The Limited Times

Glorious Ice Room Rejects Putonghua Diner Equal Opportunity Chairman Zhu Minjian: Maybe it violates disability and racial discrimination

3/17/2020, 7:23:19 PM

Recently, the "Huangdian" glorious ice room posted on the store's facade that "Our staff only understands Cantonese and does not explain menus. Please forgive me for any inconvenience." The Chairman of the Equal Opportunity Commission, Zhu Minjian, wrote a detailed response to the incident for the first time today, stating that if two situations are involved, the Discrimination Ordinance may be violated.


Written by: Zheng Baosheng

2020-03-17 22:57

Last updated: 2020-03-18 03:16

Recently, the "Huangdian" glorious ice room posted on the store's facade that "Our staff only understands Cantonese and does not explain menus. Please forgive me for any inconvenience."

The Chairman of the Equal Opportunity Commission, Zhu Minjian, wrote a detailed response to the incident for the first time today, stating that if two situations are involved, the Discrimination Ordinance may be violated.

The glorious ice room notice only indicates that the shop assistants only understand Cantonese and did not write down the rejection of Putonghua customers.

If it is assumed that the Mainlanders have been infected with new crown pneumonia or constitute disability discrimination

Zhu Minjian wrote in the "Stance News" that if the restaurant refuses to entertain Mainland or Mandarin speakers and the explanation is to protect the safety of other diners, in this case it is assumed that all mainland guests have contracted new crown pneumonia (commonly known as Wuhan pneumonia) Constitutes "disability discrimination."

In addition, if the restaurant posted a notice that it would not entertain guests who speak Mandarin, it did not indicate that it would not entertain guests in other languages, such as non-Chinese speaking English and French. Zhu Minjian said that since most Mandarin-speaking people are Chinese, the notice may discriminate against Chinese people and violate the Race Discrimination Ordinance.

If a certain ethnic group is disadvantaged or indirectly discriminated against due to language requirements

According to the law, "race" is defined as the race, color, descent, nationality or race of a person. Zhu Minjian believes that although "language" is not the definition of "race" as defined in the regulations, if the requirements or conditions of certain languages ​​are not justified, it will cause certain ethnic groups to suffer disadvantages because they cannot meet the requirements. Or conditions may lead to indirect discrimination against that ethnic group.

Discrimination against one's race? Zhu Minjian: Chinese restaurants refuse Chinese patronage is discrimination

As for the Hong Kong people and the mainland people, both Chinese and Chinese, isn't discrimination against Chinese "discriminating against one's race"? Zhu Minjian believes that it does not matter whether discrimination constitutes discrimination or whether the subject is the same race. If a Chinese person opens a restaurant and only whites are allowed to visit but refuse to entertain the Chinese, the Chinese restaurant operator will directly discriminate against the Chinese.

As to why customers can pick up shops, why ca n’t they pick up customers? Zhu Minjian said that restaurants open their doors to do business and provide catering services to the public, so they are subject to the current four discriminatory regulations.

[Wuhan Pneumonia] has shown that it only entertains the glorious icehouse of Hong Kong people: the equalizer calls or prosecutes

Glorious Ice Room limited to Cantonese and English. Single chance to deny prosecutions only refer to or violate racial discrimination regulations.

[Wuhan Pneumonia] Restaurant refuses mainland visitor scholars' approval to help Mainland residents living in Hong Kong understand but sorry

Democratic Party Tsai Yao-chang urges equal chance amendments to ban anti-insurgency attacks

Former Democratic Party Central Committee member Cai Yaochang, as an officer of the Hong Kong Community Organizations Association, stated on Friday (13) that the restaurant had stated that he would not entertain the mainland people on the grounds of preventing the epidemic situation. As soon as possible, the government will amend legislation to classify discrimination against new immigrants or citizens from the mainland as "racial discrimination." Cai Yaochang's remarks caused dissatisfaction among the members of the Democratic Party. The Democratic Party Central Committee issued a statement after the special meeting the next day (14th). Cai Yaochang offered to resign from all positions in the party.

Equal Opportunity New Crown Pneumonia

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