The Limited Times

Distance Teaching Will Stop - Teachers Will Teach in July | Israel today

3/18/2020, 7:40:29 PM

The Treasury and the Histadrut concluded that the "lost" days until Passover will be returned during July • Teachers from home will receive as education

The Treasury and the Histadrut concluded that the "lost" days until Passover will be returned during July. • Teachers from home will receive a salary, but tomorrow learning will only be voluntary.

  • learning from distance. From now on you will only volunteer // Photo: Oren Ben Hakun

The Return of the "Great Freedom": Teachers will not be required to teach remotely, and if they do, they will not be paid. This is how Wednesday between the Ministry of Finance and the Histadrut was agreed.

According to the summary between the two sides, the days when the teachers were supposed to teach until the Passover holiday will be returned during July, and possibly next school year. These are nine days to be returned in early July, and another day to be returned to Lag Ba'omer, and if they do not return to school until then - will be returned in the next school year.

Photo: Connect

Teaching workers will receive full wages for work days they have done from home, but as of tomorrow they are no longer required to work from home - and any teacher who wants to do so will volunteer.

It should be noted that in light of the situation, when many teachers are required to be with their children, it is highly doubtful that they can and will want to teach remotely without any consideration.

Yesterday (Finance Minister Shai Babad, CEO, said in a briefing yesterday: "Finance does not force teachers from home, teachers are the ones who decide, and this decision depends on their level of social solidarity during this crisis." "Regardless of their decision, the option of paying full wages for work from home is not on the table. The options available to teachers are vacation or overseas leave. They are no different from the hundreds of thousands of public sector workers who want to work from home, but are forced to take a vacation."

On the other hand, the teachers' union yesterday attacked the finance position. A statement released today reads: "Teaching workers are working hard these days, from home, according to the tasks the Ministry of Education is burdening, and therefore entitled to full pay. The arrangement reached by public sector workers is irrelevant since they are on vacation and not working from home." The teachers' union claimed that the Ministry of Finance presents them "as exploiters who do not understand the situation."

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