have left.

7.10 p.m., Bad Tölz: The first interim result of the mayoral election in Bad Tölz is surprising in this clarity. After counting the polls, Ingo Mehner (CSU) is far ahead with 50.8 percent of the vote. If it stayed that way, he would be elected in the first ballot. However, the postal vote count is still missing. Franz Mayer-Schwendner (Greens) is currently in second place with 28 percent and can therefore still hope to achieve a possible runoff election. Michael Lindmair (free voters) is surprisingly only 15.2 percent. Michael Ernst (SPD) has 6.1 percent to date.


Here he waited eagerly for the results: In the meantime, however, it is clear that Ingo Mehner (CSU) - here with his wife Stephanie - was elected the new mayor of Tölz in the first ballot.

© Christoph Schnitzer

7:06 pm, Lenggries: In Lenggries, an exciting race for second place develops in the mayor election. After counting the first 9 out of 13 voting districts, Markus Landthaler continues to lead with 46 percent. Wolfgang Morlang (BP, 23.4 percent) and Christine Rinner (CSU, 21.6 percent) followed.

7:01 p.m., Bichl: The polls in Bichl are counted - that's about a third of the votes. Incumbent Benedikt Pössenbacher (UBB) has so far garnered 90 percent of the votes.

6.50 p.m., Bad Heilbrunn: Bad Heilbrunn is currently looking good for incumbent Thomas Gründl (CSU). After counting two of the six districts, it is 61.2 percent. His challenger Konrad Specker (free voters) at 38.8 percent.

18:34, district: There is a first tendency for the district election . After receiving the first 13 of 161 quick reports, incumbent district administrator Josef Niedermaier is ahead with 42.3 percent. The following flights: Anton Demmel (CSU): 27.8; Klaus Koch (Greens): 19.5; Filiz Cetin (SPD): 7.8; Sebastian Englich (left): 2.6.

18:31, Lenggries: In Lenggries 3 out of 13 constituencies are currently counted. And there is a first clear trend: Markus Landthaler (free voters) is at the top with 42.4 percent. This is followed by Christine Rinner (CSU) with 27.8 percent, Wolfgang Morlang (Bavaria Party) with 18.5 percent and Tobias Raphelt with 11.4 percent. A lot can still change, of course.

6.15 p.m., Greiling: There is a lot to do when counting the postal vote, as here in Greiling. A lot of voters voted this way this year. Overall, a good turnout is reported from Greiling after the impressions from the polling station.


© Arndt Pröhl

6:00 p.m .: The polling stations close at this minute. So the decisions have been made. Now the counting of the votes begins.

5.40 p.m .: The polling stations close in 20 minutes. The first results can be expected from around 8 p.m. We keep you informed here in the ticker.

3:43 p.m .: In Schlehdorf, where incumbent Stefan Jocher was the only candidate for mayor, there was a lively coming and going in the Trachtenheim, which had been converted into a polling station. This is despite the fact that according to Jocher, the proportion of eligible voters who opted for postal voting was around 40 percent - significantly higher than when voting six years ago, said Jocher. Overall, he expected voter turnout of around 70 percent in the Kochelsee community. Jocher himself had thrown his ballot papers into the polls in the morning, and from midday he acted as an election assistant. Given that he had no opposing candidate in this election, he hoped for an election result of at least 80 percent of the vote. "Anything below 80 percent would annoy me," said Jocher.


© Blessed

3 p.m .: It was shortly after 1 p.m. when the incumbent mayor of Kochel Thomas Holz threw his ballot papers into the ballot boxes. As with the local elections six years ago, Holz is once again the only candidate for mayor in the Loisach community. Still, he was excited. "You already have a certain tension - even if you are the only candidate," said Holz. Because in Kochel there was "the special situation" that there was only one mayor candidate but eight different lists, some of which had a significantly different political orientation than he did as a CSU candidate. Because the voters of other lists would not necessarily elect him as mayor. "My contract is expiring. I would like it to be extended." But he needs over 50 percent of the votes.


© Blessed

2.30 p.m .: Incumbent Benedikt Pössenbacher has no opposing candidate in Bichl. There is a uniform list for the local council. In the polling station today it says in the early afternoon: The citizens don't come all at once, rather successively.


1.45 p.m .: There is one less vote today in Benediktbeuern. There is no mayoral election, as unscheduled elections were held last year after the death of incumbent Hans Kiefersauer. As the election officials report, there is always something going on.


© arp

1:18 p.m .: Voting is also taking place in Bad Heilbrunn today. Here Konrad Specker (free voters) wants to replace the incumbent mayor Thomas Gründl (CSU). The turnout is quite good, according to statements made on site. Many citizens have already taken the option of postal voting.


© arp

12:56 p.m .: Voting behind white and blue curtains: The voting booths in Gaißach are very busy. Today there is only one candidate for mayor in Gaißach: incumbent Stefan Fadinger, who has been in the saddle for eight years now. In such cases, voters also have the right to alternatively write any other name of a person entitled to vote on the ballot paper. The old and presumably new mayor of Gaißach will be provided with a new municipal council.


© Arndt Pröhl

10.50 a.m .: Polling stations have been open for almost three hours. The rush is likely to be limited in many communities, many have already voted in advance by postal vote. Those who vote in the polling station can bring their own pen today. The city of Bad Tölz has taken further precautions with a view to the Corona crisis.

Tuesday, March 10, 3:52 pm: In the district town of Bad Tölz and the municipalities of the district, citizens are called to the ballot box on March 15 . Offices are assigned both at the level of cities and municipalities and at the level of counties . From the evening of the election, we will keep you up to date on all results of the 2020 local elections in Bavaria.

Click here for the election ticker for the Geretsried-Wolfratshausen region.

Important issues for the 2020 local elections in the Bad Tölz-Wolfratshausen district

Traffic was one of the dominant topics in the district. Practically all of the candidates have committed themselves to the topic of traffic turnaround. Especially with a view to the planned expansion of the MVV network to the entire district and the creation of a new local transport plan, it is important to set the right course here. Another important issue at all municipal levels is the creation of affordable housing.

District election in Bad Tölz-Wolfratshausen - district has five applicants

The previous incumbent Josef Niedermaier (FW) is aiming for a third term in the 2020 municipal election in the Bad Tölz-Wolfratshausen district. Four opposing candidates challenge him: Anton Demmel (CSU), Filiz Cetin (SPD), Klaus Koch (Greens) and Sebastian Englich (Left).

Mayor election in Tölzer Land - New city hall bosses wanted

In the 2020 local elections in Bavaria , the mayors are elected across the Free State in most municipalities. Also in the local elections in Bad Tölz, the voters in the mayoral election each have one vote for their favorite. If none of the candidates can win over 50 percent of the votes in the first ballot, the mayor will be finally elected in a runoff on March 29. In addition, the two candidates with the most votes from the first ballot will run. The same applies if the district council candidates do not immediately receive an absolute majority in the 2020 municipal election in Bad Tölz-Wolfratshausen.

Local council election and city council election in Tölzer Land - Everywhere is elected

The municipal representations at the smallest level are determined by the municipal council election or city ​​council election . How many mandates are awarded depends on the respective municipality. In this election, voters have several votes that they can accumulate or vary. For easier understanding, we have summarized the most important information on the ballot papers for the local elections in Bavaria. The same principle applies to the crosses when choosing a district day.

District elections in Bad Tölz-Wolfratshausen - 2020 local elections decide over 60 seats

The Tölzer district council consists of the district administrator and 60 elected district councilors. In the upcoming local elections in Bavaria, all seats in the Bad Tölz-Wolfratshausen district will also be newly elected. The district councils work on a voluntary basis and are responsible for overseeing the district administration.

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