The Limited Times

Disney + imminent arrival causes concern

3/20/2020, 8:43:24 PM

The generalized confinement could encourage the French to subscribe massively, at the very moment when it is necessary to unclog the internet.

Disney +, public enemy number one? This is not the title of a new series, but a reflection of the tension between the American giant and the telecom operators. The panic is palpable in the staffs of internet service providers, a few days before the launch of the streaming service in France. For now, Disney + maintains its arrival on March 24. Fearing a surge of connections leading to a brutal surge in the consumption of online video, telecom operators turned to the state and the telecoms authority. With one idea in mind: get a postponement of this high-risk commercial launch. The stakes are colossal.

Read also: Stéphane Richard: "I request the postponement of the launch of Disney + in France"

For the moment, the networks are holding up. Would this be the case if Disney had the same success in France as in the United States? Across the Atlantic, the entertainment giant already has more than 28 million users. Half of American families with young children already subscribe to Ampere Analysis study

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