The Limited Times

Sports club undertook a ski trip to Ischgl - now Hetze dominates the place

3/21/2020, 11:07:36 PM

Before Ischgl became a risk area, the Bayersoier sports club traveled to the village for a ski trip. Now the participants are rushed via WhatsApp.

Before Ischgl became a risk area, the Bayersoier sports club traveled to the village for a ski trip. Now the participants are rushed via WhatsApp.

  • Abuse and hostility currently determine the local life in Bayersoier.
  • The reason is an ESV trip to Ischgl by bus.
  • A participant who does not come from the community has now been tested positive for the corona virus. The rest are waiting for results.

Bad Bayersoien - The small village on the lake. Idyllic, Bavarian, real. Known in the region as an ice hockey stronghold with a long history. Also the local sports club, the ESV, a lively club with intensive youth care. In Soien you help yourself, you stick together. Always have. But the village peace has gotten out of joint.

The reason is a one-day ski trip with 30 club members to Ischgl, which took place on March 7th. The place that is now suspected in many media to be responsible for corona infections all over Europe. When the skiers returned a week later, the situation took a dramatic turn : through a member of another foreign tour group that was also on the bus, the Soier received the information that a passenger who did not come from Bad Bayersoien was had apparently infected with the virus. That same evening, the ESV informed the Garmisch-Partenkirchen health office, who finally ordered a 14-day quarantine at home for all participants. A test was also arranged for the next day.

Read also : Ischgl mutates into a corona infection focus - and also carries the virus to Germany

Coronavirus in GAP - "The whole thing is getting to the substance"

This news spread like wildfire in the village. In various Whats app groups as well as on social media, there were massive accusations, hostilities and insults, why the group went on a ski trip to Ischgl in these dangerous times. "There are even comments that we brought the plague to Soien," said a participant, who did not want to be named, told the Tagblatt. There is also talk of agitation: “The whole thing is gradually getting to the substance. I would like to state that no one in our group has any health problems or symptoms . Nobody had any contact with the woman either. "

Current information about Corona in the district can be found here


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The ESV chairman, Rupert Haseidl, firmly rejects the serious allegations that he acted carelessly and irresponsibly: “We did inquire very carefully in advance. Ischgl was not a risk area at the time of the trip, it only became so on March 13th. The Austrian authorities have assured us that there is not a single positive case. Otherwise we would not have driven and would have canceled the excursion. ”Haseidl admits that with today's level of knowledge one would of course act differently:“ It is now the way it is. We cannot undo it. This situation is not easy for everyone who was there in Ischgl. ”The ESV boss claims that he did not act negligently. "After we got the green light from Ischgl, we decided to drive." There were some cancellations, due to illness, but none due to Corona.

Coronavirus in GAP: No après-ski in the "Kitzloch" - Still rushing via WhatsApp

Haseidl rates the anonymous allegations on the Internet as "borderline": "Some people should think about when publishing something whether this makes sense. We are all sorry for how things have developed. Nobody could have guessed that. The fact that individuals are now symbolically pointing their fingers at us makes me very thoughtful. ”

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The chairman cannot say at the moment whether someone has been infected by the Ischgl drivers because the test results are not yet available. At the ESV, one would also like to contradict rumors that after the skiing day in the "Kitzloch" bar, the party was still going on, where a bartender has tested positive for the virus. You were in another bar, of which no corona case has been reported.

Rubric list image: © Schauer

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