The Limited Times

Polls see Union on the rise

3/21/2020, 11:34:31 PM

The CDU and CSU gained two percentage points compared to the previous week and came to 28 percent. The AfD loses.

The CDU and CSU gained two percentage points compared to the previous week and came to 28 percent. The AfD loses.

Berlin (dpa) - The Union is in the Corona crisis in surveys clearly on the upswing. In the Sunday trend of the Kantar polling institute for "Bild am Sonntag", the CDU and CSU gained two percentage points compared to the previous week and now come to 28 percent.

Two weeks ago they were 24 percent. The SPD, on the other hand, loses one percentage point and now comes to 16 percent. The AfD also loses one point (now 13 percent). The Greens remain stable at 21 percent and the FDP at 7 percent. The left gains a counter (9 percent).

In the RTL / n-tv trend barometer published by the polling company Forsa on Saturday, the value of the Union rose to 32 percent. That was 3 percentage points more than in the previous week. The Union parties had thus gained 6 percentage points in the poll over the past two weeks and almost again achieved their share of the vote in the 2017 federal election (32.9 percent). The AfD lost 2 percentage points and dropped to 9 percent. The Greens also lost 2 percentage points and came to 20 percent, the left lost 1 percentage point (now 9 percent). SPD and FDP were able to increase by 1 percentage point each to 15 and 7 percent, respectively.