The Limited Times

Limitless Limits: This is how the Corona strangles the global economy Israel today

3/17/2020, 11:07:34 PM


Economies in the world are absorbing: more and more countries are imposing restrictions on freedom of movement and closing their borders • Whole branches have been completely disabled, and it is unclear if they will be able to recover

A new definition has been added to the lexicon during these crazy days - "Corona Mode". The new term coined worldwide refers to the emergency routine. Around the world, different countries are taking different measures to overcome the epidemic and to try to live in the shadow of the epidemic. The various restrictions on the movement of people and the ability to go to the workplace are already felt best in economies around the world.

Photo: GPO

North America

The United States is currently known to have 85 dead from the virus and about 4,000 infected.

President Trump announced new federal recommendations on Tuesday, most notably the banning of more than 10 people for at least the next two weeks. Trump has called on governors to look into closing schools as needed, as well as entertainment venues. It should be emphasized that these are not restrictions but only recommendations, and therefore they do not have enforcement. At the same time, all sports events were eliminated, such as NBA games and baseball, even the NFL doubted. The California coastal area, including San Francisco and Berkeley, has so far adopted the most stringent policies, with close to 7 million people living there under curfew and being allowed out only for vital purposes. In New York, the Broadway Theater is closed until a new announcement, like the other entertainment venues and movie theaters. Yesterday, the Democratic Party primaries were held in order in Arizona, Florida and Illinois, but were rejected in Ohio.

In Canada, the number of infections is just over 400, but Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is not waiting and shutting down the country's borders for foreigners except the US, Mexico and the Caribbean.


The island state changed access this week, when the prime minister announced "drastic measures" to stop the spread of the virus that has already taken the lives of 55 British citizens. Johnson advised his citizens not to congregate in large numbers and close pubs and restaurants, but here, too, these are recommendations only and not prohibitions. State football games have been suspended until further notice. A British citizen who refuses to be tested will face a £ 1,000 fine and those who show symptoms of infection are charged with two weeks of isolation.

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In Europe's "Corona Capital" until yesterday, 2,158 people died from the epidemic, and the condition of another 1,850 is defined as severe or critical - out of some 28,000 people who constitute 0.05% of Italy's population. As of yesterday, Italy was almost completely under curfew. Educational institutions remain closed, flights and football games have been discontinued, crowds are banned and people are allowed out of homes only for food, emergencies or work places. Public transport remains active at this time. Italian police are enforcing the implementation of the instructions, including increased attendance at train stations and the removal of passengers from the roads. Violation of the instructions will result in a three-month sentence or a fine of 200 euros.


90% of Middle Eastern Corona infections come from the Ayatollah State, which reported more than 15,000 infections and close to 900 dead. Iranians need 170 million masks, and Iran has asked the IMF $ 5 billion for the first time in 60 years. In the country, severe restrictions on movement have been imposed, and many of the citizens who do not believe the authorities are gathering around the writers for fear that the combination of the corona and sanctions will leave them without food.

China and Southeast Asia

The "mother state" of the Corona is experiencing a human financial injury and for the first time in 50 years, its economy is expected to shrink, with unemployment climbing to more than 6%. Although the spread of the virus has slowed dramatically and the Chinese return to normal, foreigners arriving in Beijing are obliged to have a two-week isolation. At the same time, tens of millions of people living in Southeast Asian countries are subject to strict restrictions, including the closure of educational institutions and movement restrictions, with the rate of infection rising mainly in Malaysia and the Philippines.

Central America and the South

The rate of infection in all Latin American countries is about 900, about a third of which is from Brazil. Soccer games in all countries have been postponed, and in Argentina travelers from different European countries require two weeks of isolation. The restrictions will also apply to football stars from the country, led by Lionel Messi in Barcelona.


Nearly 400 Australians were diagnosed as corona carriers. The Australian government is recommending that its citizens not leave the state borders, and returnees from all countries will be charged with two-week isolation. There are currently no special restrictions, and the various sports leagues continue to exist but without an audience. International car racing is canceled.


According to official data in Africa, the smallest number of infections is found, with less than 100 known cases, most of them Western tourists. However, the low numbers can be the result of a lack of tests. Many dry countries have imposed restrictions on foreigners entering the US, Europe and China in order to maintain the low infection rate.


Just a week ago, Germany accused Israel of being a "small and hysterical country" in its relation to Corona, but in the meantime some 6,500 Germans contracted the disease and the death toll was 16. Rigid oversight of foreign entry into the country. Educational institutions and pubs will close, massive crowds are banned, restaurants will remain open until 6 p.m., but essential services and public transport will operate as normal.


In a country of 38 million inhabitants, 156 cases of infection have been diagnosed so far. So far, there have been 3 dead in Poland, which has closed its borders to foreigners and disrupted educational institutions. Following the instructions, some Estonian citizens living in Poland cannot return to their homeland.