The Limited Times

Despite Coronavirus: closing facilities, subscription payments continue - what to do?

3/20/2020, 5:13:41 PM

More and more facilities have to close due to the corona virus. Why do daycare centers, gyms etc. continue to withdraw money from their customers?

More and more facilities have to close due to the corona virus. Why do daycare centers, gyms etc. continue to withdraw money from their customers?

  • Due to the spreading corona virus , more and more facilities have to close indefinitely.
  • Individual states such as Bavaria are now even imposing exit restrictions *.
  • Nevertheless, gyms, daycare centers, etc. continue to withdraw money from their customers.

Public life comes to a standstill due to the corona virus. In federal states like Bavaria, due to an exit restriction, it will soon only be individual shops that keep their doors open for customers.

On the other hand, those who have subscriptions to theaters or gyms must currently refrain from visiting these facilities. Nevertheless, money is still being withdrawn, which also applies to parents whose children are in day-care centers or sports fans who pay for long-term tickets. What can you do in such a case?

Despite the corona virus pandemic: theaters and gyms continue to withdraw money

Many are now wondering why you should continue to pay money * if you don't get anything for it - after all, people who bought tickets also get the price for canceled events back *. In the case of subscriptions, however , the situation is actually more difficult since many facilities depend on customers' payments. If all members suddenly cancel their subscriptions, gyms etc. may face a financial crisis .

Nevertheless, in times of Corona, many people want to invest the money they put into a subscription differently. Is it possible to cancel due to the current situation? Südwest Presse Online (SWP) quotes legal expert Michael Hummel, who rules out an extraordinary dismissal in relation to the corona crisis. Many theaters, like gyms, had not contractually prepared for such a situation. Instead, individual solutions must be found, such as a temporary suspension of payments or agreements that credit the missed weeks after the end of the contract, explains, referring to the information in the picture. Stiftung Warentest also states that a customer who has already paid for an entire year can request a partial reimbursement of the amount in accordance with Section 326 (4) of the Civil Code.

Incidentally, fitness studios, for example, offer their own training programs as a replacement service. Theaters also use the Internet option to show performances as live streams.

Also read : Corona virus: Banks close branches - Can cash withdrawals still be made?

How can you proceed with season tickets for sports events?

Even in the case of season tickets for sports events , the location is anything but easy, as the total price is usually not based on the price level for each individual game. It is advisable to independently ask clubs and hope for their goodwill. Refunds are occasionally possible.

Daycare payments continue despite corona virus closings

It is particularly difficult for parents whose children are currently unable to go to daycare centers . In most cases, payments continue to run normally. In some municipalities, on the other hand, no costs are currently being charged, but this would depend entirely on the agreements between the sponsors and the state government.

If you are concerned, we recommend that you ask your daycare center . According to the Focus, experts also recommend that payments are only made subject to recovery. This can be specified in the context of a transfer for the purpose or you can send a separate letter to your daycare center .

Also interesting : Armed against coronavirus - these money tricks make your life easier.

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* is part of the nationwide Ippen central editorial network.

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