The Limited Times

This wholemeal bread for beginners succeeds immediately - and tastes great

3/20/2020, 2:55:47 PM

More and more people want to bake bread themselves. It's easier than you think. This recipe for a delicious wholemeal bread is easy for even beginners.

More and more people want to bake bread themselves. It's easier than you think. This recipe for a delicious wholemeal bread is easy for even beginners.

  • Baking bread yourself is not that difficult.
  • Try this art.
  • This whole wheat bread recipe is a good start.

In times of curfews and social distancing, staying at home and doing it yourself is more fashionable than ever. Many people have time to try out unusual things. In baking bread, for example. Do you have the idea that baking fresh, delicious bread yourself is complicated? Wrong thought! It's a lot easier than you think and this recipe for whole grain bread is proof

Baking for beginners: simple recipe for whole grain bread - ingredients

For a bread you need:

  • 450 ml lukewarm water
  • 500 g whole wheat flour, e.g. spelled or wheat
  • 1 packet of dry yeast (or half a cube of fresh yeast)
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 1-2 tablespoons of vinegar
  • 150 g seeds, kernels or nuts, e.g. sunflower seeds
Also interesting: bake fresh bread yourself - quickly and easily with the pot trick

How to bake whole grain bread for beginners

  • Put the lukewarm water ( it shouldn't be too hot ) in a mixing bowl and add the yeast *, salt and vinegar. Mix everything well until the yeast has dissolved and let the mixture stand and "ripen" for a few minutes.
  • Then pour the seeds, kernels or nuts and the flour into the bowl. Use a hand mixer to knead everything into a dough. The dough should feel sticky and moist . If it is a little too dry, just add sips of water until you are satisfied with the consistency.
  • Now distribute the yeast dough * evenly in a lightly greased bread pan or crate
  • Now the dough has to rise in a warm place for about 30 minutes. Place it covered over the heating or use the proofing stage of your oven. You can also heat up your oven a little, switch it off and use the residual heat .
  • As soon as the dough has increased and the surface looks smooth and stretched, switch on the oven and bake the bread at 180 degrees top / bottom heat for about 55 to 60 minutes. Place an ovenproof dish with water on the bottom of the oven.
  • Test the chopsticks after about 50 minutes. If there is no dough left on the wooden stick, you can take the bread out of the oven.
  • Let the bread cool down a bit in the mold and then take it out of the mold. Then let it cool completely on a wire rack.
  • Then the whole grain bread is ready to be enjoyed!

    Read also: With this common mistake you ruin cake and bread


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    * is part of the nationwide Ippen-Digital editors network.

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