The Limited Times

Reaction to hamster purchases: Florist in the United States has an unusual idea

3/20/2020, 4:58:35 PM

A florist in the United States creates bouquets from toilet paper that are supposed to look like bouquets - and is thus responding to the hamster purchases due to the corona virus.

A florist in the United States creates bouquets from toilet paper that are supposed to look like bouquets - and is thus responding to the hamster purchases due to the corona virus.

  • The corona virus is currently keeping the whole world in suspense.
  • Many consumers have started hamstering toilet paper .
  • A florist in the United States now had an unusual idea due to this situation.
  • Hamster purchases in the Corona crisis * are not necessary - it is better to avoid them. Politicians cannot point this out often enough. Nevertheless, there is currently a yawning emptiness in toilet paper * on many shop shelves. Not only in Germany.

    According to a Global News report, a florist in the United States had an idea how to counter the sometimes panicky shopping: The company posted a photo on Facebook of one of its employees holding a wrapped "bouquet" of toilet paper in the camera - including a bow and a flower vase - and written: "Why be ordinary when you can be exceptional? Same day delivery ... while stocks last."

    Idea in corona crisis: bouquet of flowers with toilet paper rolls

    The campaign should not lack in appreciation for toilet paper . According to the report, the nicely arranged "bouquet" with the toilet paper rolls ends up costing as much as a dozen roses. The unusual action is a step to encourage people to support a local company while sharing a coveted product, Global News describes the idea behind it.

    Read also : Corona virus: So you have to pay attention to hygiene in the household.

    Many comments on Facebook

    On Facebook, users don't save with comments . "The new way to make a bouquet of flowers !!", one user comments on the photo with the toilet rolls. Another finds the idea with the bouquet of toilet paper "brilliant, creative, funny and very useful !!". And another user comments: "Some people will still have this toilet paper at Christmas time."

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    * is part of the nationwide central Ippen editorial network.

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