The Limited Times

Coronavirus: in Côte d'Ivoire, “social distancing” put to the test of habits and customs

3/22/2020, 6:18:20 PM

REPORTAGE - The narrower and wider family structures than in Europe or Asia, which are therefore quicker to spread the disease, also become a challenge.


On her little stand in the shade of the Saint-Jean market, Marie-Louise, 21, is busy. There is no crowd and a well-stocked stall to sell. The bananas are still firm but the avocados are starting to turn black. Usually there are three. Today she came alone: “My grandmother lost her sister. The whole family gathered for the funeral. I am the one who devoted myself to running the stand, she will be back tomorrow. ” No question, it seems, for this family to remain confined to their homes during this pandemic period. No mask either? "Yes, he is there," reassures the young woman, pointing to a cardboard stored under a stall. "We only have one for all of us, we only wear it once in a while so that it lasts longer."

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If the global panic caused by Covid-19 has not yet seized the minds of many Ivorians, it is because the country has not yet been swept by the deadly virus. Since the announcement of a first patient on March 11, the

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