The Limited Times

Isn't there a basic pension for everyone? Employers are demanding changes

3/19/2020, 5:06:01 PM

The heated debate over the basic pension is far from over. Now employers are demanding a change that could put some retirees at a disadvantage.

The heated debate over the basic pension is far from over. Now employers are demanding a change that could put some retirees at a disadvantage.

  • The law on basic pension passed by the cabinet met with much resistance from employers.
  • They criticized that the regulation was not a solution to persistent poverty in old age .
  • Now employers are hoping for subsequent changes.

The topic of basic pension is still polarizing, because according to employers, the plans of SPD politician Hubertus Heil are anything but effective. Specifically, you criticize that the target group of long-term employees usually does not suffer from old-age poverty at all. But the law passed by Congress seems to be unstoppable.

Employers call for changes to the Basic Pensions Act

Nevertheless, the Federal Association of German Employers' Associations (BDA) does not give up. They hope that their corrections will feed into the basic pension bill *. They submit their proposals in a parliamentary procedure that begins on March 19 in the Federal Council.

If the changes are accepted, people who are already retired would have considerable disadvantages: According to information available to the Handelsblatt, employers are demanding a basic pension that only applies to new retirees . The reason for this is pension law regulations that offer financial advantages for the pension portfolio. New retirees no longer benefit from privileges such as a deduction-free pension from the age of 60 or a pension-increasing recognition of the training period.

In addition, the BDA notes that of all pensioners * over 65 years of age, just one percent with a minimum of 35 years of employment claims social benefits. With this small number, it does not make much sense to extend the basic pension to the pension portfolio.

Also read : German pensioners fear for savings - company pension affected by millions.

Basic pension could become a financial burden for the pension insurance

An increase in the tax subsidy is intended to cover the costs incurred through the basic pension . Here, too, employers see problems because they fear that the money will not be enough. The federal government should therefore reimburse costs that arise, for example, from income checks. The BDA considers the resulting administrative costs to be particularly critical: "The required administrative costs would be higher than the services saved through an offset". They are therefore asking politicians to rethink their plans.

Also interesting : Bundesbank raises the alarm - If the retirement age is not raised, then ...

Video: basic pension - how much, who gets it and who finances it?


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* is part of the nationwide central Ippen editorial network.

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