The Limited Times

Director of Al-Mujtahid Hospital: The result of the two suspected cases of infection with Corona virus in the hospital is negative

3/17/2020, 10:17:43 PM

Damascus-Sana confirmed the director of the General Authority of the Damascus Hospital


The director of the General Authority of Damascus Hospital, "Mujtahid", Dr. Samer Al-Khidr, confirmed that the results of the analyzes of the two suspected cases of Corona virus in the hospital were negative.

Al-Khader said in a statement to SANA that a hospital man and a woman yesterday reviewed a severe flu (Crepe) symptoms and were put under surveillance in the hospital's isolation department. Diagnostic investigations were carried out for them and samples were taken and sent to the reference laboratory at the Ministry of Health.

He added that the results of the tests that appeared this evening were negative and there is no infection with the virus and the necessary treatment is being provided to them and they are in good health now.

For his part, Director of Laboratories at the Ministry of Health, Dr. Shibel Khoury, pointed out that the number of samples that have been analyzed related to the diagnosis of Corona Virus has so far reached 118 samples, all of which were negative.

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