The Limited Times

【Coronavirus disease. Latest] Cumulative cases exceeded 300 civil servants responded to special work arrangements

3/22/2020, 10:09:20 PM

Over 300 confirmed cases of new type of coronavirus pneumonia in Hong Kong (commonly known as Wuhan pneumonia)! As of 4 pm yesterday (22nd), there were 44 new confirmed cases in Hong Kong, with a total of 317 confirmed cases and 1 suspected case. The government also pointed out that since overseas arrivals were required to undergo compulsory home quarantine since last Thursday, law enforcement departments found that five people had left their homes without authorization, and two of them removed or cut off the monitoring hand strap. All five persons have been intercepted by the police and have been sent to the quarantine centre. Police also found that another 36 people left their homes without authorization and will issue a warrant for them. Chief Executive Lin Zheng Yue'e announced on Saturday (21st) that civil servants will respond to special work arrangements. From today (23th), many government departments will adjust services.

Social News

Written by: Lao Minyi, Yuan Yan, Chen Qianting, Li Enci, Li Fuyuan

2020-03-23 ​​06:00

Last updated: 2020-03-23 ​​06:00

Over 300 confirmed cases of new type of coronavirus pneumonia in Hong Kong (commonly known as Wuhan pneumonia)! As of 4 pm yesterday (22nd), there were 44 new confirmed cases in Hong Kong, with a total of 317 confirmed cases and 1 suspected case.

The government also pointed out that since overseas arrivals were required to undergo compulsory home quarantine since last Thursday, law enforcement departments found that five people had left their homes without authorization, and two of them removed or cut off the monitoring hand strap. All five persons have been intercepted by the police and have been sent to the quarantine centre. Police also found that another 36 people left their homes without authorization and will issue a warrant for them.

Chief Executive Lin Zheng Yue'e announced on Saturday (21st) that civil servants will respond to special work arrangements. From today (23th), many government departments will adjust services.

During the incubation period, a number of confirmed patients went to Lan Kwai Fong for recreation. The area was no longer lively under the haze of the epidemic and became very deserted. (Profile picture / Photo by Luo Junhao)

[03:45] The Macau New Coronavirus Coordination Center stated that a new imported case had increased the number of confirmed cases to 22. The patient was a 44-year-old Macao man who departed from Dublin, Ireland, arrived in Hong Kong via Frankfurt, Germany on March 21, and arrived at the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge Macau Port in the afternoon of March 22 due to a runny nose and other symptoms. Earl's General Hospital is in an emergency department and confirmed after a nucleic acid test.

Overview of yesterday:

The Transport Department, the Leisure and Cultural Services Department and other departments adjust their services weekly to update the government's latest arrangements

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[New crown pneumonia] 36 people illegally left their homes and wanted to be checked by police

【Coronavirus disease. 3.23 epidemic situation] 36 people wanted to quarantine order, 2 people wanted to cut their hands

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[New Crown Pneumonia] Increased medical pressure in confirmed cases

[New Crown Pneumonia] Some students return to Hong Kong from the United States via Taiwan without being asked to quarantine the government, and then follow up

[New Crown Pneumonia] Discovery Bay Wedding Group Increases to 10 People Affected

[New Crown Pneumonia] The father of a medical nurse at Renji Hospital has confirmed that the two had traveled to Turkey.

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[New Crown Pneumonia] Many patients have been to Lan Kwai Fong and a confirmed band musician has performed at several bars

▼ Outbreak of global pandemic in Hong Kong is waiting ▼




New Crown Pneumonia Health Department