The Limited Times

Weilheim's new city council is so colorful

3/17/2020, 7:07:46 AM

Weilheim's new city council is colorful: All nine parties and groups that stood for election will be represented on the body in the future. BfW, CSU, SPD and FW had to accept high losses, the Greens almost doubled their result and got six seats. ÖDP, AfD and “Weilheim Miteinander” are new to the city council.

Weilheim's new city council is colorful: All nine parties and groups that stood for election will be represented on the body in the future. BfW, CSU, SPD and FW had to accept high losses, the Greens almost doubled their result and got six seats. ÖDP, AfD and “Weilheim Miteinander” are new to the city council.

Weilheim - It shows a two-part picture, Weilheim's new city council, which will be in office from May: There are three large blocks that are almost on an equal footing and each have six to eight members. And there are six parties and groups, each of which has only one or two seats and only have to form group groups if they want to get seats on the committees, for example.

Another picture of the division into two arises with the currently most controversial question, which for many is probably a decisive factor. If the applicants stick to their statements before the election, then there would be a conceivably tight situation when voting on the bypass: 15 of the new city councilors are against any above-ground variant, 15 could imagine such a bypass or would explicitly wish for it. The mayor's vote would also come to the latter camp - whether Angelika Flock (CSU) or Markus Loth (BfW) prevailed in the runoff election.

Suddenly there are three large groups

Their factions have lost feathers in the city council election and still remain "the big ones": the BfW lost almost a quarter (from 32.6 percent or ten seats in the 2014 election to 24.8 percent or eight seats in 2020). The CSU dropped slightly less from 27.9 percent / eight seats to 22.7 percent / seven seats. "Given the large number of parties and groups, it was already clear to us that we had to give up seats," said BfW parliamentary group spokeswoman Brigitte Holeczek yesterday: "We are not beaming with joy, but the loss is within limits."

"We are satisfied," said Marion Lunz-Schmieder, the group leader of the CSU, "we have achieved our two goals:" That Angie Flock is in the run-off election and that we have a good result in the city council - what you can do in view of the prophecies of doom towards the CSU can really say in advance. "

The Greens, who now have six instead of three seats, are the clear winners of the city council election: “a phenomenal result,” said parliamentary spokesman Alfred Honisch. In the synopsis with the ÖDP, this is a clear message from the voters: "Weilheim's urban policy has to focus much more on climate protection, and the last word on the bypass is far from being spoken." "Very satisfied" is also Andreas Halas, top candidate the ÖDP, which just founded its local association a few months ago and immediately won two seats. That is not enough for a separate faction. But the ÖDP is "known for being able to make a difference with just a few seats but good ideas," says Halas: "We want to do that now in Weilheim."

On the other hand, great disappointment (see below) with the SPD and free voters, whose number of seats was halved: from four to two. It is certain that one will now look for factional groups, it is said from both camps. Which direction is still open. The AfD, the newly founded group “Weilheim Miteinander” around mayor candidate Ullrich Klinkicht and the FDP each obtained a seat on the new city council. The turnout was 61.6 percent, five percent higher than in 2014.

Some well-known, long-standing members will no longer belong to the new city council: Anton Schreitt, Florian Lechner, Petra Hofer and Jochen Knittel (all BfW) as well as the current FW parliamentary group spokesman Walter Weber, Werner Loos (once FW, now standing for the FDP) and Greens district council Eckart Stüber. For this, an old acquaintance of the Greens is moving into the city council: Luise Nowak, who once co-founded the BfW. The new city council was by no means younger (see below). The latest member is Alexandra Bertl (36).

Further voices on the result of the city council election in Weilheim:

Petra Arneth-Mangano (SPD): “Only two seats for us is bitter - because I think we did a good job. I find the constellation of the new city council difficult. You really have to sit down and see how that can be done. "

Walter Weber (FW): “The choice was dominated by the topic of 'relief road'. It is a pity that we lost free voters in the process, even though we have dealt with it from the beginning and and and are committed to a tunnel. I personally find it a shame not to be on the city council anymore. I enjoyed doing this work. It seems that the voters did not get what we moved - for example in terms of accessibility and city bus optimization. ”

Brigitte Holeczek (BfW): "In the future, we will be allowed to bring large seat cushions to the meetings, which will certainly take longer ... But seriously: we will remain factual and take up the discussion."

Alfred Honisch (Greens): "The fact that an AfD member sits on the city council means for each of us to listen carefully and to reprimand every approach of uninhibited language."

The members of the new city council:

BfW (8 seats):
Markus Loth (52 years; 6469 votes), Tillman Wahlefeld (55 J .; 5742 St.), Roland Schwalb (63 J .; 4580), Brigitte Holeczek (55 J .; 3719), Hubert Schwaiger (58 J .; 3214 ), Ragnhild Thieler (75 J .; 3203), Rupert Pentenrieder (69 J .; 3041), Claus Reindl (62 J .; 2751). Should Markus Loth win the mayoral runoff election, Hans Vollmann (57 years old; 2600) will move up.

CSU (7 seats):
Angelika Flock (61 years; 6372 votes), Alexandra Bertl (36 years; 4179), Stefan Zirngibl (59 years; 3997), Johannes Langer (67 years; 3922), Klaus Gast (55 years; 3772), Franz Andrä (61 years; 3247), Marion Lunz-Schmieder (62 years; 3170). Should Angelika Flock win the mayoral runoff election, Pirmin Mohr (32 years; 2514 votes) will move up.

GREEN (6 seats):
Manuel Neulinger (42 years; 5162 votes), Karl-Heinz Grehl (59 J .; 4025), Brigitte Gronau (57 J .; 3544), Alfred Honisch (66 J .; 3273), Stefan Emeis (63 J .; 3150 ), Luise Nowak (61 years; 3081).

SPD (2 seats):
Horst Martin (60 years; 5571 votes), Petra Arneth-Mangano (56 years; 2515 votes).

ÖDP (2 seats):
Andreas Halas (50 years; 2920 votes), Saro Gerd Ratter (59 years; 2703 votes).

FW (2 seats):
Susann Enders (53 years; 3478 votes), Romana Asam (61 years, 2882 votes).

AfD (1 seat):
Rüdiger Imgart (63 years; 1762 votes).

Weilheim Together (1 seat):
Ullrich Klinkicht (55 years; 2475 votes).

FDP (1 seat):
Saika Gebauer-Merx (49 years; 2645 votes).

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