The Limited Times

Sabbath News Summary | Israel today

3/21/2020, 6:25:42 PM

In the country

First victim of Corona: 88-year-old Aryeh Ibn passed away after contracting the virus • Number of patients in Israel jumped to 883 • Foreign Ministry calls for travelers: "Return home"

Dramatic surge: The number of Corona patients in Israel has risen to 883

The numbers jump: an increase of 178 in the number of diagnosed cornea patients in Israel. In a state update released this morning (Saturday), the Ministry of Health reported 883 corona patients admitted to hospitals across the country. The report also shows that there is an increase in all the data: 812 of the patients are in mild condition, 19 in moderate condition and 15 more in severe condition. The encouraging figure - an increase in the number of recoverers, which currently stands at 36.

Netanyahu: "Government Approves Emergency Regulations Tonight to Include Traffic Restrictions" // Photo: GPO

"Be a strong man until his last moments": The 88-year-old lion died of the corona virus

Arie Ibn, 88, a resident of Jerusalem, is the oldest who passed away last Friday after contracting the Corona virus. Stone has lived for the past four years in the Nofim-protected housing home where at least six Corona patients have been diagnosed so far, with another occupant being hospitalized in a very difficult condition at this time.

Ibn, a Holocaust survivor who immigrated to Israel from Hungary in 1949, was admitted to Shaare Zedek Hospital in Jerusalem after being hospitalized for the virus last week.

Ministry of Health warns: "If you do not return home, we will take steps"

Despite the drastic increase in the number of patients in Corona, the strict guidelines, the ban on crowds and the call for the public not to reach the beaches and public parks, thousands overflowed the beaches of Haifa, the Krayot and the Western Galilee on Saturday. Many beachgoers claim this morning that there were no inspectors or police who called on the public not to congregate and observe the closure guidelines.

According to videos on social networks, crowds were seen wandering the streets of Tel Aviv, Rabin Square and the promenade. Prompting Health Ministry CEO Moshe Bar to tweet in his Twitter account: "The beautiful weather has taken people to the streets, please come home," with the goal of getting people back to their homes and continuing to follow the office's guidelines.

Foreign Ministry in Call for Travelers: Return Home

This morning (Saturday) a third message was issued to Israelis in South America in general and Colombia in particular to leave the area and return to the country following a closure with enforcement that will begin in the coming days. Argentina and Brazil also have severe restrictions, and so do other countries on the continent.

The Foreign Ministry is strongly calling for all Israelis to leave the area and return to the country following an imminent closure in most countries on the continent, and possibly even in all of them. Colombia is expected to close with enforcement this Wednesday and as of now there are still flights, the sky in Colombia is still open.

Tuvia Zafir sticks to the Corona virus

Entertainer, actor and comedian Tuvia Tzafir was diagnosed with the Corona virus on Saturday night. Tzafir himself is in a risk group of his age, 74, but he feels good and is in his home. The player apparently contracted during an event in which another patient was present. His associates who came in contact with him were sent for isolation.

Tuvia Tsafir in the first video from the isolation // from Tuvia Tsafir's Facebook page

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