The Limited Times

Twice as many seats in the new city council

3/17/2020, 11:25:52 AM

Olching has elected a new city council. One party has managed to double its previous seats.

Olching has elected a new city council. One party has managed to double its previous seats.

Olching - The Olching Greens can start the new creative period with twice as many city council members as before. Instead of three seats, there are now six. Greens spokeswoman Heide Kuckelkorn is pleased: "There is a general trend towards the Greens, and we also benefit from that." The current issues of climate change and mobility are clearly addressed by her party. The extent to which specific issues also play a role for Olching (such as the protest against the southwest bypass) is difficult to assess, she says. The Greens are now the third strongest faction.

The CSU remains most strongly represented with eleven seats. "We are very satisfied," explains local chairman and candidate for mayor Maximilian Gigl. The results would show that it was a choice of personality, in a positive sense: previous city council members were re-elected. "We have a strong list and we have a strong faction."

The SPD, on the other hand, has to accept slight losses. Local boss Ulrich Steck is still relaxed. "Contrary to the general trend, we are still very strong." According to Steck, the Olchingen local club was the best in the district with 22 percent.

The Free voters Olching (FWO) are bitterly disappointed. "We really had to drop our feathers," says spokeswoman Vanessa Bruckner. Two seats are dropped. One started with a "great list", mixed. But you would have missed to work out the issues more clearly.

That is the composition of the city council

Mayor: run-off election between Andreas Magg (SPD) and Maximilian Gigl (CSU)

Total seats: 30; Voter turnout: 58.44 percent; CSU (11 seats, +/- 0): Maximilian Gigl (9103 votes) or successor, Josef Neumaier (8119), Maria Hartl (6832), Martina Drechsler (6195), Lorenz Widmann (5625), Tomas Bauer (5528), Hans Bieniek (5344), Robert Meier (5125), Andreas Hörl (4854), Helmut Dellinger (4551), Marcel Gemmeke (4516), successor Josef Wagner (4326); SPD (7 seats, -1): Andreas Magg (8663) or successor, Marina Freudenstein (3967), Karl Haschke (3950), Michaela Andersch-Steer (3414), Martina Strauß (3385), Friedrich Botzenhardt (3255), Ralf Greim (2787), Simone Schrodi (2494); Greens (6 seats, +3): Ingrid Jaschke (5275), Michael Maier (4332), Heide Kuckelkorn (3476), Michael Kircher (2867), Christiane Hillebrand (2775), Christiane Tupac-Yupanqui (2748); FWO (4 seats, -2): Josef Gigl (3555), Stefan Eibl (3182), Alois Waltl (2901), Ewald Zachmann (2584); FDP (1, +/- 0): Andreas Teichmann (2258); ÖDP / party-free (1, +/- 0): Ulrike Girtner (1977)

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