The Limited Times

The doubt of a girl in quarantine: Is Little Mouse Pérez still working for the coronavirus?

3/17/2020, 10:40:34 PM

The illusion of children does not disappear even when confined at home. Sofia's doubt about what to do with her tooth arouses tenderness on social networks

In the midst of a crisis, a child will always surprise you. It is a done phrase that, once again, has been evident with the gesture of a little girl, Sofia. Despite the very high number of infected in Spain, which now exceeds 11,000, and deaths (500 have been reached), this girl is really concerned about whether or not the Little Mouse Pérez will come, after a tooth has fallen out. A simple gesture in the midst of the storm that has made many Twitter users smile.

Ana Callol García, Sofia's mother and a worker at Coca-Cola Spain, has decided to post her daughter's question on social networks so that she could resolve it. "In this context, I found it endearing and I am committed to finding out," explains the mother. For this, he has decided to attach to his tweet the addresses of Moncloa and the Prime Minister, Pedro Sánchez, as well as a photo of Sofia's letter to the Government of Spain: “Dear Señor Sánchez. I just lost a tooth. I do not know if I can leave it to Ratoncito Pérez or wait until the quarantine is over, "begins the letter from the little girl. "Because I don't know if he can come from his house to pick him up. What I do? Thank you, Sofia ”, ends the little one. The girl's question has gone viral in a few minutes with thousands of shared and I like it . And it has even been answered by a political representative.

"Dear Ana, we have taken care of the matter. Tell Sofia that the Little Mouse has a special pass, but that he brush his teeth well and then wash his hands. The little mouse has to take care of itself, it is essential personnel. We need that illusion ”, Francisco Igea Arisqueta, vice president of the Junta de Castilla y León, has responded. Callol thanked Igea Arisqueta for the gesture: “Dear Paco. Thank you very much for the reply. I will transmit it to you right now. A hug".


  • How to explain the coronavirus epidemic to children without alarmism
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Sofia's question brings out the best in Twitter users

The solutions to Sofia's question have not been long in coming, from users who have clarified that the Little Mouse Pérez is magical so it does not become infected, including whether they can answer the little one themselves, even those who have simply branded the question as the girl as "wonderful" or "endearing". "Hello, Sofia, I do not know if Little Mouse Pérez will arrive, but today you have already given me a gift. #CosasQueTeRoconcilianConLAVida ”, wrote, for example, Pilar Domínguez, co-founder of @mandarinabrand.

Some even encourage us to take advantage of the pedagogical value of Sofia's doubt in this alarming situation we are experiencing, to explain to the little ones the importance of confinement: “The enthusiasm and concern with which he writes is very endearing. They are children ”, explains the user @Torres_Run. "Now," he continues, "I think it is the optimal time for Little Mouse Pérez to respond by saying that he cannot leave due to security measures to avoid infections, that he keep it and clean it well and when this quarantine passes and it is safe, he will go" .

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