The Limited Times

OB election in Munich: surprising turn in percent crime thriller - coronavirus leads to change in runoff election

3/16/2020, 10:40:51 AM

Munich elects the mayor, city council and district committees. Mayor Dieter Reiter asserts that the "revenge" of the Greens is on the way.

Munich elects the mayor, city council and district committees. Mayor Dieter Reiter asserts that the "revenge" of the Greens is on the way.

  • The local elections in Munich (March 15) caused a stir in advance.
  • 1.1 million voters were asked to vote.
  • There is a runoff election in the struggle for the OB office, the Greens are listening in on the city council election.

+++ Results OB election in Munich +++

+++ results city council election Munich +++

10:28: At his press conference on the corona virus , Bavaria's Prime Minister Markus Söder (CSU) announced that the runoff election in Munich will only take place in two weeks as a postal vote .

8.18 a.m .: After the local elections in Bavaria, in the midst of the Corona crisis, runoff elections are held in 16 cities for the post of mayor. Among them is also in Munich. Munich incumbent Dieter Reiter (SPD) will compete against CSU candidate Kristina Frank in two weeks. The Greens candidate Katrin Habenschaden had already admitted her defeat before the end of the counting and the projections on Sunday evening and congratulated the other candidates.

According to the count as of Sunday evening at 10:55 p.m. Reiter can collect 47.9 percent of the votes. Frank 21.3 percent and damage to property 20.7 percent. Final results are expected later in the day. On the evening of March 15th, 1272 out of 1274 voting districts had already been counted.

Update, March 16, 6:41 a.m .: Today's Monday (March 16), the counting of votes continues. Two areas are still missing. We report the results live.

OB election in Munich: Green probably the strongest force in the city council

11:15 p.m .: The Greens are expected to be the strongest force in the Munich City Council for the first time.

After counting 1,140 of the 1,274 voting districts, the Greens were 28.8 percent ahead of the CSU with 26.4 percent on Sunday evening. The SPD slipped to third place and was only 22.8 percent. All other parties were below five percent, including the AfD.

Compared to 2014, the Greens were able to increase their result by 12 percentage points, while the CSU and SPD both lost significantly.

OB election in Munich: Two areas are still missing - results assessment for today ended

10.45 p.m .: Two areas are still missing , then an official result can be announced in the first ballot in the OB election in Munich.

A little later, the state capital of Munich announced: "The results of the local elections were interrupted and will not continue until March 16, 2020."

After defeat in the OB election in Munich: "Revenge" of the Greens is on the way

10:10 p.m .: The count at the city council election in Munich suggests a success for the Greens. But be careful: the electoral officers only determine a trend report in each voting district on Sunday evening after counting the mayor's election. Only about 65% of the ballots actually submitted are included in the results to date.

The counting of all ballots will start tomorrow, Monday; from 5 p.m. the city wants to visualize results.

Counting status at 1,006 out of 1,275 counted areas:

  • Greens: 29.1 percent
  • CSU: 25.8 percent
  • SPD: 22.4 percent

9:51 p.m .: An end is very slowly in sight. Only 19 areas are still waiting to be counted in the OB election in Munich.

9:26 pm: 1,242 out of 1,274 areas are counted. The following is an overview of the status of the OB election in Munich:

  • Dieter Reiter (SPD): 48.0 percent
  • Kristina Frank (CSU): 21.3 percent
  • Katrin Habenschaden (Greens): 20.5 percent

With this, Reiter and Frank would move into the runoff election on March 29 . Damage to their two competitors has to be beaten. And in most of the other larger cities in Bavaria, the Greens did not do well in the mayoral election. So far it can only be speculated about the causes.

OB election in Munich: Kristina Frank is probably moving into the runoff

9:11 p.m .: Now Kristina Frank speaks. “We as CSU have felt people on the soul. But Munich has been in a state of emergency for a few days. Now, more than ever, a clear course with prudence is needed, ”explains the representative of the Union. She was ready to take great responsibility.

In our review article we collected the different reactions of the applicants.

9:21 pm: Kristina Frank (CSU) has apparently made the turn. At the start of the counting, clearly placed behind Katrin Habenschaden (Greens), the 38-year-old will still be in the runoff in two weeks. So far, Frank has not commented publicly on the well-meaning forecasts.

8:49 pm: Everything just a matter of form? 44 areas are pending. By 10 p.m. the counting should be completed; then the helpers start analyzing the city council election.

Dieter Reiter according to forecasts from Munich: "Go to the runoff election relatively relaxed"

8:40 pm: "It would be presumptuous to say that I am not satisfied with this result," dictates Dieter Reiter into the BR microphones. The SPD politician explains that he is relatively relaxed in the upcoming runoff election. Did the city sleep in advance regarding the "Corona planning"? "We did what we can," says Reiter. He met a lot of relaxed election workers today, but also a couple of disgruntled teachers.

Katrin Habenschaden from the Greens first drew attention to the growth of six percent in her first statement (compared to the last OB election in Munich). "I congratulate Dieter Reiter and Kristina Frank on entering the runoff. In Munich there was a head-to-head race with green participation for the first time. Of course it is a shame to have narrowly missed the runoff election, ”says the OB candidate.

8:27 pm: The distance continues to grow! According to the current status, CSU woman Kristina Frank (21.3 percent) is defending her lead over Greens applicant Katrin Habenschaden (20.5 percent). 49 districts are still missing.

8:19 p.m .: Who may "annoy" the incumbent mayor in the runoff election on March 29, 2020 ? The people of Munich have to wait a little longer ...

Percentage thriller! Hot final spurt in the OB election in Munich - it will be bitter for a favorite

8.05 p.m .: The preliminary decision has now been made! Kristina Frank (21.3 percent) seems to be taking second place in the OB election in Munich ahead of Katrin Habenschaden (20.6 percent). This means that, according to the current status in the run-off election, she should challenge riders in two weeks' time. Many areas no longer need to be counted ...

That should be the preliminary decision. According to the latest figures, Kristina Frank (@CSUMuenchen) is 21.3%, @KHabenschaden (@Gruene_Muenchen) is 20.6. Counted 1207 out of 1274 areas. # kwby20 #Munich # local election Bavaria

- Marc Kniepkamp (@MK_Muc) March 15, 2020

7:50 p.m .: Now Kristina Frank has passed her competitor! After 1,138 counted areas (136 are still missing), the CSU politician is 0.3 percent ahead of Katrin Habenschaden (Greens). The two applicants currently separate about 1,000 votes. For the incumbent of the SPD, 48.1 percent is currently forecast.

New intermediate status:

  • Dieter Reiter (SPD): 48.1 percent
  • Kristina Frank (CSU): 21.1 percent
  • Katrin Habenschaden (Greens): 20.8 percent

The announced Green press conference has since been postponed to 9 p.m. Before there was no result, one did not want to comment, it said.

7.45 pm: Is the tension now being deliberately held up? When it comes to counting the remaining areas, nothing seems to be going on at the moment.

OB election in Munich: mega-thriller between Habenschaden and Frank - who grabs the runoff vote?

7:36 pm: Only 0.2 percent are between second place (damage to goods) and third (Frank). Who will join Dieter Reiter (SPD) in the runoff election on March 29: the Greens candidate or the challenger from the CSU? Now just under 200 areas have to be counted. Reiter is still 48.2 percent.

19:28: The air is thin for Katrin Habenschaden (20.9 percent). After 932 counted areas, Kristina Frank (20.5 percent) has caught up powerfully. Reiter remains at 48.2 percent.

7:20 p.m .: That will probably be nothing for the incumbent. 873 out of 1,274 areas have been analyzed. Dieter Reiter was no longer able to increase his value from the first projection. Interesting and at the same time vivid: according to the current status, 162,080 Munich citizens have given their vote to the incumbent OB.

The interim status:

  • Dieter Reiter (SPD): 48.3 percent
  • Katrin Habenschaden (Greens): 21 percent
  • Kristina Frank (CSU): 20.3 percent

Result in the OB election in Munich: More than half has already been counted

7:14 p.m .: More than half of the Munich areas are counted . The trend remains unchanged: Reiter is lonely at the front, but does not seem to be able to reach the absolute majority. Green Habenschaden has a slight lead over her opponent Kristina Frank from the CSU.

7:03 p.m .: 643 districts have already been counted; the trend towards an absolute majority for the SPD incumbent has not become stronger. Reiter has "crashed" to 48.4 percent, Frank is catching up compared to damage to property. A crime thriller in the state capital is looming. With the remaining applicants , none of them seems to be able to collect more than five percent of the votes.

18:58: Does Dieter Reiter actually win in the first ballot ? The counting of the remaining districts will prove it. It could be a bitter evening for the CSU and its candidate Kristina Frank ...

First extrapolation for the OB election in Munich is here - hammer result is on the way

6.50 p.m .: The first projections for Munich are here. According to the current status, Dieter Reiter is forecast 48.6 percent of the votes, his challengers Katrin Habenschaden (Greens / 21.2 percent) and Kristina Frank (CSU / 19.9 percent) follow by a wide margin.

# Local election2020 # Munich #OBWahl - first numbers: #Reiter 48.6%; #Frank 19.8%; Damage to property 21.2%;

- Sascha Karowski (@skarowski) March 15, 2020

Incumbent Dieter Reiter does not seem far from the absolute majority at the moment . 452 out of 1,274 areas are counted. If nothing changes in the previous trend, the Greens candidates move property damage into a runoff election.

6:35 pm: Patience is still required; initial counting results are still a long time coming. The corona virus has apparently not contributed to a higher pace in this regard.

Forecast for local elections in Munich? Corona virus causes delays

6:17 pm: The disappointment is noticeable in the district administration department ( KVR ); a large election party had been prepared for a long time. As previously discussed several times, nothing came of it. The OB candidates track the exit at separate locations.

6.15 p.m .: The tension among the parties increases: could they achieve their previously set goals? The first counting results for the OB election are still a long time coming.

6:08 p.m .: Nothing works in the Isar metropolis. Now "the electoral officers start counting the election of the mayor", reports the city of Munich on its official website.

The polling stations are closed, now it's time to count the #2020 municipal election in # Munich. The results can be followed live at

- City of Munich (@StadtMuenchen) March 15, 2020

As of 5.20 p.m., the turnout in Munich was 49.3 percent. As a reminder: in the last local elections in 2014, only 41.5 percent of those entitled to vote had voted.

No forecast for the local elections in Munich: "It could take longer tonight"

6:00 p.m .: There is still no forecast from the state capital. The first figures are apparently only expected in about half an hour. "It could take a little longer tonight," explains an infratest dimap spokesman in the BR . The reason is the sharp increase in the number of postal voters.

17.55: What are the first projections for the OB election in Munich? Recent forecasts predict a clear victory for incumbent riders. Will his most promising rivals Frank and Habenschaden be able to force him into the runoff?

5.30 p.m .: Final spurt in the polling stations! The voters still have half an hour to cast their votes. The fact that there is an urn at all today makes a Bavarian comedian extremely hot. "Aren't you ashamed of yourself," he rages in his emotional video.

17.12 p.m .: The election event of the free voters in Giesinger Bräu is still quite contemplative. OB candidate Hans-Peter Mehling is currently pawing around 30 of the planned 100 visitors. "For safety reasons, they were unloaded again," reports our reporter on site. The following goals are formulated for today's local elections: Group strength with five mandates and three percent of the votes in the OB election.

“We have tailwind from government participation in the state parliament, but that is not an automatic effect. In cities we are still slowly building up, our strengths are in the country, "explains Mehling.

OB-election Munich 2020: Event postponed due to "contagion risk"

16:52: "To minimize the risk of infection", the Munich Greens postpone their press conference scheduled for tonight to Sendlinger-Tor-Platz . The start is postponed from 6.30pm to 7.30pm; the party announced this in a press release.

4:24 p.m .: After a comparatively high turnout in the local elections became apparent throughout Bavaria in the early Sunday afternoon, there are now current figures for the state capital Munich. As of 4:00 p.m. , the turnout in Munich was 46.4 percent . Now the polling stations in the Free State are still open for a good hour and a half.

The turnout for the #municipal election in # Munich is currently 46.4% - which is already higher than for the 2014 municipal election as a whole (41.5%). The polling stations are still open until 6 p.m.

- City of Munich (@StadtMuenchen) March 15, 2020

15:52: Due to the Corona crisis , the election workers were temporarily scarce in Munich. The acting mayor Dieter Reiter (SPD) then resorted to an unusual measure and called up civil servants. Voters have to register using the Android mobile app. If you don't have an Android phone, you have to log on to the PC. The most heard sentence of the more or less involuntary vote counters: "I have no idea." * reports.


© Carmen Ick-Dietl

Teachers have to save Corona election in Munich and are now raging - "This is absurd!"

13.58 p.m .: Acting Mayor Dieter Reiter (SPD) has also cast his vote. Before that, he was in the Corona crisis team. On Sunday morning, Reiter called on Facebook to go to the polls despite the Corona crisis.


Munich's acting mayor Dieter Reiter was also in the local elections on Sunday.

© Marcus sleep

1:21 pm: Because of the corona virus, a visit to the old people's home has been prohibited for a few days. In the Dreimühlenviertel , the polling station from the Kreszentia Stift, Isartalstraße 6, has probably been moved to the district administration department at Ruppertstraße 11. A note at the entrance to the pen indicates this change. A shuttle service is offered so that no voter can be deterred from this unexpected hurdle - the voter drives into Ruppertstrasse and back in front of the Kreszentia Abbey. This was shared by citizens on Facebook.

In the morning Katrin Habenschaden , Mayor candidate for the Greens, cast her vote in Aubing.


© Marcus sleep

And the CSU mayor candidate Kristina Frank was already in the election. Frank told * that after voting in Nymphenburg-Neuhausen she wanted to go to Lake Starnberg with her family.

Because of the corona virus, the implementation of the 2020 municipal election was briefly on the brink. Many election workers also did not want to take part in fear of infection - or were quarantined due to suspected infections. The incumbent mayor of Munich, Dieter Reiter, has therefore compelled all civil servants to teach in the Bavarian capital. For this, the SPD candidate is receiving some violent criticism.

This decision is actively discussed on Facebook . In the group " Teaching positions in Bavaria " opinions differ on this step. While one commentator believes that this is "part of the job as a civil servant", other members raise serious accusations. “Yes, of course, go to large crowds and then look after children in an emergency. Great idea, ”writes one concerned. "All other federal states prohibit events from 50 people, Söder asks people to stop all social contacts and we then stand in the exhibition hall with 5000 people !? That's absurd! ”Is another comment.

OB election in Munich: projections and results - are the Green Riders dangerous?

Statement of origin from March 15, 2020:

Munich - Munich residents can fill out three ballots in the municipal election * on March 15th *: the mayor , city ​​council and the 25 district committees are elected. If each voter has one vote in the mayoral election, you can already place 15 to 20 crosses for the respective district committee and no less than 80 on the ballot paper for the election of the city council. It is therefore good to know how to accumulate and panate. The Bavarian Ministry of the Interior also provides information on the exact modalities of the elections on its website.

More than 1.1 million people in Munich can vote. If none of the candidates for the mayor's office achieve a clear majority, a runoff election is scheduled for March 29. The first results are expected between 6 p.m. and 8 p.m. The size of the ballot papers has already prompted various postal voters on Twitter to comment. "# Munich is when the ballot for the #municipal election has more square meters than the living room," writes one user. Another Twitterer puts the ballot in relation to his dog:

Eileenchen is busy with voting # local election # Munich

- Jens Lang (@jensandmie) March 8, 2020

Result of the local elections in Munich: SPD, Greens, CSU

A total of 14 candidates are applying for the post of mayor. Most of the candidates hardly get 5 percent of the vote in polls. The race for the post will primarily be carried out by one candidate and two candidates: the acting mayor Dieter Reiter (SPD), the Greens Katrin Habenschaden and Kristina Frank (CSU).

Dieter Reiter, who is running for his first re-election, is considered a favorite and is clearly ahead in the polls. Depending on the survey, 39 percent to 49 percent of those surveyed intend to vote for it. The Greens, on the other hand, could achieve a historic election result in the 2020 local elections: in polls, they get up to 27 percent of the vote, making them the largest faction in the city council.

Topic pages on local elections in Munich and Bavaria

With the topic page on the local elections in Munich, you will not miss any news and details about the elections. With the topic page on local elections in Bavaria, you can stay informed about developments across Bavaria.

* is part of the nationwide Ippen-Digital editors network.

List of rubric lists: © dpa / Sven Hoppe

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