The Limited Times

Mayor election 2020 in Vaterstetten: CSU in front, Greens win

3/16/2020, 7:04:40 PM

Local elections in Vaterstetten: Computer problems, Christian social issues are in front, Greens win. Spitzauer: "The days of a CSU with 60 percent are over".

Local elections in Vaterstetten: Computer problems, Christian social issues are in front, Greens win. Spitzauer: "The days of a CSU with 60 percent are over".

Vaterstetten - It took the longest to count in the largest district municipality. This was due to considerable computer problems in Vaterstetten. The preliminary final result was only available around 4 p.m. on Monday.

The CSU remains the strongest faction. Their mayor candidate Leo Spitzauer was satisfied with the result. "The days of a CSU with 60 percent are over." The established have been re-elected. But there are also new faces like Theresa Fauth and Maximilian Mack. They will bring fresh ideas to the local council, as they have already been formulated in the election program.

Vaterstetten: The winners of the election are the Greens

The winners of the election are the Greens, who were able to significantly expand their mandates. They became the second strongest faction. "We did an extremely committed election campaign," said Mayor candidate David Göhler. Keywords: In addition to arguments, music and cycling through the place. Many young active people were also involved.

Maria Wirnitzer (SPD) did it in the runoff against Leonhard Spitzauer. She emphasized that "the options for campaigning are now limited". But there are more important things, "safety comes first". The SPD has stabilized. "Even if I would have liked to have had one more seat." It was also important that the SPD set up its own candidate for mayor. If there is now only one postal vote in the next round, Wirnitzer hopes for a higher turnout.

Roland Meier: FW "unfortunately weakened"

FW Mayor candidate Roland Meier sees the free voters "unfortunately weakened" after the municipal council election. There are several reasons for this. He did not want to make a recommendation for the runoff election. "I want to remain neutral." Meier is skeptical that a vote in two weeks could only be a postal vote. He fears that this could be seen as an opportunity to protest, for example through invalid votes.

Klaus Willenberg (FDP): "I am pleased that the effort was worth it." His conclusion. The father of Stetten would not have wanted him as mayor, but he would have wanted him as a councilor.

The Council

CSU: Leo Spitzauer (9994 Simmen, list position 1), Michael Niebler (6875, LP 4), Michelino Capezzuto-Zehetmeier (6402, LP 10), Josef Schmid (5766, LP 12), Florian Pöhlmann (5724, LP 2), Christl Mitterer (5711, LP 3), Benedikt Weber (5677, LP 5), Stefan Huber (5585, LP 7), Theresa Fauth (5446, LP 6), Maximilian Mack (5282, LP 28), Albert Wirth (4973, LP 13), Manfred Vodermair (4953, LP 15).

Greens: David Göhler (5771, LP 1), Stefan Ruoff (5093, LP 6), Dr. Elisabeth Mundelius (4693, LP 3), Katrin Pumm (4294, LP 2), Axel Weingärtner (4022, LP 4), Marina Ruoff (3685, LP 9), Felix Edelmann (3682, LP 10)

Free voters: Roland Meier (4377, LP 1), Dr. Bianca Dusi-Färber (3290, LP 2), Wolfgang Schermann (1855, LP 3).

AFD: Brigitte Fischbacher (755, LP 1)

SPD: Maria Wirnitzer (7353, LP 1), Günter Lenz (4135, LP 6), Cordula Koch (3764, LP 3), Josef Mittermeier (3312, LP 2), Annika Deutschmann (2132, LP 9).

FDP: Klaus Willenberg (3162, LP 1), Renate Will (2095, LP 4).

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