The Limited Times

Guillaume Tabard: "From bitterness to poison of suspicion"

3/17/2020, 7:53:09 PM

ANALYSIS - This post-electoral depression would have no effect if Agnes Buzyn did not spread the unbearable poison of suspicion about a crisis that calls for "national mobilization".

Defeat is a bad counselor. Sadness, logic, fatigue, inevitable, and the feeling of injustice, understandable, lead to confiding what one should keep for oneself. Or take the precaution of passing through the recoil sieve. The words of Agnes Buzyn express more the personal rage of a failed challenge than they reveal the scandal of a health crisis underestimated by Emmanuel Macron and Édouard Philippe despite the claimed clairvoyance of their Minister of Health d 'so.

Read also: Municipal: five days of procrastination at the top of the State

The extent and rapidity of the spread of the coronavirus invite everyone to be cautious and modest. No more than anyone who saw the crisis of "yellow vests" coming, no one can boast of having understood from the outset the power of the virus. And in particular not that which, in function, swore on January 24: "The risk of propagation of the coronavirus in the population is very low." And it's the same one who, less than a week later, as she certifies to Le Monde, would have warned the first

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