The Limited Times

Brooklyn: Kevin Durant and three of his COVID-19 teammates

3/17/2020, 11:07:22 PM

The double NBA champion is one of four Nets positive for Coronavirus.

Four cases of Coronavirus in the Nets. This Tuesday evening, the Brooklyn club announced indeed, through a press release, that four of its players were tested positive for COVID-19. "Of the four, one player has symptoms while three are asymptomatic," said the New York franchise. The four players are currently isolated and under the supervision of team doctors. "

Kevin Durant tested positive for coronavirus, Durant tells @ TheAthleticNBA @ Stadium. Durant says he is feeling fine: "Everyone be careful, take care of yourself and quarantine. We're going to get through this."

- Shams Charania (@ShamsCharania) March 17, 2020

Following this news, the Lakers, who faced Brooklyn on March 10, just before the suspension of the NBA season, will test all their players at COVID-19 this Wednesday, as reported by the LA Times . Last but not least, Kevin Durant confirms with Shams Charania of The Athletic and Stadium to be one of the four contaminated players of the Nets. The double NBA champion "feels good". “Be careful, take care of yourself and isolate yourself. We're going to get out of it, ”promises the 31-year-old winger, out since the start of the season following an Achilles tendon rupture last spring during the NBA Finals.

Sources: Lakers just had conference call with players and will be tested tomorrow for Coronavirus and will have 14 day self-quarantine.

- Brad Turner (@BA_Turner) March 17, 2020

It remains to be seen when "we are going to get by" ... After the announcement of the first case in the League, the French Rudy Gobert (Utah), the NBA suspended the regular season for at least 30 days. Some franchise bosses do not expect a recovery before mid-June, with dates straddling the 2020 Olympics.

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  • Coronavirus positive, Rudy Gobert is "getting better"

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