The Limited Times

Internet satellites from SpaceX can be seen over Germany - there are now 360 in orbit

3/18/2020, 7:34:29 PM

SpaceX's Internet satellites are pulling across the sky like a cord and are providing the first UFO reports. Apparently, critics are right about their fears.

SpaceX's Internet satellites are pulling across the sky like a cord and are providing the first UFO reports. Apparently, critics are right about their fears.

  • The private space company SpaceX regularly shoots Internet satellites into space
  • “Starlink” satellites were again launched into Earth orbit - by now there are 360
  • SpaceX is the largest satellite operator - and is receiving criticism for the "Starlink" project

Update from March 18, 2020, 8:15 pm: Today, Wednesday, SpaceX has once again launched 60 satellites for the “Starlink” Internet project. On board a "Falcon 9" rocket from the private space company, they launched into space, where they were subsequently released and are now gradually entering their final orbits.

With this launch, 360 “Starlink” satellites from SpaceX are now in orbit around the earth. Meanwhile, the criticism of astronomers about the project does not stop. Among other things, experts criticize that the satellites "pollute" the night sky and make astronomical observations more difficult.

Successful deployment of 60 Starlink satellites confirmed

- SpaceX (@SpaceX) March 18, 2020

The "Starlink" satellites can also be seen time and again in the sky over Germany. Here are some selected dates in the near future for the Frankfurt am Main location:

  • March 19, 2020, 4.32 a.m., viewing direction southeast
  • March 19, 2020, 7.17 p.m., looking west to east
  • March 19, 2020, 8:25 pm, looking west to south
  • March 20, 2020, 7:27 p.m., looking west to southeast
  • March 20, 2020, 7:52 p.m., looking west to northeast

60 more "Starlink" satellites on their way into orbit

Update from January 7, 2020, 9:15 am: During the night, SpaceX sent 60 more “Starlink” satellites into space as planned. What this means for the company and what the future plans are, you can read in this article about SpaceX and the "Starlink" project *.

“Starlink” satellites from SpaceX can be seen in the evening sky

Update of January 6, 2020, 10:00 am: In the coming days, the “Starlink” satellites from SpaceX will once again be seen in the evening sky over Germany. At the same time there should be replenishment: In the night from Monday to Tuesday (7.1.2020) SpaceX wants to send the next 60 "Starlink" satellites into space. Then 120 operational and 60 test satellites orbit around the world - and there could soon be many more.

The observation times for the coming days (the times should fit +/- 10 minutes):

  • January 6, 2020, 5.46 p.m., heading west
  • January 7, 2020, 6:20 p.m., heading west
  • January 8, 2020, 5:03 p.m., heading west
  • January 8, 2020, 6:38 p.m., heading west

Update from January 1, 2020, 8:55 pm: The "Starlink" satellites from SpaceX can be seen again over Germany for a few days. Observation times for Frankfurt am Main:

  • January 2, 2020, 5:39 pm to the west
  • January 4, 2020, 4:55 p.m. West

"Starlink" satellites from SpaceX provide UFO reports

Update of December 11, 2019, 9.45 a.m .: Up to and including December 10, 2019, the UFO Reporting Office received 60 UFO reports, which can be traced back to SpaceX's "Starlink" satellites. At the moment you can no longer see the satellites moving over Germany - therefore the reports should stop.

Update from December 6, 2019, 1:00 p.m .: The "Starlink" satellites could also be seen in the morning sky over Germany in the past few days - and the unusual sight continues to trigger reports at the UFO registration office. "They shone like stars in the sky and I was surprised that they moved and then I noticed the formation," wrote one who saw the SpaceX satellites in a message to the registration office.

SpaceX satellites can be seen in the morning over Germany

First announcement from December 4, 2019: Lights, bright as stars, move across the night sky - one after the other, lined up like a chain: The SpaceX internet satellites are currently visible in the morning sky over Germany and cause constant confusion. There have already been some reports at the UFO registration office. In the reports, there is talk of a "string of pearls similar to a star trail" or of a "string of pearls". There were also recent sightings of the satellites in Cornwall, which caused greater confusion until it could finally be resolved: It was the “Starlink” satellite formation from SpaceX .

Shortly after SpaceX, the private space company from Elon Musk , launched the first 60 "Starlink" Internet satellites in space in May 2019, the first images of the satellites were circulating at night: They streaked across the night sky as if strung on a string of pearls. While SpaceX founder Musk appeased, critics feared the worst: "Starlink" and other planned constellations of Internet satellites would "litter" the night sky, the bright satellites would not only cloud the sky for the lay sky observer, but also the professional astronomy massively impair *.

Like a “pearl necklace”: “Starlink” satellites from SpaceX clearly visible

The International Astronomical Union (IAU) warned * already after the launch of the first 60 satellites * of the "principle of a dark and radio-silent sky", also as a "resource for all mankind and also for the protection of nocturnal animals". In the meantime, the number of “Starlink” satellites from SpaceX orbiting the earth has doubled: In mid-November, Elon Musk launched the second batch of “Starlink” satellites, and these 60 satellites are mainly the ones that are currently being used at night and can see in the sky in the early morning.

I went back inside to thaw out for a while, and went back outside again after half an hour or so, at around 6am. The sky was brighter, but Starlinks were still crossing the sky. Note: despite the brightness of the sky the sateliites were still naked eye visible ...

- mars_stu (@mars_stu) November 30, 2019

In the coming days, the SpaceX satellites can be seen in the west from Frankfurt in the morning (times and directions can vary for other locations, here you can calculate the overflights).

SpaceX satellites: calculate observation times

The SpaceX satellites cannot currently be seen from Germany. Observation times for locations worldwide can be calculated at any time with this tool.

Apparently the SpaceX satellites are currently much brighter in the sky than expected. As observers have determined, 20 of the satellites have risen continuously after launch and are at an altitude of around 400 kilometers. 40 other SpaceX satellites, on the other hand, have been at an altitude of around 350 kilometers for some time. SpaceX does not comment on how the satellites move.

SpaceX Internet satellites have already changed the night sky

Regardless of what SpaceX and Elon Musk say or do not say about the "Starlink" satellites, there is now a feeling among many astronomers and sky watchers that the night sky has already changed. He has the feeling that "his" sky has changed, "that the sky I grew up with is no longer", the amateur astronomer and astronomy author Stuart Atkinson summarizes his thoughts on Twitter. “The sky used to be peaceful, a place of calm beauty. Now it’s so crowded up there with satellites scurrying through a supermarket like shopping carts on Christmas Eve. It feels ... different. "

I can't help feeling that * my * sky has changed, that the sky I grew up with is no more. The sky used to be peaceful, a place of quiet beauty, It's so busy up there now, with satellites scurrying about like trolleys in a supermarket on Christmas Eve, it feels ... different.

- mars_stu (@mars_stu) December 1, 2019

Things are likely to get worse in the future: SpaceX wants to send up to 40,000 Internet satellites into space * and other companies also have plans for satellite constellations that will make fast Internet possible in future in the most remote corners of the world: OneWeb is planning a constellation and Amazon has already made such plans public. SpaceX plans to launch a total of 24 "Starlink" missions in 2020 - that would be two rocket launches, each with 60 satellites a month and a total of 1440 new satellites in one year.

SpaceX could quickly increase the number of active satellites significantly

For comparison: 2062 active satellites are currently orbiting the world (as of 03/2019), plus countless discarded satellites and space debris. Since the launch of the first "Sputnik 1" satellite in 1957, around 8,500 satellites have been launched into space. SpaceX could significantly increase these numbers in a very short time - and at the same time could ensure that more satellites can be seen in the night sky in the future than stars can be seen with the naked eye. This number is significantly lower than you might think: in perfect conditions - which are very rare - you can see a maximum of 3000 stars. In light-polluted cities, there are even fewer than 100 stars that are visible to the naked eye.

By Tanja Banner

* is part of the nationwide Ippen-Digital editors network.