The Limited Times

From the local council to the district council: AfD politician Schmidt elected despite scandal

3/18/2020, 12:38:03 PM

The scandal cost him the post in the council of Vaterstetten. Manfred Schmidt (AfD) remains in politics. He moves into the district council.

The scandal cost him the post in the council of Vaterstetten. Manfred Schmidt (AfD) remains in politics. He moves into the district council.

  • Despite scandals, Afd man Schmidt was re-elected from Vaterstetten.
  • Instead of sitting on the municipal council, he is now on the district council.
  • And there could be another surprise.

Vaterstetten- Despite the debacle for AfD candidates against their will in Vaterstetten, the party can move back to the local council and the Ebersberg district council. Manfred Schmidt, a member of the AfD, is also likely to sit in the district council - he received the second most number of votes on the AfD list, the AfD has three seats . It was unclear on Wednesday whether he would accept the election.

AfD scandal in Vaterstetten: three-digit vote for Alzheimer's patients

The 82-year-old Schmidt is said to have put citizens on the AfD lists for district council and municipal council without their knowledge, including a pensioner, a very elderly and an Alzheimer's patient. These unwilling candidates also received three-digit votes in the municipal council election and four-digit votes in the district council election.

Helga Steinberger said that she was surprised that she received many votes even though she had publicly distanced herself from the AfD. It was too late to be removed from the list. The former pediatric nurse received 556 votes. The first place in the AfD, which is the only one to move in, has 755 votes.

But in the local council? Schmidt could move up

Schmidt initially missed the leap into the town council in Vaterstetten. Since he also has the second highest number of votes here, he could move up if the first-placed applicant does not accept the mandate. She has until Tuesday, March 24th to make this decision.

Because of scandal before local elections: asked to resign

The local council had called Schmidt unanimously in February and asked him not to accept the election if he was elected. Schmidt had damaged the reputation of the community and trampled on democratic principles. At the time, Schmidt refused to resign his mandate as well as refusing to accept reelection. He spoke of a "witch hunt" and a media campaign.

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